பெற்றோர்களுக்குத் தெரியாமல் குழந்தைகள் போலீஸ்காரர்களால் விசாரிக்கப்படுவதில் தவறு ஏதும் இல்லை என்று போலீஸ் படைத் தலைவர் காலிட் அபு பக்கர் கூறியிருந்ததை அவர் மீட்டுக்கொள்ள வேண்டும் என்று வலியுறுத்தப்பட்டுள்ளது.
மனித உரிமைக் கழகமான சுஹாகாமும், வழக்குரைஞர் மன்றமும் இது குறித்து எதிர்மறையான கருத்து தெரிவித்திருப்பதால், காலிட் அவ்வாறு செய்ய வேண்டும் என்று செபூத்தே நாடாளுமன்ற உறுப்பினர் தெரசா கோ இன்று வெளியிட்ட ஓர் அறிக்கையில் கூறியுள்ளார்.
இதன் காரணமாக, ஐஜிபி காலிட் குறைந்தபட்சமாக அவரது அறிக்கையை திரும்பப் பெற்றுக்கொண்டு ஒரு குழந்தையின் உரிமைக்கு மதிப்பு அளித்து அது பாதுகாப்படுவதை உறுதி செய்வதற்காக பின்பற்ற வேண்டிய முறையான விதிமுறைகளை அவர் போலீசாருக்கு அளிக்க வேண்டும் என்று கோ கூறினார்.
“சுஹாகாம் மற்றும் வழக்குரைஞர் மன்றம் ஆகியவற்றின் அறிக்கைகள் நேர்மையற்ற ஒன்றை ஐஜிபி தற்காக்க முடியாது என்பதை மீண்டும் நிருபித்துள்ளன.
“நாட்டின் முதல்நிலை போலீஸ்காரராக இருப்பதால், சட்டங்கள் பற்றிய காலிட்டின் விளக்கம் போலீசார்
பின்பற்ற வேண்டிய விதிமுறையாகவும், உத்தரவாகவும் அமைந்து விடும்”, என்று கோ மேலும் கூறினார்.
ஸ்ரீ பிரிஸ்தான தேசியப்பள்ளி மாணவர்களை அவர்களின் பெற்றோர்கள் உடனில்லாமல் போலீசார் விசாரித்ததை காலிட் கடந்த வியாழக்கிழமை பகிரங்கமாக தற்காத்து பேசினார். மாணவர்கள் விசாரிக்கப்படும் போது பெற்றோர்கள் உடனிருக்க வேண்டும் என்று சட்டம் கூறவில்லை என்று அவர் அதற்குக் காரணம் கூறினார்,
இதற்கு பதில் அளித்த சுஹாகாம் போலீஸ் குழந்தைகள் சட்டம் 2001 ஐ மீறி இருக்கக்கூடும் என்று கூறியது. குற்றவியல் நடைமுறை சட்டத் தொகுப்பின் பிரிவுகள் போலீசாரிடம் வாக்குமூலம் அளிக்கையில் குழந்தையின் பாதுகாப்பாளர் உடனிருக்க வேண்டும் என்பதை உள்ளடக்கியுள்ளது என்று வழக்குரைஞர் மன்றம் விளக்கம் அளித்துள்ளது.
ஐ ஜி பி -இவனெல்லாம் அம்னோ கைகூலிகள்.- யார் எது சொன்னாலும் அக்கறை இல்லை— நியாயம் நீதி பற்றி கவலை இல்லை. காரணம் வேண்டியதெல்லாம் கிடைக்கும் பொது என்ன கவலை. இவனைப்பற்றி பேசுவதே பாவம்.
இந்தியர்கள் என்றால் கிள்ளுகிரையாகி விட்டது இந்த அரசாங்கத்திற்கு . எதற்கு யாரை கேள்வி கேட்பது என்ற விவஸ்தை இல்லாமல் போய்கொண்டு இருக்கிறது . இடை நிலை பள்ளியில் ஆசிரியர்க்கு கோபம் வந்தால் இந்திய மாணவர்களே பெரும்பாலும் பலியகின்றனர். 14 வயது மாணவனுக்கு கை விலங்கு போட்டு அழைத்து செல்லும் அவலம் .வேலை இடங்களிலும் திறமை இருந்தும் இனத்தின் பெயரால் சிறுமைபடுத்தபடுகின்றனர் . இன்னும் பல நிலைகளில் இந்தியர்கள் பந்தாட படுகின்றனர் . இதற்கு முற்று புள்ளி வைக்க MIC க்கு திறமை இல்லை .
இவனுக்கே சட்டம் தெரியலே …
நாங்கள் யார் கூறுவதையும் கேட்பதில்லை; எங்கள் எஜமானர்கள் கூறுவததைத் தவிர..! சும்மா ஏன் வீணே புளம்பிக்கிட்டு…
முறையாக படித்து காவல் துறைக்கு வந்தால்தானே சட்டம் தெரியும் எவனெல்லாம் கோபி காசு குடுத்து வந்த பிக்காளி தானே!!!!!
இவனெல்லாம் அம்னோ எஜமான்களின் காலை பிடித்துகொண்டு
அம்னோ வாக்கு தெய்வ வாக்கு என்று செயல் படுகிறான்கள் இவர்களுக்கு ஏது சட்டம் .
ஐ ஜி பி அவர்களே , உங்கள் கூற்றுபடியே வைத்துக்கொள்வோம். போலிசுக்கு எல்லா அதிகாரமும் உண்டு. உங்கள் கடமையை செய்கிறீர்கள் . இப்படிபட்ட வீம்பினாலேயே பொது மக்களுக்கும் – போலீசுக்கும் விரிசல் ஏற்படுகிறது. இப்படிபட்ட ஆணவ பேச்சாலேயே மக்கள் உங்களைகண்டால் ஒதுங்கி போகிறார்கள் . இடம் பொருள் ஏவல் ( நிச்சயமா உனக்கு தெரிய வாய்ப்பில்லை ) என்பதுபோல் , யாரிடம் எப்படி நடந்து கொள்வது , மக்களின் மனதை எப்படி கவர்வது போன்ற பண்புகளை கையாண்டு , உங்கள் கடமையை – கைகோர்த்து செத்தால் இரு தரப்பிற்கும் நன்மை பயற்கும் அல்லவா ? “போலிஸ் காரன் உங்கள் நண்பன் ” இதை நீங்கள் சொல்லிக்கொண்டு திரிவதால் பயனில்லை , அப்படி நடந்துகொள்ள முயற்சியாவது செய்யலாமே ! ஆணவத்தால் அழிந்தர்வர்கள் தான் அதிகம் ! இன்னும் சொன்னால் பல நாடுகள் அழிந்ததே ஆணவத்தால் தான் !!
