YOURSAY | ‘Truth continues to be erased by…

A land where crosses and pigs are feared   Pig character disappears off KL billboard for HK film  Vijay47: I don't think Malaysians should be particularly shocked by the latest antics of the Censorship Board, it…


- Kua Kia Soong, SUARAM Adviser 30 December 2015. 2015 will be remembered as the year cold Malaysian values were exposed to the world. It was the year the hot air of “Eastern values” rhetoric…

YOURSAY | ‘Zahid has achieved nothing, if not…

Altantuya’s entry records not deleted – show us the proof Altantuya immigration records not deleted, says home minister  Justine Gow: Who is Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi trying to fool? It is as if the immigration…

YOURSAY | ‘I bet my bottom dollar that…

Expect AG to tell MACC there’s not enough evidence MACC to submit report on RM2.6b, SRC next week  Justine Gow: Well, as long as there is no name and no face, it is reasonable for the…

The rise of a militarised Umno

S. Thayaparan, December 23, 2015. “Unjust laws exist: shall we be content to obey them, or shall we endeavour to amend them, and obey them until we have succeeded, or shall we transgress them at…

YOURSAY | ‘The NSC must be challenged in…

NSC bill a diamond-studded golden platter for Najib     The rise of a militarised Umno  Tholu: This is very scary. In effect, the National Security Council (NSC) Act is going to make Prime Minister Najib…

When religious compliance takes to the air

 P Ramasamy , December 25, 2015.      COMMENT l It is sickening to note how individuals and groups exploit social, ethnic and religious differences to make profit. Even natural disasters such as the tsunami have provided…

GST makes 2015 year of living dangerously

-Dr. S. Ramakrishnan, Former Senator, December 24, 2015.   2015 will always be considered one of the most dreadful Years for Malaysians due to the GST introduction on 1st April 2015. GST may have helped…

YOURSAY l ‘You are not a civil servant.…

AG fails M’sians by not charging Ali Tinju for Low Yat fracas     Apandi: Don't blame me for Ali Tinju's action  Kingfisher: The nature of attorney-general Mohamed Apandi Ali's strong rebuttal if not outburst with…

YOURSAY | ‘DAP has no more problem dealing…

The biggest loser in Umno-PAS ties is PKR     Najib, Hadi emerge in matching pink after olive branch offer  Ferdtan: Umno-PAS tie-up is good news for all, especially for Parti Amanah Negara and to a…

YOURSAY l ‘What more do we need to…

Yet another WSJ nail in 1MDB’s coffin WSJ drops US$850m bombshell on 1MDB  Commentable: Question: What does it says when someone allegedly formed an offshore entity to appear as if it was owned and controlled by…

YOURSAY | ‘The police by the very nature…

Wrong answer on why PDRM backed anti-Christian forum     IGP: Legal for cops to give talk against Christian conversion  Lamborghini: Inspector-general of police (IGP), the police can be anywhere and everywhere if it is to…

YOURSAY | ‘Sauce for the goose must be…

IGP, if Najib can accept 'donations', why can't Dr M?   Police probe claim tycoons funded Dr M's plot against PM  Mojo Jojo: It sounds to me that someone is trying to cast aspersions on former…