Merdeka with a Hope! – K. Siladass

Today, 31st August 2021. It is Merdeka. We are threatened by Covid-19, therefore, there will be no public celebrations. But, we can, in the quietness of our homes, recall the past and think where were we some six decades ago and what are we today.

The country unchained itself from the colonial yoke sixty- four years ago. The generation of that era must have had been very proud that they have seen the back of political tyranny, and must have felt that such a situation will not rear its ugly head again in this region.

On that day, 31st August 1957, it was etched in history, that those rich freedom values would last as long as there is life in this planet. When we became an extended family on 16th September 1963 as Malaysia, we celebrated the occasion with the same enthusiasm of 31st August 1957. Singapore was expelled on 9th August 1965 but that had not dampened, nor will it dampen, our Malaysian spirit.

We did not attain Independence, or become Malaysians, to have our minds colonialized by toxic ideas that we have to accept political, social and economic indiscrimination as integral parts of our Malaysian life.

We did not become free only to be chained once again with arbitrary restrictions imposed by the powers that be. We did not choose to be free from the imperialists to forfeit our rights to the new mind dominating colonialism hatched by the new powers that be.

We chose freedom so that our rights, dignity and self-respect will not be denied or devalued. And we want to be freed from the evils created by politicians in the name of race, religion, and creed.

We will never cease loving Malaysia. And we will not abandon our belief in freedom. Freedom to love our fellow Malaysians, and be Malaysians forever.

Whilst we love Malaysia even when are deprived of the good things that were promised decades ago, we continue to love the peoples all over the world and share our thoughts with them.

Let peace reign all over the world. Lokah samastha sukhino bhavantu. (Let the whole world be happy)