transformation in The Devil Wears Prada, has shaped a new silver screen stylista Rebecca Bloomwood.Played by Isla Fisher in this year's most anticipated big screen fashion event, Confessions of a Shopaholic, Bloomwood takes a dash of Carrie, a high dose of designer togs, and plenty of colour, for her eclectic label lover's look, which Field reveals was inspired by 'very harajuku' style. Speaking to , Field described her latest clothes horse muse, 'This character just shopped her life away. Her wardrobe was massive. Her room was filled with racks and accessories all over the place, and it was like she lived in her closet.' And while Carrie was all about the vintage-cum-designer mismatch, for Rebecca accessories are key, a style that Field describes as particularly appropriate for the current financial climate.'Don't buy clothes, buy accessories,' she advises. 'Accessories in general are what really create your look, more so than your clothing. You tell a story with accessories.'Clear your diary for 20 February now, as Confessions opens in the UK that day. We can't wait!Women who work under a female boss are more stressed out than if their manager is male, say university researchers.According to research, working for a 'Queen Bee' – think Miranda Priestly in The Devil Wears Prada – means women are more likely to suffer from depression, insomnia, headaches and heartburn than if their boss is a man.Researchers in Canada analysed the working lives of 1,800 American women and believe that many women object to working alongside competitors of the same sex, leading them to the dub the situation Queen Bee Syndrome.The stress levels of volunteers were compared in three different situations: working for a male boss, working for a female boss and working for both. The findings revealed that women who work solely for a female manager are more stressed that those who work exclusively for a male boss.Stresses included trouble sleeping, problems focusing on work, depression and anxiety as well as headaches, back pain and fatigue.Study author Scott Schieman believes the causes may be down to traditional stereotypes as it is more 'normal' for men to be leaders and exhibit management qualities. Schieman explains that while women might expect a male manager to be demanding, they don't anticipate the same behaviour from women.Schieman also explained that it may be the type of work that women do that influences these stresses. He describes: 'For example, women working with a woman supervisor might tend to be found mostly in the caring sector or in jobs that tend to be under-resourced, under-funded and under-valued, such as social work or education, creating stress both for the workers themselves and stress for the boss that might trickle down to her subordinates.'He concluded that further research is required, however, before concrete conclusions can be drawn. Senior Fashion Editor and fellow Brit girl, Zanna Roberts, gives us the inside track on hot new US reality TV show, Running In Heels, which follows the highs and lows of the glamorous life working at US Marie Claire magazine. How did it feel to have your life invaded by the cameras for four months?At first everyone thought, ‘Lordy this is for real’ and we were being very safe minding our p’s and q’s, and feeling acutely aware we were being followed around. After a week we were f-ing and blinding and forgot about the cameras. Were there any excruciating moments?There was one when I was going to do a shoot in Mexico the next day and I’d had three hours sleep and the camera crew were asking me all these questions and I became really emotional, blurting out ‘I’ve had three hours sleep, I’ve got a shoot tomorrow, I can’t do this, it’s too much!’ Can we expect a fly-on-the-wall fashion documentary or is it heightened reality like The Hills?I think it’s very true actually. It shows the ups, the downs. It’s obviously edited because it would be very boring if it wasn’t but it’s a true reflection. We didn’t have any lines – but I wish at some points we had!How close is it to The Devil Wears Prada?Joanna Coles [editor-in-chief] is very down to earth, she’s firm but fair, but she’s definitely not a Meryl Streep character. On the other hand, our interns are very Anne Hathaway. They have to work like dogs and I think some of them think it’s going to be a little paid holiday. Did you feel pressurised to up the style stakes?The first week we were wanted our hair and make-up done and were always in heels, but by week two, things were getting a bit shabbier and by week three my hair was tied up, I had no make-up on and the glamour factor definitely went downhill. You’ve worked on both UK and US versions of Marie Claire, how do things compare?Everything’s bigger in New York, it’s like the city is on steroids. The work force is bigger, the stress levels are higher and in a fashion sense, you’ve got to push it up a gear. I’ve also learnt that British self-deprecation doesn’t get you far – the bumbling Hugh Grant thing doesn’t work Stateside, so I’m learning to not hide your light under a bushel, no one appreciates it. Why do you think you were chosen to appear on the show?I didn’t actually know I had been until two weeks before we started filming! I think it’s because I’m the only in-house stylist. I do the covers and the fashion shoots and that’s what people are very much intrigued by. And finally, how’s the show been received in America?Really well. We haven’t had any stalkers yet but a few people have come up to us and said: ‘You’re that girl from that show’. Running In Heels airs on The Style Network on Monday 7 April at 10pm Editor-in-Chief and the most powerful person in fashion, , has a new documentary based on her and the behind the scenes work that goes into producing the biggest issue of the year, the September issue. The first of the documentary, appropriately titled “,” has finally premiered and it looks hilarious.There’s no denying that there are incredible similarities between the documentary and “The Devil Wear Prada.” Wintour’s icy glare and snippy comments strike fear into those surrounding her, seen in the preview by the fumbling employees who strive ever so earnestly to impress her. My favorite part of the video is when the guy in the car compares Wintour to Madonna. How gay of a comparison is that?The documentary looks like it will shine a light into the whirlwind life of the fashion industry. I must say, Anna looks quite fabulous for her age and is as sharp and witty as ever. This is definitely a must see. Check out the preview !It seems that British bombshell has , something that should really come as little surprise to no one. Sure we were unaware the couple was even dating, but as long as there have been models there have been actors for them to marry.Let’s take a look at the five hottest pairings.Cindy Crawford and Richard GereThese two may have been the first truly major model and actor couple, even . They also once infamously took out a one page ad in The Times of London to say they were not getting a divorce despite rumors to the contrary. Sadly their love did not last and Cindy went on to marry Rande Gerber and Richard actress Carey Lowell.Christy Turlington and Ed BurnsThis stunning supermodel dated actor Jason Patric for most of the nineties, but in 2003 wed filmmaker Burns. The happy couple now has three children, and although Turlington does still do the occasional ad, and still looks incredible at 43, she spends most of her time dedicated to .Gabriel Aubry and Halle BerryEven male models go for the actors, like Gabriel and Halle. Sadly this and now the couple has been at war over custody of their daughter Nahla. Why do pretty people have to fight?Lara Stone and David WallaimsMs. Stone, considered by many to be the, tied the know with British funnyman Walliams, who is famous for the series Little Britain. The two now live a life of domestic bliss according to Stone’s Twitter, with lots of cooking and hanging around the house — things we would never expect of a model.Gisele Bundchen and Tom BradyHey, he did an episode of SNL so it counts. Also, .All photos Getty ImagesOfficially, , but its one we love. Since Sydney was such a huge part of the last one, we’re dreaming about which harbors would suit Nemo best for a call-me-maybe-possible sequel. Like, as directed by John Waters in Baltimore Harbor. Or an animated, underwater Devil Wears Prada remake. You see where we’re going with this…so have fun, leave a comment about where you’d like to see Nemo 2, um, filmed… and cross your fingers that Hollywood is listening!1—New York HarborYes, The Devil Wears Prada needs an underwater cartoon version starring Dori.2—San Francisco BayIts about time little Nemo discovered the Folsom StreetFish Fair, medical marijuana and vegan fish food.3—Mumbai Harbor, IndiaWait…there’s never been an animated, aquatic Bollywood film. Has there?4—Guanabara Bay, Rio de JaneroBecause watching Dori and Marlon look for their clown-fish kid