Yayasan Perak’s Job is Protecting and Promoting educational Matters and not Championing Commercial Ventures


kula-M. Kula Segaran, MP, and Cheong Chee Khing (Bercham), December 16, 2015.


Yesterday (December 15) the objectors to the proposed rezoning of a housing area to commercial zone presented their opinions as to why rezoning should not take place to the Committee of Inquiry(Town and Country planning) at MBI Ipoh.
Among the objections presented were:

1)    It’s a unsound  development;
2)    The area is not suitable for commercial development;
3)    The purposes for rezoning are “perniagaan dan perkhidamatan”. These reasons/purposes are ambiguous and unclear;
4)    Issue of density for use;
5)    Traffic congestion;
6)    The adjoining land being a girls school, a commercial development will be hazardous for the students;
7)    The school had applied for the land for its use as field some more than 20 years ago. But notwithstanding this the land was alienated to Yayasan Perak;
8)    Insufficient buffer zone for commercial building, more so the proposed area is a cul-de- sac and
9)    Local council failed to adhere to Local Agenda 21.

We are glad that today the Chairman of the inquiry Rusnah together with the other members visited the area to witness the actual situation.

With the local residents and the school teachers, Headmistress M/s Sangree and PIBG Chairman Jayeseleen, we showed the committee the possible drawbacks if the proposed commercialization takes effect.

After more than an hour on the ground visit the Committee left promising a decision very soon.

What more should  Yayasan Perak be obliged to promote other than its primary purpose and objective being to promote educational issues ? Why is it getting dragged into commercial dealings? What is the motive?
http://yayasanperak.gov.my/yayasanperak2/index.php/info-korporat/objektif andhttp://yayasanperak.gov.my/yayasanperak2/index.php/info-korporat/visi-misi

A holistic view of the whole proposed rezoning to commercial purposes needs to be looked into thoroughly. Priority is for the land to be maintained for the school as a field and for the local resident’s usage has to be the most relevant factor.