YOURSAY | 'They are sitting in their high offices not because they are intelligent…'

Yoursay: Like our ministers, we’re a nation of slow learners


When ministers don’t know their words

Anonymous 767061504497195: Well said, former law minister Zaid Ibrahim. I have been watching these ministers making monkeys of themselves, amongst others. Later, of course, they blame the press for misquoting them.

That is why we cannot believe the words of the ministers. Perhaps this is the real reason why they don’t want English-medium schools.

Otherwise, they would be exposed for their lack of knowledge of the language in comparison to a Standard 6 pupil from an English-medium school in Sarawak.

Vgeorgemy: Please forgive us as we are from the generation of slow learners who got into university at the mercy of Umno.

Our legal vocabulary is too minimal to allow us to differentiate the various terms such as “fair comment”, “legal”, “illegal”, “unconstitutional” and “constitutionality”.

We thought if the action of a business firm not allowing an employee to wear the tudung be considered as a violation of the constitution, then the prohibition imposed on the beer festival would also be “unconstitutional”. The same thinking goes in the case of atheism.

It is no longer the quality of the knowledge we have on a particular subject, but the number of degrees or doctorates held by us that determines the position we hold.

Kindly note we are infamous internationally for our cut-and-paste culture (plagiarism) in our academic work, including doctoral theses.

It will take a few generations before we catch up with the quality of knowledge which was prevalent before the 1980s, as slow learners now reign in the sphere of education.

Dont Just Talk: We not only have ‘tin kosong’ (empty can) ministers by the dozens, but also MPs. When they talk, these ‘tin kosong’ ministers and MPs make literate Malaysians blush.

We can also equate them with US President Donald Trump, who brags about his love for groping beautiful women and yet was elected the leader of the greatest country on earth, and who said climate change is not real, and while building his US/Mexican wall, expects Mexico to pay for it.

Legit: Zaid, you are too much! You are expecting gold standard from these ‘coal standard’ ministers that we have. These ministers are sitting in their high offices not because they are intelligent or of high IQ, or of decent and gentlemanly behaviour.

These people are there for exactly the opposite reasons.

In order to be in Prime Minister Najib Razak’s cabinet, you have to just follow orders and toe the line. Najib wants yes men/women who are his lackeys and willing to suck up to him all the time.

They have to not only ignore the crimes and indiscretions the elite and their cronies commit, but also to be their partners.

Any good men and women of such character as you’ve mentioned cannot last in Najib’s cabinet.

Malaysians in general are absolutely ashamed of our so-called leaders, and these lowly characters must be kicked out before this country can progress and redeem its pride and past glory.

Hopelessly: With Umno working hard to lower the entry requirements so that the slow learners can also squeeze into local universities and colleges, it’s only reasonable to expect such a low standard of competence from our ministers, as well as most government officials.

When you give people peanuts, you get monkeys.

Why are 15pct of M’sians skipping meals to make ends meet?

Clever Voter: These assertions are not new. On one extreme, we have MPs driving or being driven in their flashy cars, and at the other end, the number of soup kitchens is increasing.

The increasing number of people reducing food intake is alarming. To address some of these concerns, we should not be giving more handouts, but to allow greater empowerment and opportunities.

It is true the poor remain poor, while rich get richer, and new technology disruption will worsen the inequality.

Changing the government may be of help, but more important, it is to create a better environment where people can be more productive so that their incomes can exceed inflationary costs.

Vgeorgemy: Umno knew it was coming. They can’t hide the truth that it is increasingly difficult for the low-income group to have a decent life in a nation with an abundance of wealth.

If the figure from Amanah Saham Nasional (ASN) is correct, 61 percent of fund unit holders have a combined value of only 0.8 percent of NAV (net annual value).

The nation’s existing wealth is concentrated in the hands of the few political elites and their cronies. The new economy is in the hands of foreign investors or investors using the external entities to avoid asset capturing by the political elites.

This Internet economy is based on electronic platforms and the digital currency, and will be able to operate from anywhere.

Umno leaders are now saying they are the best party to secure afterlife in heaven. The alternative movement must have a definite plan for uplifting the economic power of the population to avoid tension in the country.

Income inequality is a grave concern that would potentially affect peace and security of the nation.

As for the young folks, you have the power to make the change. For want of anything, change the present administration and give yourself a fighting chance.

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