inside the Bottom of the Sea Carnival could be fun to watch for two hours.5—Baltimore HarborJohn Waters is still alive and has yet to conquer the cartoon.6—Victoria Harbor, Hong KongA school of fish is, like sooooo Communist (that’s sarcasm by the way). And even though Hong Kong remains otherwise, its close enough to China to warrant some good ol’ fashioned, fishy, Hollywood red-baiting action-suspense-thriller.7—Los Angeles HarbourThose fishy queens’ll cut a country-fresh fish before they let her become a starfish! The drama!8—Puerta Vallarta Harbor, MexicoAn animated fish taco would really upset some people. In a fun way.9—Bangkok Harbor, ThailandBecause sometimes little boy fish wish they were little girl fish.Beyond the clothes and shoes and bags and ‘dos of the spring collections this past month, one thing became very, very evident — American models are having a moment.This may not seem so novel, there has never been a shortage of American models, and ones who are household names at that. But since the birth of the modern modelling era in the 1970s, there has seldom been a large influx of American beauties snagging spots on the big runways and all the major editorials and ad campaigns.The last time we saw this was roughly ten years ago in the early aughts when the” It girls” of the late ’90s and new American faces all seemed to thrive over a four year period.Erin Wasson, Frankie and Missy Rayder, Bridget Hall, Maggie Rizer, James (now Jaime) King, Angela Lindvall, Carolyn Murphy, Amber Valletta, Guinevere van Seenus, Amanda Moore, Jessica Miller … just a few of the American beauties who could be seen in every magazine, fronting every campaign and on every runway.What’s more, Wasson, Lindvall and both Rayders are still thriving. 36-year-old Frankie lent her picture perfect face to both the Alexander Wang and Givenchy shows this season, blending in seamlessly with models who were literally almost half her age. Wasson, 29, also popped up at Givenchy and Michael Kors and Missy, 33, turned out to support pal Giles Deacon and his eponymous line.This is not to discredit American supers like Christy Turlington, Stephanie Seymour and Cindy Crawford, but these girls were more a part of an international crew that included Linda, Claudia, Naomi, Tatjana, Nadja, Helena and later on Kate. It must also be noted that these ladies, most now in their early forties, are also still scoring some very major, and some season’s every major, campaigns.Cut to now and there is an almost endless rooster of established American girls like Heidi Mount, Arizona Muse, Sessilee Lopez, Jacquelyn Jablonski, Lindsey Wixson (a vet at 17), Britt Maren, Chanel Iman, Ruby and Lily Aldridge and Hilary Rhoda being joined by some very, very strong newcomers.Arizona native Kelly Mittendorf, 17, managed to score perhaps the most amazing debut gig ever. While the all coveted Prada exclusive has always been the ultimate in the industry, Mittendorf decided to just skip over that and book the campaign for Fall 2011. Did we mention she had yet to walk a runway at that point?Maria Bradley meanwhile scored an exclusive for a little line called Balenciaga this past season. That in addition to stopping by Versace (another exclusive), Alexander Wang (she opened), Tommy Hilfiger and Proenza Schouler. Not bad for a 17-year-old kid from Kansas.And there is more national pride to be had in the form of 16-year-old wonders Josilyn Williams and Court (just “Court,” like Cher), 17-year-old free spirit and pink coiffed Charlotte Free and Long Island gal Allaire Heisig, another old soul at 17, who closed the fall Marc by Marc show, scored a spot at the Valentino couture show this past July and found herself in the pages of the September issue of Italian Vogue – without the aid of being the victor on a CW program. Not bad work if you can get it. And balance it with your high school schedule as well of course.But we saved the best for last. Britain has Kate and Naomi, Canada Linda and Daria and Brazil Gisele and Raquel. At this point the two American names that come to mind for most are Christy and Cindy, stunning beauties both but 20 years removed from the height of their fame. Enter Karlie.19-year-old Karlie Kloss has everything going for her. Debuting as a Calvin Klein exclusive at the very tender, and now outlawed, age of 15, Kloss has managed to somehow become more and more gorgeous with age. So gorgeous that it sometimes seems when flipping through the pages of industry bible Vogue that the the almighty Anna Wintour has forgotten there are in fact other models with editorial availability.The problem is, no other model can do what Kloss can do. She can be the All-American girl at one second, a seductive sultress the next and even, despite her just having graduated from high school, the urban working woman to close things out. It would be easier to list a mood or persona this teen can’t nail down rather than run through how pitch perfect she is in absolutely everything she does.Editorial not enough? Let’s take a look at her walk. Kloss has one of, if not the, best runway walks ever. A testament perhaps to her years of ballet, when Kloss catwalks in a designer’s wears stylists want to snag it, creative directors want to shoot it and, best of all, every woman, and no doubt some men, want to find a way to buy it in hopes they too might look like the leggy beauty. It’s no wonder Kloss tends to only hold two slots in most every runway show she does – open or close.And there’s more! Have you ever seen an interview with Kloss? Modelling is an incredibly, incredibly difficult world, even more so for a girl of 15 to enter. Kloss however is the most pleasant, cordial and unpretentious girl in the business. A huge credit no doubt to her parents, but an even bigger credit to a girl who had booked campaigns for Christian Dior, Marc Jacobs, Chloe, Oscar de la Renta and a feature article, yes article, in Vogue before she turned 18. That is the kind of resume that allows one to play darts with a BlackBerry and their assistant’s head should they so desire.Kloss, much like the original ppa seems to be well on her way to forming her own international posse as well, like her idol Christy, with pals Toni Garn, Frida Gustavsson and best bud Jourdan Dunn filling out the crew. What’s more, her debut on another coveted catwalk seems almost guaranteed later this year as, now no longer a minor, Kloss will surely be tossing on a pair of wings for a certain lingerie company that another pal, Iman, joined last year.So keep an eye on all the American gals kids, and Kloss specifically. The girl managed to move beyond even fashion mags this September when Life made her one of just a handful of models to have ever graced their cover, joining the ranks of the iconic Veruschka, Suzy Parker and Naomi Sims.So all that is missing now is her music video debut. Think George Michael is up for a “Freedom ’11?”While you were microwaving popcorn for the VMAs and lining up shots for every time Obama says “hope” during his DNC speech, that Amy Poehler and Will Arnett, the first couple of comedy, have separated after nine years of marriage. A source told US Weekly that the split is “amicable,” which is totally believable for these two, but still, the comedy world mourns. As TV critic Tara Ariano on her Twitter, should have prepared us for the breakup last week.Just a sampling of the headlines on this news so far: (Vulture) (Vh1)(Gawker)Yeah, it kind of feels like that right now. Expect a flood of those creepy but oddly emotionally manipulative fan-made YouTube breakup montages in the next few days.Anne Hathway’s taking it over the rainbow. Good luck, Honey!In a few short years, ‘s already established herself as a blossoming gay icon. She got her start playing princesses (like we all do, in our minds), then broke out big-time sparring with a legendary movie diva in a movie filled with fashion, attitude and drama about “finding yourself” (The Devil Wears Prada), then she even scored an Oscar nomination playing a addict struggling to find redemption (Rachel Getting Married). </p.Along the way, Anne’s graced the cover of Out Magazine, gushed about how awesome her gay brother’s wedding was, and even starred in the most gay-beloved and truly important gay-themed film of the last decade, Brokeback Mountain. She even sang and danced with studly Hugh Jackman onstage at the Oscars. Get it? She’s already a gay icon…But now she’s bringing out the big guns. to play the mother of all gay icons (literally and figuratively), . Yep, Hathaway is going to star in the film version of “Get Happy,” Gerald Clarke’s biography of the screen legend and history’s greatest tragic homo icon. As if that weren’t enough, of the project is in the works, too. Um, wow. Can we just go ahead and give her the Oscar? And the key to gay-land? And our undying devotion?Anne gets her song and dance on with Hugh Jackman (who played Garland’s son-in-law in “The Boy from Oz,” coincidentally). Er, when’s THAT