Five ex-ISA detainees awarded RM4mil in damages

Five former Internal Security Act detainees were in 2001 detained unlawfully and in bad faith, the High Court in Kuala Lumpur ruled today.In deciding so, Justice Lau Bee Lan awarded activist Hishamuddin Rais and four…

“Buying PRU13” – The Najib Way

-Charles Santiago, Member of Parliament, Klang. October 1, 2012. Let's see what we have here. Succinctly put a budget which is best described as ‘more of the same’, without new directions in managing the country’s…


   -P. Waythamoorthy, Chair,  Hindraf. WE at HINDRAF are strongly opposed to how the UMNO led government is persecuting Suaram through its media to create an ugly  shadow of anti-nationalism on the part of Suaram.…

Anwar: Budget fails to address cronyism, monopolies

The Budget 2013 offers “small doses” of election goodies and fails to address basic structural problems such as cronyism and monopolies, said Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim.In an immediate reaction to Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s…

LIVE: Budget 2013 speech – salient points

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak is reading his fourth budget speech which is aimed at shoring up support before the 13th general election and rein in the deficit. "Since the last 55 years, Malaysians have…

Youth who ‘insulted Islam’ remanded

J Gopinath, who was alleged to have insulted Islam on his Facebook page, is currently held under remand by the police. “He will be detained till Oct 1 pending investigations. We’ll refer the matter to…

Kula: Bar Zakir Naik from entering Malaysia

Controversial Muslim preacher Zakir Naik from India  is scheduled to come to  Malaysia and expected to address several forums across the country, including in PWTC, from September 28 until Oct 7. DAP Member of Parliament…

Attacks on Malaysiakini, here we go again

-PREMESH CHANDRAN is chief executive officer of Malaysiakini, September 27, 2012. COMMENT The attacks against Malaysiakini signal that the government is getting desperate. For the past week, the mainstream media - TV3, Utusan Malaysia, New…

M’sian Bar: Nothing wrong with foreign funding

The Malaysian Bar does not see anything wrong with foreign funding as long as it complies with the laws, said its president Lim Chee Wee. "Even the Bar receives foreign funding which is earmarked for…

M’sian Aids Council received Soros’ funds

The Malaysian Aids Council (MAC) requires the support of international agencies to complement the HIV/Aids prevention programmes carried out by the Health Ministry. In a statement today, MAC said although the Malaysian government had all…

Umno’s nation of traitors

-S.Thayaparan, September 23, 2012 "Every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under."- HL Mencken COMMENT Apparently by writing for Malaysiakini, I am part of a plot to destabilise the government. Truth be…

Risky racial business in Malaysia

-S.Thayaparan, September 20, 2012. "[O]nce demagogy and falsehoods become routine, there isn't much for the political journalist to do except handicap the race and report on the candidate's mood." - George Packer COMMENT It seemed…

Astro ‘sets price range for RM4.56b IPO’

KUALA LUMPUR: Pay TV firm Astro Malaysia Holdings Bhd has set an indicative price range for its US$1.5 billion listing and lined up 16 cornerstone investors for what could be the country’s third-biggest initial public…

End Harassment against SUARAM: Asian and International Human…

  We, the undersigned national, regional and international human rights organizations express our strongest protest against the Malaysian government’s ongoing harassment of Malaysia’s leading human rights organization, Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) through investigations, public vilification…

Launch of “Stand up for SUARAM” campaign

-Melissa Loovi, September 17, 2012.  We, the undersigned NGOs, wish to invite all Malaysians who support the promotion and protection of basic human rights to join the  campaign which will be launched this Tuesday (18…

Chinese Education: Dong Zong calls for rally at…

Open Letter to the Public “926 Save Chinese Education Campaign” launched by Dong Zong Chinese education in Malaysia has been encountering numerous long-standing unresolved problems. The situation has deteriorated significantly in recent years due to…

Sabah, Sarawak: Overdrawn at the vote bank

-S.Thayaparan, September 16, 2012. "The country was in peril; he was jeopardising his traditional rights of freedom and independence by daring to exercise them." - Joseph Heller (Catch-22) COMMENT The reality is that Umno failed…