YOURSAY | ‘Good one, Ling. One sucker punch aimed at Najib on behalf of the rakyat.’

Ling hits Najib’s soft spot – SRC’s RM42m


Ling: Why don’t you sue Dr M, WSJ, S’wak Report?

  Vijay47: Since PM Najib Razak would be extremely busy with the many law suits he is involved in, I too wish to display some magnanimity and accordingly, have prepared a rebuttal which I humbly hope he can use.

“(Former MCA chief) Ling Liong Sik, I find it very offensive, mischievous, and an abuse of the legal process for you to question who I wish to sue.

“The Constitution, which I hold in highest regard, assures me that choice in who I wish to act against. That is a Malaysian tradition, just as, for example, MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) can choose who it wants to charge.

“If I do not sue (former PM) Dr Mahathir Mohamad, it only reflects the respect and affection I hold for Tun, not that I fear him.

Sarawak Report and The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) are ignorant foreign rags guided by Jews, the Chinese, and others like (former DPM) Muhyiddin (Yassin) with a secret agenda.

“I cannot allow such distractions to deter me from my sacred mission to lead my beloved Malaysia to 2020 and beyond.

“Likewise, Ling, I must sue you not just to clear my name, but to protect that most holy of holies, the seat of the prime minister.”

Anonymous 29051438068738: Vijay47, you may also wish to add one other point to your most convincing rebuttal.

It was declared at the last Umno General Assembly that Najib has been specially “chosen by God” to lead the country – a declaration which no one, on or off stage, cared to deny or refute.

Being the “chosen one” (something about which even ranking and turbaned members of the party of god, PAS, were unaware), Najib clearly has the divine right to choose who to ‘whack‘ … and how.

All for Malaysia: Ling, you defend your own case and leave the rest to Najib to decide.

He gave you some leeway, but you defiantly provoked him to sue, so your defence that he is not suing others is certainly not a defence.

You claim he has abused the court process, but you abused freedom of speech and now you have to back up what you said.

Mojo Jojo: Why is Najib only suing a former president of a Chinese-based political party and not a former leader of a Malay-based political party?

The answer is obvious from the way I phrased my question. Why is Najib not suing the WSJ and Sarawak Report?

The answer is again obvious; he can’t do squat about them overseas, especially if what they write is substantiated by strong evidence.

No reason for Najib to get RM42m from SRC, says Ling

Rupert16: Good one, Ling. One sucker punch aimed at Najib on behalf of the rakyat, and to get answers to simple questions that we have all been yearning to ask.

Anonymous 29051438068738: “There is no reason for Najib to personally receive such an extraordinarily large sum into his personal accounts,” said Ling.

No reason except that he is, according to a public declaration at the Umno general assembly, the chosen one.

Dont Just Talk: Ling, it is normal for any company, including SRC International to pay adviser’s fee to anyone whom the company deems fit.

If in this case, a sum of RM42 million was indeed paid to Najib, it is for some very special service rendered to SRC.

Anonymous 2385751449550672: Najib has never taken funds for personal gain as alleged by my political opponents – whether from 1MDB, SRC International or other entities, as these companies have confirmed.

GE14NOW!: It looks like there is a whole raft of ill-conceived comments by those who are still blindly supporting what is allegedly a very corrupt PM.

Be that as it may, thank you for supporting Malaysiakini and for increasing the comic value of the comments section (although I must add that some of these comments are so poorly constructed as to be almost incomprehensible).

Anonymous_1404717623: A public figure like Najib, who likes the rakyat to address him as prime minister cum finance minister, and who has transferred money from a company under the Finance Ministry to his personal account, has clearly committed criminal breach of trust (CBT).

Yet he dares to sue people who gossip about him.

Lamps: SCR is fully owned by the Finance Ministry. That means, the company is owned by the rakyat. Najib has taken RM42 million from the people of Malaysia.



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