movie coming out?Are there hazards to this role for Hathaway? Sure… The biggest (to paraphrase RuPaul) is just to not “f*ck it up.” Zillions of Garland devotees will be watching the entire process as this film gets made. Right now, no writer/director is attached to the project yet, but this sounds like one that would command Hollywood’s finest.Another odd hurdle? Height! Hathaway is a statuesque 5’8″. Garland was a wee 5′. But hey, it’s Hollywood… That’s what CGI is for.Another big question: onscreen herself (a la Sissy Spacek in Coal Miner’s Daughter). If she can pull it off, the Oscar’s really all hers. Or will she lipsynch to Garland’s legendary recordings. That’s one’s uber-touchy.Good luck, Anne. If you thought Runway‘s Miranda Priestly was a tough critic, wait until every queen in the universe (especially those 40+) get wind of this.Amelie Mauresmo shows off her new china at the Wimbledon Champions Dinner. The French lesbian bested Justine Henin-Hardenne to take the title on Saturday. Yay! And has a good analysis of ., as several gay couples see their lawsuits for the right to marry come before the California State Court of Appeal. Let’s hope this fares better than New York’s gay marriage hearings last week.Also in Cali, . This could get interesting…Gay teens in London are picking out corsages for the . Did you love The Devil Wears Prada? Want a big gay mentor? It just so happens that Send in those resumes, now! “We’re sure a million young gays would kill for that job…”Do you have a hundred thousand dollars lying around along with a straight off the runway, not yet in stores dress that’s been sitting in your closet? Well then get on the phone with the Costume Institute and get your ticket now for next year’s Met Ball on May 7.The annual event, hosted by Vogue, will be chaired by Anna Wintour (as always), Carey Mulligan and Miuccia Prada this time around. The focus will be the designs of two iconic Italian designers, Prada and Elsa Schiaparelli.Wintour has long been a huge, huge fan of Prada and outfits herself almost daily with one of the designer’s looks. She even managed to snag a skirt from the Prada Spring 2012 runway just days after the show.The creative consultant for the evening will be Baz Luhrmann, which makes sense as he is directing Mulligan in The Great Gatsby, which will be released next year.Interestingly, at just 26-years-old, Mulligan may be one of the, if not the, youngest hosts ever.The guest list, as always, will include every single attractive actress and model in the world.So get your ticket and vintage Schiaparelli now so you can party with Anna. And can we PLEASE be your plus one?Confirmed: Next Year’s Met Costume Institute Exhibit Will Be ‘Elsa Schiaparelli and Miuccia Prada: On Fashion’ [ via ]Carey Mulligan is adorable. Carey Mulligan is phenomenally talented. Carey Mulligan is affable. And, because of all these things, Carey Mulligan is now starring in every f**king movie in production. Not that we’re complaining.It was just announced that Carey Mulligan, 26, would be starring in the Coen Brothers new flick, Llewyn Davis, opposite Oscar Isaac. And after that she is likely going to be starring in Spike Jonze’s new film opposite Joaquin Phoenix and written by Charlie Kaufman. And after that she will be starring for the world’s greatest and most feared director ever when she alongside Anna Wintour.Then of course there is The Great Gatsby, which our gal Carey is currently filming with Leonardo DiCaprio, Tobey Maguire and director Baz Luhrmann in Australia. And her soon to be seen role in Shame, starring and directed by Steve McQueen. Oh and we cannot forget Drive, in theaters now, which has Carey acting opposite Ryan Gosling for Cannes Film Festival Best Director winner Nicolas Winding Refn.She also just came off a three-month run of the play Through A Glass Darkly in New York City. A small play written by some guy named Ingmar Bergman.At this rate Mulligan’s dream directors will be the ghosts of Kurosowa and Fellini by the time she hits 28.Hilary Swank in Charlize Theron in – scribegrrrl from Via , I came across a list of the "." It recognizes some truly stunning instances of shape-shifting in the service of art, including these:But, as usual, the list was mostly male-oriented. So here are some cinematic chameleons of the female variety. I’m including TV as well as film, and some of these are really evolutions over the span of a career, rather than transformations for a specific roles. But hairdos, makeup, wardrobe and weight changes have definitely helped these actresses play their parts. Here they are in no particular order. 1. Chloe Sevigny, vs. Big Love From breathtaking butch to what-is-that-hair-about housewife. I much prefer her on her bike.2. Leisha Hailey, vs. I fell in love with her pink hair and adorable face. I’m still swooning, but she’s sizzlingly sexy now, rather than cute — I can’t really see her as that quirky kid in the guitar store.3. Nicole Kidman, The Others vs. The Hours Two haunting characters with two contrasting honkers. Actually, what impressed me even more than her proboscis in The Hours was the way she carried herself — stiffly, but also with submerged energy, as if her frame were straining to contain all those weighty Woolfian words.4. Toni Collette, Muriel’s Wedding vs. everything else since then I love her in any shape, size or accent.5. Laurel Holloman, vs. I miss cute little chivalrous Randy Dean. I also miss pre-breakup Tina, but maybe she’ll be back next season.6. Frances McDormand, Fargo vs. From "funny is sexy" to "sexy is sexy" with the doffing of an earflap cap. Oh, and a baby and an ear-melting, side-splitting accent. 7. Meryl Streep, Manhattan vs. The Devil Wears PradaThis is what you call aging very, very well. It’s all about the hair — or is it all about the pursed lips? 8. Julie Andrews, Mary Poppins vs. Victor/VictoriaI love her in any role too. But she was so dashing when she played a man playing a woman. More like Victor/Victori-yum! Who has made you do a double take? This list is only a start, and we have Chloe Sevigny to thank for that — when I see her in butch mode, my brain surrenders to much baser instincts and I’m useless for at least a day.Ah, Danish design. Not only do they know how to design furniture that can cause convulsions of excitement to any Chelsea queen, but the good Lord designed the Danes themselves to be the most attractive bunch in Europe. That fair skin, those cheekbones and their skyscraper height cause many a foreigner to swoon. Beyond design, however, Denmark is a gay paradise. Copenhagen, the capital, is a quaint but bustling little metropolis chocked full of romantic bars, restaurants and hotels. And as for gay friendliness, they have been proud of the pink since 1948 when The National Association for Gays and Lesbians (LBL) was founded as the first of its kind. Other reasons to heart Denmark include their 1989 landmark as the first country in the world to recognize marriage between two persons of the same sex. And in 1999, it became possible for married gays to adopt the infants of their partners. What’s not to like?They may be liberal but the Danes can seem a tad reserved as well. Let’s just say they are more Prada, less Versace if you know what I mean. This is actually a wonderful trait that ranks Denmark as one of the most low key tourist destinations. No screaming Italians or loud drunk English in sight! Danes tend to keep to themselves, that is until 5am at a bar when they are drunk and grinding you from behind, eager for a Copenhagen canoodle-fest. This all stems from a rule of etiquette called the Jante Law: Don’t think you are anything or any more than us, i.e. don’t be flaunting your logo mania in my face bitch! Once you pick up on this vibe, you realize it is a quite cozy way of living. Speaking of cozy, it is the Dane’s favorite word, (hygge). Because of this they light candles at breakfast, love thick warm scarves and are especially good at snuggling. Liz Taylor hits The Abbey in L.A. Again! – Is Adele’s song “Chasing Pavements” too gay for U.S. airplay? Huh? Something can be too gay? — Steven Soderbergh is gonna make a biopic about Liberace? Yay! Sequins! Candlelabras! But it’ll star Michael Douglas as the icon. Er… Huh? – Marc Jacobs and his strapping man-pony got kissy at Pastis in NYC this morning. Um, you guys gonna finish those fries? – A new Antony and the Johnsons song. Brought to you by Prada!!! Er, this is runway music? – VH1 has been hyping the crap out of their new Sharon-Osbourne hosted redux of Charm School, featuring the Rock of Love slags. Is it worth watching without Mo’Nique? Decide for yourself. – Good pre-Broadway word on the 9 to 5 musical!!! Yay! As if we ever doubted Dolly… – Finally, some hot new DJ Earworm mash-ups for your weekend, via Arjan. Want some Lady Gaga with your Mary J., New Order and Queen? Yes you do! – Paula Abdul won’t perform her awful new single at the Super Bowl, but don’t think we’re off the hook; they’ll show a taped performance.