YOURSAY | ‘Generally, lies are of two types.…

So Apandi, dead kings tell no tales?     Source claims RM2.6b from late king, but Saudi ministries clueless  Negarawan: When one starts covering a lie with another lie, eventually it will be impossible to cover…

YOURSAY l ‘Malaysiakini deserves and needs your support…

‘Not driven by money but by honest journalism’ Malaysiakini not for sale, say co-founders  Aries46: Thanks Malaysiakini for the insight into how the news portal has grown and sustained itself despite staying neutral and independent without political patronage…

YOURSAY | ‘Did he file a police report…

Did Najib lodge report on RM42m found in bank account? Rafizi: Najib luckiest PM with another RM42m deposit  Anonymous #44199885: It does not matter whether PM Najib Razak said or did not say whether he knew…

Malaysiakini wishes Happy New Year to Tamil Foundation

  Dear Tamil Foundation, We warmly thank you for your generous and unfailing support for Malaysiakini. These past few years have seen Malaysia and her economy take quite a beating. From multiple aviation disasters to an ever-rising…

YOURSAY l ‘Why billions of ringgit ending in…

Perhaps halal and non-halal income tax next? Ministry mulls guidelines on halal, non-halal trolleys   Existential Turd: There are so many ways this separation of halal and non-halal supermarket trolleys is wrong and not practical. First, when…

YOURSAY | ‘Enough is enough. Spare us further…

Zeti is echoing voices of millions of M’sians  Zeti: M'sians want probe on 1MDB concluded so can move on  Odin Tajué: Bank Negara governor Zeti Akhtar Aziz, PM Najib Razak is suspected of having illicitly appropriated…

YOURSAY | ‘A very serious crime? What about…

Only dictatorships jail activists like Hisham Rais   Sedition - Hisham sentenced to nine months' jail  Donplaypuks: What happened to freedom of speech which is guaranteed in the constitution? And how was it seditious when no…

YOURSAY | ‘Are we getting the gov’t we…

Poverty does not discriminate but NEP does Hishammuddin: Razak not a Malay nationalist for establishing NEP  RCZ: So what are you trying to say, Defence Minister Hishammuddin Hussein? Was the New Economic Policy (NEP) right on…

MPs our last defence from TPPA own goal

-Jomo Kwame Sundaram, January, 2016. COMMENT Malaysia’s Parliament has a rare opportunity to unite across party lines to protect the public interest for present as well as future generations. For the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) to…

YOURSAY | ‘And so Zahid sings, ‘I started…

Zahid, go tell your boss not to mix business with politics   Don’t use politics for business and personal interest, says Zahid  SteveOh: Why do politicians, especially leaders, like to say things that tickle the ears…

Indira’s 9-year torment testimony to cruel system

-P. Ramasamy, January 11, 2016. COMMENT Religious administrative decisions, court judgments and others are not the main cause of unilateral conversions or the discrimination of non-Muslims over decades. Rather, they are the product of a dominant…

YOURSAY l ‘So AG passed the crucial 100-day…

Apandi, self-praise is no praise at all     Apandi: Difficult to balance confidentiality, public policy  Res Ipsa: Self-praise is nothing more than disgrace. Quite frankly Mohamed Apandi Ali, you should be more than happy to…

YOURSAY | ‘By the way, it is high…

PM, revise Budget by slashing PMO, Jakim allocations     PM: Budget 2016 to be revised due to economic downturn  Dont Just Talk: Budget 2016 is like a small piece of cloth that’s trying to cover…


-K.Siladass, January 9, 2016. Indira Gandhi case and other cases which dealt with identical problems remind us of the adage: pounds and pounds of law but not an ounce of justice. True, all the judgments…

YOURSAY | ‘The truth is that there are…

Umno’s twisted logic - if Dr M is corrupt, so too can Najib     Pro-Najib portal takes a dig at 'pure Malay' Dr M  Anonymous$&@?: This is further proof and admission from a pro-Umno portal…

YOURSAY | ‘Surely the wife has a lawful…

No compassion in court’s conversion judgment     Certificate conclusive proof of conversion, say judges   Kim Quek: The majority judgment read out by Justice Balia Yusof Wahi is fundamentally flawed because he mistook the crux of…