- Along with Daniel Edwards’ golden Oprah sarcophagus, Radar commissioned artists to make Oprah Cereal and an Oprah comforter. – Queer singer Jamie Stewart of Xiu Xiu will write a personal haiku for 234 people. – The American Idol judges liked an openly-gay contestant from Iowa – After serving as a guest judge, Sarah Jessica Parker pitched a reality show for artists to Project Runway producers. – Since we can always use more, Tyra Banks will produce a fashion-industry competition show a la The Devil Wears Prada. – Ed Westwick got his fashion wings this weekend, when he walked in designer Philipp Plein’s menswear show. Westwick is the current face of Plein’s label — here he is suckling at the teat of a lady model, while creeptastic Terry Richardson looks on:This isn’t Westwick’s first go ’round the fashion folk — he’s also modeled for K-Swiss shoes and Filipino label Plenshoppe — but it’s his first runway venture.Here he is, all suited up while Plein opts to let his chest breathe. Nice dirt-stache, Westwick!Here, Westwick gives his best “Blue Steel.” As someone who’s stood slightly near him before, I wonder if his relative shortness caused a problem for Plein. No matter, when you’ve got Chuck Bass’s face, people tend to work things out for you.Speaking of good ol’ Chucky B., doesn’t Westwick’s face — snarling and slightly bored at the press conference for Plein — look deliciously Bassian?Westwick is hardly the only male actor to add “model” to his CV. Below, Adrien Brody, Emile Hirsch, Jamie Bell, Garret Hedlund, Willem Dafoe and Gary Oldman walk in the Fall/Winter 2012 Prada show.All photos courtesy Getty ImagesAND… One more little preview of tonight’s show. This one was a quickie that Jujubee and I shot in the alley behind the venue of the . Yep, we’re classy like that.Like I’ve said before, join us at 9:30pm on Logo, or just right here at NewNowNext.com to catch all of the stylish pre-show fashion stuff, or for the big show at 10pm ET. Here’s a few fashion teasers for ya right here to get you primed…Ongina arrives for the show. Let the glamour begin!!!After the jump see pics, and see if you can guess who’s wearing what for the QUIZ pics! Answers at the very bottom!!!I liiiiive for this shot of Jessica Clark — who won last year’s “Cause You’re Hot” award and who co-hosts this year’s Red Carpet pre-show with MikeDiamond… Girl knows how to work a breeze!QUIZ QUESTION 1: Can you guess who’s rocking these brutally hot shoes. Spiky, but very ladylike…QUIZ QUESTION 2: Guess which of your red-carpet pre-show cohosts rocked this spangly necktie option. How many South African villagers died for this trinket, eh?Nice belt bling!!!!! QUIZ QUESTION 3: Guess which outlandish OMFG Internet Award nominee delivered this subtle bit of flair.QUIZ QUESTION 4: Can you guess with RuPaul’s Drag Race diva rolled in toting this furry fierce Prada luggage? Hint: She served you Viva Glam in Season 1!QUIZ QUESTION 5: Can you name this fab comic — seen on Ugly Betty — who rocked some gay couture schoolboy realness on the carpet?QUIZ QUESTION 6: Can you tell which Drag Race glamazon is serving us these hot legs? Halleloooo!QUIZ QUESTION 7: And which Drag Race superstar rocked these big fake rubber boobs on the runway? Huh? Tell me that!!!!QUIZ QUESTION 8: So, what flamboyant Olympian is being extra-good and serving us these shiny pink flats?And finally… No question here. Just a legendary shot of Janice Dickinson and Tammie Brown, two genius kindred spirits unleashing a whole thermos full of krraaazzzzzyyy on the NNN Awards suckers. Well done, ladies!!!!Tune in tonight for the big show. Right here starting at 9:30pm.And now, the quiz answers:1. Jessica Clark2. Mike Diamond (And no S. Africans died for this bling, people; it ain’t real!)3. Hunter of Hunter & Jessica4. Ongina5. Alec Mapa6. Shangela7. Tyra8. Johnny Weir Jeremy Piven better not disappoint Anna Wintour as host. She’s in competition mode now.I think I have some sort of Devil Wears Prada fantasy complex, as I always eat up any sort of hard evidence that really is a hugely controlling, rampaging, scary dragon lady – to make me feel I know it first-hand, I guess, which I definitely don’t.So I started scrounging when Conde Nast for their fourth-annual Fashion Rocks event. On the list are host Jeremy Piven, along with performances by Fergie, J.Lo, Aerosmith, Carrie Underwood, Jennifer Hudson, Fallout Boy and Avril Lavigne, among a few others. I’m impressed!What is Fashion Rocks anyway? And yes! There is Anna gossip…after the jump! Fergie and J.Lo will both be performing at Fashion Rocks. Would Anna approve of Fergie’s high-waisted ways, though?So Fashion Rocks is the unofficial kickoff of New York Fashion Week, and it’s supposed to celebrate fashion’s relationship to music, a relationship I wasn’t really aware of, but that’s cool. Fashion Rocks is also a Conde Nast magazine supplement (I remember a Dreamgirls-skinny Beyonce with Jamie Foxx on the last cover), and Ms. Anna is in charge of it.New to this year’s event is , a fashion production company, that will present different fashion segments between musical numbers.And as far as gossip goes, I read that Anna and rival (OK, not really rival) Conde Nast editor Graydon Carter (he’s the head guy for Vanity Fair) are totally competing now! Graydon’s a part of the first-annual Movie Rocks event, which celebrates the relationship between fashion and movies. Graydon will be doing a Movie Rocks magazine supplement as well.Fashion Rocks will be in September and Movie Rocks will be in December, and they’re both airing on CBS, and apparently both editors are hauling ass to "snatch up available talent" first. This new lineup makes me think Anna’s a hard woman to beat.There are worse work trips to take than San Francisco in June. I was in town for the 33rd Annual Frameline Film Festival, San Francisco’s international LGBT film festival, and the largest and longest-running festival of its kind in the world. The festival is held annually over the two weeks leading up to Pride, which in San Francisco as in New York is celebrated on the last Sunday in June. June is a very, very nice time to be in San Francisco. The weather, which was sunny, clear, and reminiscent of some luscious tropical island, inspired the urge to run around outside and see lots of things. It’s hard to find down time to explore the city when there are so many good films showing at the festival. Fortunately, over a week’s time I was able to squeeze in a little of both, and in the process got to know the character of four distinct neighborhoods.The EmbarcaderoFoodies looking to retreat to a quiet corner of the bustling downtown area should head for the downtown waterfront on the Embarcadero. You could probably eat three meals a day for a week in the before you started to consider there might actually be other places in the city to check out. The Ferry Building Marketplace is the neighborhood’s foodie hub; a light airy space containing numerous gourmet specialty shops, cafés, and restaurants. About ten years ago I came across a recipe for one of the easiest, tastiest and quickest dishes I know. To this day I’ve made it countless times for friends who are always impressed at how delicious and unique it is. I knew it was from a restaurant called ; imagine my surprise when I found The Slanted Door in the Ferry Building. I stopped at one of their outdoor tables on the bay for lunch and had a terrific meal of Slanted Door spring rolls followed by Rice Noodle Stir Fry. Subsequent trips to the Ferry Building (and there were many) brought me to the where the sourdough cheese roll offers a luscious fusion of tangy dough and cheddar, and the ham and cheese turnover is a buttery, flaky treat. offers authentic flavorful Mexican food; there’s nothing like fresh spicy tacos consumed while sitting outside just on the edge of the bay. Don’t miss the gelato from , but be prepared to choose between more flavors one might think were possible. If it helps I loved the chocolate hazelnut best.All through the summer the crowds at the Ferry Building swell Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays for the . The Market’s self-described tagline, “sustainable street food meets the best local produce,” is an apt description. Some of the areas best chefs turn out excellent dishes on street carts, made from local ingredients which can also be bought at the market food stands. There’s also a fun selection of arts and crafts from local merchants.If you want daily access to this culinary wonderland, and the many great restaurants located on “restaurant row” across the street, check into the , one of several Kimpton Hotel properties in San Francisco, and one of the only hotels perched directly on the bay. Kimpton Hotels are always a good deal and super gay-friendly, and this particular location boasts a stunning view starring the Bay Bridge. At $109-$309 per night, it’s affordable upscale lodging in 31 cozy, well-designed rooms. Harbor Court offers essential modern amenities like Aveda products, iPod dock, and free internet access for guests who choose to sign up for their loyalty program. It’s refreshing to see that Kimpton wears its rainbow proudly; everyone who signs up for the loyalty program is asked if they want to receive the LGBT newsletter, and Kimpton offers special promotions for stays during Pride. Court Hotel is connected to the in the same building and offers five floors of yoga, weights, cardio machines, a swimming pool, and a full size basketball court.If that’s not enough to work off all that food, the bay waterfront provides a scenic backdrop against which you can stroll, jog, bike or blade from the Ferry Building all the way to the Golden Gate Bridge. Along this scenic route you’ll pass the departure points for numerous boat tours and cruises, the famously touristy area, as well as several marinas, parks, and even a small sandy beach. If you’re feeling particularly ambitious continue your route across the Golden Gate and check out Marin County’s spectacular view of the city. Union SquareShopaholics may want to stay closer to the shopping action around the nearby Union Square area, which offers the full spectrum of national retail stores from North Face to Prada. Here you can find all the usual suspects in good-looking apparel (Banana Republic, Zara, Levi’s, etc), as well as the higher end names (Coach, Armani, Gucci, Chanel), in a bustling downtown setting. Those in need of cozy bed and a nearby shopping bag repository should check into the , another Kimpton property that’s located on the doorstep of Chinatown and central to everything in the downtown area. Offering all the same amenities, gay-friendly service, and inimitable style as its sister locations, the Triton is a more laid-back and spirited, occupying a unique place at the intersection of the space where art geek meets rock & roll chic. Not sure what that looks like? Let’s put it this way – you can check out the latest issue of celebrated artist Shepard Fairey’s hot magazine in your room, and if you’re familiar with that magazine you know what I’m talking about. I was fortunate enough to stay in the Kathy Griffin suite (!), which was designed by . Hayes ValleyUp Market Street toward the Castro, a ways from the Union Square area is the more recently developed Hayes Valley neighborhood, a hipster chic area which is a lot quieter than downtown and home to more locally-owned stores and restaurants. Check out the unique offerings at , a furniture and house wares store with a great eye for design and style. I’m not even sure how to describe some of the store’s brilliant and unique offerings, but I did get to try sitting on a gothic throne and they sell that really cool alarm clock that gives the appearance of a block of wood with LED light. After puzzling over Propeller, pop into for beautifully crafted artisanal chocolates in a boutique setting. For dinner I’d recommend, no wait – insist – on nearby , whose daily menus change to reflect the most recent offering from area farms and sources of sustainable meat and fish. I met a friend for an incredible dinner; we started with Prosciutto and Fresh Mozzarella, and the Wood-roasted Asparagus with Preserved Lemon-Olive Relish, and it would be impossible to say which was better. Their Poussin with Roasted Apricots and Chicken Liver Toast was equally delicious, and with the menu changing every day you always have a fresh excuse to return.The Hayes Valley is convenient to a fun variety of nightlife. It’s not far from Fulton Street, and a couple other areas known for bustling nightlife. A coworker introduced me to nearby which is a whole experience unto itself. Their slogan, “Why just eat when you can feast all your senses,” pretty much sums it up. Getting a table here can be a challenge as you’re competing with multiple birthday and bachelorette parties for space to enjoy fabulous drinks, good food, and of course the transgender dance performances which are the signature highlight. You’ll be hard pressed to find anyone in the room who isn’t celebrating something, the show is indeed impressively spectacular, and it’s all rowdy good fun. The CastroAnd then there’s The Castro. Home to the marvelous Castro Theater, , and of course quite a lot of queer culture and history, and the setting for much of the film Milk. The is currently presenting a limited-time exhibition mounted in an empty store front on the corner of Castro and 18th Street. Open through October 19, 2009, the exhibit shows a fascinating cross-section of queer history as seen through four points of view: People, Places, Politics and Pleasures.Visit the Castro during the last two weeks of June and catch the latest and greatest in LGBT independent film during Frameline. Exhibiting every year at three local theaters, Frameline attracts queer filmmakers from around the world to take part in screenings, parties, events, and panels about independent film. The films cover an impressive amount of territory in all the L,G,B, and T categories and break new ground in areas of interest to our community. Feature films, documentaries, and shorts programs come from around the country and around the world, and it’s frankly impossible for anyone not to find something for them.Castro Street and the surrounding area also offer a selection of great (and very gay) shops, restaurants, and nightlife. offers a fun showroom filled with items whose only common trait is great design sensibility. Furniture, books, t-shirts, wall art, and more bedeck the shelves and walls of this groovy boutique. Check out their web site, which does a great job of showing off their style. The geekier at heart should visit local comic book shop which in addition to a strong selection of comics, toys, and graphic novels, also offers a featured section promoting the work of local gay comic book artists. And a section of bacon-themed products; I bought the Gummy Bacon because, how do you not?For dinner you must try the long-running neighborhood favorite whose warm atmosphere provides a relaxing environment in which guests enjoy wonderful Mediterranean food. The best way to sample everything is to get one of the mixed platters which offer a generous selection and serving of such dishes as hummus, baba ganoush, tabouli, spicy chicken in filo, and their incredible pomegranate chicken drumsticks, whose meat falls off the bone.Down the other end of Castro check out , which aptly describes the feeling you’ll have while enjoying the Thai restaurant’s signature cocktails and delicious dishes. I especially love the Thai Chicken Noodles. It’s a little heavy on the sauce but what a sauce – spicy and sweet and served over sautéed soba noodles with chicken strips. LGBT nightlife has always held a strong foothold in this neighborhood and the latest additions and changes seem to be going over well with locals and tourists alike. Check out the newly refurbished across the street from the Castro Theater, which has a new look and a new energy. And up the hill a bit is the new hot spot. A popular bar with enough energy to fill a small club, Trigger draws a slightly older crowd with a little bit of a West Hollywood vibe.Finally don’t even think about leaving Castro, or San Francisco for that matter, without sampling a confectionery masterpiece from . Located almost on the corner of Castro and Market, this tiny institution is just big enough to hold a cookie counter where one can sample fresh-baked cookies big and small, plus brownies and other sweet and sticky treats. If you’re feeling like a bit of a hot cookie yourself you can pose in a pair of hot cookie underwear and get your photo added to the wall, whose presence is almost enough of a reason to stop in.I swear I saw films too. I did, I really did. And the proof is that now and in the coming months you can watch many of the , , on these pages! San Francisco’s just too fun a town to visit and not explore though. So whether you’re in town for the festival, for an event, or just to hang out, be sure to get around and check out everything it’s got to offer.And the winners are… Helen, Forest & Jennifer? Or not? What do YOU think?Okay, you already knew that in living rooms, bars and coffee klatsches from coast to coast, gays gather to watch each year, with everyone weighing on who they want to win, who they think will win, and who they think should win. This year’s the gays at are looking to Yep, and you can sound off on this year. Should Dame Helen be crowned The Queen of Hollywood, or should the Prada-draped Devil known as Meryl Streep take home the prize? Will indie fave Forest Whitaker score a golden scepter thanks to his regal role as The Last King of Scotland? And is there any doubt that Jennifer Hudson will be telling everyone that she’s not going home without an Oscar?There’s more after the jump, film-lovers!!!But that ain’t all… In the , you can also vote on who wore the worst Oscar Dress ever (Bjork has some scary competition, fyi…), which gay indie film was the year’s best (Adam & Steve and Shortbus—watch out for those cute lesbians from Imagine Me & You), and even which cinematic diva is likely to inspire drag queens (Effie White vs. Captain Jack Sparrow??!)… Plus, who’s just plain old HOT? (Daniel Craig as 007, meet Dreamgirl Beyonce…)You know… Frankly this may be the BEST Oscar dress ever. After all, we’re still talking about it, eh?It’s Secret Agent Man vs. Soul Sister in the battle of Sexy!Other polls include “Best Use of a Prop” (from the beer bong in Jackass Number Two to the cell-phone mania of The Departed), “Best Non-Lesbian Lesbian Film” (Will Stick It rate a 10?), and which was the “Best Action Flick with a Secretly Gay Agenda” (Paging Wolverine! Come in, Wolverine!)?Wolverine: Manly Mutant or Covert Queer Activist? You decide…I’ll serve up the results of the big categories next Monday, while we’re all recovering from Oscar parties. Babel’s Oscar-nominated Rinko Kikuchi comments on the insanity of Oscar season.P.S. Frankly, come next Monday I’ll be recovering from these series of promos that Logo will be airing all this coming weekend. A get together and . You’ll see killer filmmakers like Craig Chester (Adam & Steve) and Angela Robinson (D.E.B.S., The L Word) chat and spar with film experts like writer Alonso Duralde (The Advocate, 101 Films Every Gay Men Must See) and film historian Jenni Olson. And strangely, you see my chatty self on there, too. Consider yourself warned… Gays on Film! From left, gabby movie folks film writer/critic Alonso Duralde, dilmmaker Angela Robinson, some gay dude in a tie, filmmaker Craig Chester and film historian Jenni Olson.So go for your , like, Announcing the Golden Globes: Rosario Dawson wins for Best Bangs; Matthew Perry for Most Surly-Looking; and Jessica Biel for Most Earth-Toney. were announced! This morning! One can debate what really mean (if anything—did you see the that aired on Trio in 2003? —it was kind of cool), but I’m more than happy to sound off on them.Her Royal Highness Helen Mirren and her onscreen prince, James Cromwell.Best Picture – Drama: I’m still wanting to see The Departed, but by and large these all seem kind of dull. But I’m gonna root for The Queen. Helen Mirren rocks. She was in Caligula! And did you ever see The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover? Insanity. Or The Comfort of Strangers? Or last year’s bonkers Shadowboxer? She’ll do anything. That’s always worth an award in my book. Plus, you know she must have a wicked sense of humor; I wanna have dinner with her and gossip about showbiz. You know she’d trash talk folks—but in a hot, brainy way. Borat has arrived. Best Picture – Comedy or Musical: For this one, I feel like the lead characters should be forced to sit down and work it out. Borat could hit on Deena from Dreamgirls. Prada’s Miranda Priestley could throw her fur coat and bag at Effie White—and we could watch the fur fly (literally and figuratively). Gay, depressed Steve Carrell from Little Miss Sunshine could hook up with Borat’s gay porn-star son. After which, they could all have cigarettes, courtesy of Aaron Eckhart. Oh, but the award? I loved Prada, but it would be more demented and rude if Borat won. Go Kazakhstan!“Let me take these glasses off so I can be even MORE fierce, thanks.”Best Actress – Drama: See my notes on Helen Mirren and The Queen above. I think she oughtta win. Penelope Cruz’s fake butt and cleavage should be awarded some special prize, though. And Judi Dench should win some medal of valor for agreeing to be on 30-foot wide screens with no make up whatsover, frowning and scheming and stalking Cate Blanchett in a ratty sweater for 90 minutes. Kate Winslet should still win something for her performance as herself on Extras last year. And Maggie Gyllenhaal? Love her, but she’ll be back plenty of times. Give it to Mirren! (Again, see above)Give Forest Whitaker an award. He helps in soup kitchens with Loretta Swit, for goodness sake!Best Actor – Drama: Forest Whitaker. He’s playing an African dictator in a historical political film. And he’s awesome. Besides, if Mirren wins for The Queen, it’d be cool if Whitaker won for The Last King of Scotland. Maybe they could get matching crowns instead of Golden Globe statues. Cute idea, right?You gonna tell her she’s not gonna win? I didn’t think so…Best Actress – Comedy/Musical: I enjoyed Beyonce in Dreamgirls, but no. Toni Collette I worship, but no. Annette Bening is always amazing, but no. Renee Zellweger – too puckery. So, it’s all about . The white floppy Dorothy Hamill ‘do cinched it for me. And that scene in the hotel with no makeup when she reveals that her husband is leaving her is amazing.(Basically, if you’re over 50 and show up onscreen without makeup, I’m yours.)“And you can tell everybody, that this is your thong…”Best Actor – Comedy/Musical: Sacha Baron Cohen for Borat. Because you know he’d give the most amazing/offensive acceptance speech ever. In a lime green mega-thong. Which I enjoy looking at way too much. Best Supporting Actress: I’m thinking it’s between Jennifer Hudson for Dreamgirls, and the brilliant Emily Blunt for The Devil Wears Prada. They both rule their respective films. Blunt is like every cool woman you wanna hang out with at a boorish fashion party in New York. Hudson’s the gal who was your fag-hag best bud in theater in high school who’s made good. How about we give them both the award (a tie!) and then spin them off together in their own series, Effie & Emily? They could solve crimes, turn out gut-busting diva numbers, make fun of Beyonce, and wear bitchin’ eye shadow and hellacious dresses. Eddie says: Smirk all you want, people. This award is mine!Best Supporting Actor: First, you’ve got Brad Pitt (Babel), Mark Wahlberg (The Departed) and Ben Affleck (Hollywoodland), which sounds more like the wall of a gay dorm room ten years ago than actual award nominees. Then Jack Nicholson, who’s always great. But give it to Eddie Murphy. Yes, I know he performed wildly homophobic rants in his stand-up 20-some years ago. I think he’s smarter now. And he does deliver the most impressive acting that you’re gonna find in Dreamgirls, anchoring the chiffon and flighty diva drama with a real sense of hard-won survivor cred. And yes, he’s sings and dances fabulously. Smells minty–and awardy.Best Foreign Language Film: Volver. It’s not as punch-you-in-the-stomach fierce or powerful as All About My Mother, but even Almodovar at his second best is more inventive and assured a filmmaker as just about anybody else. And I love a good ghost story where women cook, cut hair and hide bodies. The TV Nominations: Ummm… I say Heroes for Best Drama. Edie Falco for Best Actress/Drama for The Sopranos (because I just think she’s amazing; although I’d love to see Evangeline Lily win for Lost, just because she’s “Freckles.”) Michael C. Hall for Best Actor/Drama for Dexter (I’ve not seen it; but I love that he’ll play anything. And that’s he’s weirdly creepy/hot. Which is soooo wrong.) Best Comedy = Ugly Betty or Weeds. Best Actress/Comedy, Mary Louise Parker, because is she ever not perfect? Best Actor/Comedy, Jason Lee. ‘Cuz he’s hot (in a goofy, foxy, slovenly, hilarious way).For a full rundown of the nominees, go .Thanks everybody! Stay gold-en!Hailee Steinfeld sat front row at the Miu Miu show in Paris this afternoon wearing what appears to be a look from the Spring 2012 line that her friend, Miuccia Prada, designed. She is 14-years-old.Other things Ms. Steinfeld has done this past year: get nominated for an Academy Award, appear in the pages of Vogue, become the face of Miu Miu and announce she will be playing Juliet in a new adaptation of Romeo and Juliet written by Oscar winner Julian Fellowes and costarring Oscar winner Holly Hunter.Just like our freshman year of high school. Just. Like. It.Who’s all for gay marriage? Hillary… Is that your hand raised? This blog usually doesn’t get political, but there’s a dishy bit of reporting on the blog on the 2008 campaign on The New York Times‘ site today, about how may be quietly, stealthily loosening her firm stance on whether or not she . Seems that will Clinton still favors civil unions over full-on "marriage," she’s not gonna stand in the way if gay marriage goes legit in NY, and becomes a state-decided issue… Which contradicts her earlier steadfast support for the DOMA. But just go read the story and see for yourself.In the meantime, you can still vote for what you think should be. At the top of the running is KT Tunstall’s "Suddenly I See" (cute, but overused already thanks to The Devil Wears Prada and Ugly Betty), "Rock This Country" by Shania Twain (wha? people still listen to Shania Twain?) and "Beautiful Day" by U2 (ZZzzzzzzz…) My fave of the top ten so far? "The Best" by Tina Turner (but isn’t the proper title "Simply the Best"???). Because Tina just wins, whatever the contest. Though, actually, I like by Klymaxxx for Hill. ‘Cuz, why not?And I do like Hillary’s about the song contest. Maybe she actually has a sense of humor?Designers just like the rest of us start getting excited for Fall (true, sweater-underneath-a-waxed-canvas-jacket, Fall) right around mid July when just breathing feels like eating french onion soup. Which is why most of the early Fall lines in stores now are heavy on the wear forwards but woefully remiss in the wear now. After hours spent clicking through very snappy tweed overcoats that will be perfect 2 months from now, here are five Fall trends that you can actually throw on now-ish.Pleated Trousers from Paul Smith and Jil SanderAs a former militant supporter of flat front, and only flat front, the transition to a pleated trouser can be a slow and painful one, rife with bad memories of men of a certain age in Dockers that ballooned out from the waist and puddled at the ankles. What finally won me over were slim, single pleated, slightly shorter, versions like this from and that referenced and other 1950′s bad asses. With pleats and cuffs all over the Fall runways, these lighter weight wool versions are also the perfect way to have one leg in the new while still keeping your cool.Nylon Anoraks from Woolrich Woolen Mills and Band of OutsidersColorful, transitional, outwear inspired by has been a runway mainstay for several seasons now, but August and September are the perfect time to actually put it to use. Stow these lightweight versions from streetwear guru, , and west coast disaffected preps, , in your desk drawer or go-to work bag now for those angry late summer storms and then put them on under a heavier coat or blazer when the weather turns.Indigo Shirts from Adam Kimmel x Carhartt and Our LegacyThe trick to embracing the ascendancy of blue collar chic without looking like every other “cool dad” eating a brunch of grass fed scrapple in Brooklyn, is to opt for an indigo dyed shirt that still goes slightly against the grain like this railroad inspired number from or this beautiful abstract print from the nordic gentlemen at . The unique details of both these shirts makes them great stand alone pieces that can be worn, collar open, now or under a blazer or cardigan later.Knitted Blazers from Woolrich and LanvinWith all the easy, throw-on appeal of your favorite sweater but using a structured jacket construction, knit blazers like these from and can upgrade your collection of tees and polos for the rest of the summer and look just as at home over a shirt and tie come September.Camel Colored Peak Lapel Suit from Gant RuggerEven though this wool suit may look stuffier than a church social right now, the fact that it’s only half lined makes it the ideal for early September. hits all the right cultural touch points with their slim tailoring and peaked lapel jacket. It’s part east coast prep, part continental high roller, all new American gentry.Antique Henleys from Levi’s Vintage Clothing and Homespun KnitwearDetails like slubby, textured yarns, woven muslin plackets, and their form fitting shape make these henleys from and a cut above the . Wear them now unbuttoned on their own to channel Paul Newman on the weekends and come Fall layer them underneath a flannel or leather jacket to still channel Paul Newman on the weekends.While it make sense to snatch up all of the above now and get your Fall started right, there are a few things you may be able to hold off on until they’ve hit the clearance rack or the bottom of a cardboard box in a TJ Maxx in Iowa 4 months from now. Like or or .Evan Widhu is a men’s wear buyer in New York. His favorite part of Fall is not having to see anyone’s toes in sandals for the next 8 months.Carey Mulligan tied the knot with Mumford and Sons lead singer Marcus Mumford over the weekend and now is reporting the actress has with director Spike Jonze, which begs the question — is Carey Mulligan pregnant?Mulligan and Mumford met as children and reconnected again as adults, with Mumford proposing to the actress in August after just a few months of dating. Among those in attendance at the wedding were Colin Firth, Jake Gyllenhaal and Sienna Miller, herself a soon to be mom.Mulligan could of course just be taking time off to enjoy married life, but with her recent projects The Great Gatsby and Inside Llewyn Davis wrapped and no projects on the horizon, she could be getting ready to start a family.The actress will be making her first public appearance following her nuptials when she next week in NYC, maybe we shall know then.McAdams returns to her romantic comedy roots. Thank God.The trailer for the new film Morning Glory hit the internet last week, and since then people have been buzzing over whether McAdams is the next or (as Katherine Heigl screams silently in her dungeon lair.) To me, the film looks like it might be the next Devil Wears Prada, and even shares a screenwriter. High powered media job with little pay and demanding co-workers handled with plucky resilience by a sassy brunette? Sign me up, Hollywood.With Diane Keaton, Harrison Ford, Jeff Goldblum, and Patrick Wilson on board, the romantic-comedy side of me basically short circuited upon watching this trailer, but you can decide for yourself. Do you think “Morning Glory” will be a big hit or the movie version of ?Ciao bellas and fellas! Milan’s all menswear fashion week might be over, but we’ve got a slew of celeb pics to ogle. It’s strange to see who bothers making their way over to Milan for the shows — some are, of course, faces of the brand. While others simply love the fashions.Adrien Brody, who walked in the Prada fall show, attends the Diesel Black Gold show.Here’s Kellan Lutz and some woman who’s existence we choose to ignore (because she has her arms around Kellan Lutz) at the Emporio Armani show.Who invited Gary Dourdan to the Iceberg show?Anna Dello Russo understands that everything is better done with a jaunty batcrackers hat on. Including attending the latest Zegna show.Kudos to Janine Fox and Elke Palmaers for realizing the best place to mack on hot dudes is during Milan Menswear Week.Luca Argentero is an Italian actor mainly famous in Italy. But look at that face? Shouldn’t he be famous over here?Kellan Lutz takes off his jacket to show off his Seinfeldian frilly man shirt at the John Richmond show. Why stop there, Kellan? TAKE IT ALL OFF!Brit model Dave Gandy gives good face at Dolce & Gabbana.All photos courtesy Getty Images. We are so excited about Lena Dunham’s Emmy recognition, and we’re not the only ones! The Girls star snagged nominations for acting, directing and writing. “I have no jokes to make. This is an amazing morning,” Dunham tweeted, and her fellow celebs were quick with congratulatory remarks. Everyone from comedian Rob Delaney, fellow nominees Zooey Deschanel and Jesse Tyler Ferguson, to stars like Zach Braff and joined in on the well-wishes.Previously: —Rae Votta tweets as . She’s really happy for Lena Dunham but really sad about Chris Colfer and Glee’s almost-shut-out (big ups, Dot Marie Jones!) – the linster from Meryl Streep is the Queen of Hollywood. Any questions? Granted, this is not news. As far as I’m concerned, Streep has been the queen of, well, the world ever since I saw her in Kramer vs. Kramer (1979). Although I’m sure part of her appeal, at least subconsciously, was that her character had left her husband for a woman, the fact is that I have never been able to take my eyes off of Meryl Streep, regardless of where I see her. As the in this week’s Entertainment Weekly notes, however, although her movies have received consistent critical raves — and earned Streep the most Academy Award nominations of any actor — they haven’t made a lot of money. At least not until 2006, when she played Miranda Priestly in The Devil Wears Prada, which grossed more than $300 million worldwide. This year, Streep sang and danced through , which became the highest-grossing Hollywood film musical of all time — almost $600 million so far. Now, at age 59, Streep is finally considered a “bankable” star. Not that she’s surprised. “I’m not amazed,” she says. “It’s like Obama. For the two days after he was elected, people were going around to every black person they knew saying, ‘Aren’t you amazed?’ Why should people be amazed when the most qualified person is elected? I’ve worked hard, so this is what I expect. It doesn’t normally happen, but it should.” That’s typical Meryl, isn’t it? She has never shied away from saying what she thinks, especially when it comes to the lack of challenging roles for women over 40. In 1990, , she described the male power base in Hollywood as “stupid, greedy people” and sarcastically said that if trends continued, women would be eliminated from movies by 2010. The only way to get away with saying things like that to the people who hire you is by being brilliant at what you do. And she is. Yet she still doesn’t make the kind of money her male contemporaries do. “I’ve ne
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