YOURSAY | ‘Had you been prudent and competent, our exchange rate would not drop.’

PM, our high cost of living is because of you



Gov’t doing its best to help cost of living, says Najib 



yoursay-EnglishQuigonbond: Yes, the Malaysian government is doing everything possible to help with our cost of living – by failing to account for loss of billions from   1MDB, monies finding their way into the god emperor’s personal account, and all fees, fares and tariffs rising.

You really want to help the rakyat? Dismantle the crony monopolies and clamp down on anti-competitive behaviour, whether GLCs (government-linked companies) or otherwise.

Sack the deadwoods in the cabinet and slash the number of ministers. Change the law and don’t give permanent retirement benefits to ministers.

Lower the threshold of non-public tenders. Free the creative spirit of Malaysians by suspending draconian laws, and reduce public fear by clamping down on racist rhetoric.

The solutions are all there. Just zero political will to end corruption, cronyism, nepotism and abuse of power.

Doc: I agree with PM that there are a multitude of factors beyond his control that are impacting the economy negatively.

Malaysia, being a petro-nation, is suffering from the falling petrol prices and there will not be a reprieve from the falling prices soon.

In addition, there is the issue of the strengthening US economy, withdrawal of the quantitative easing measures by the Federal Reserve, renminbi devaluation, cooling of China’s economy and many other factors compounding the worsening economy.

My grievances with PM Najib Razak on the issue of the economy are:

1. Malaysia’s weakening economy has been worsened by his gross negligence/profound stupidity that has pushed a weak economy into freefall (for example, 1MDB, corruption, cronisym, etc).

2. Najib fails to comprehend the function of a PM; which is to manage the nation’s problems effectively.

3. Blaming the weaknesses of his administration and poor leadership on non-existent threats (for example, Chinese, Christians, etc) to cover his weak leadership.

4. Surrounding himself with advisers who are buffoons.

Spinnot: “External factors are putting pressure on the country’s economy, he (Najib) explained, citing the falling oil prices globally. He said this would have a significant impact on the government’s income.”

Falling oil prices reduce government’s income, they would not cause an increase in the prices of goods and services. GST (goods and services tax) and falling external value of the ringgit would.

Eyespye: What an utter failure of leadership. This is from the leader of the same party which refuses to do anything meaningful.

Want to ease the rakyat’s burden? Rein in toll concessionaires. Remove APs (approved permits). Drastically cut down your PM Office’s budget.

Ask Jakim (Department of Islamic Development) to show us their accounts and spending. Stop (allegedly) buying off politicians. Stop patronage. Stop graft.

And all of these don’t require you to explain 1MDB.

Saya Pun Nak Cari Makan: Najib, I have lived through all PMs since independence.

Yes, under every PM there was price increase, no doubt about it, but under your prime ministership, prices of essentials and other things have not only gone up, they have gone up at the fastest rate.

As the head of the government, you claim to be helpless against the rise in prices. What a shame. Had you been prudent and competent, our exchange rate would not drop so dramatically, to the extent of US$1=RM4.30. This caused the cost of imported food to rise.

Similarly, if you and your entourage of ministers are frugal, like your father, billions of ringgit could be saved. Did you ask your ministers to forgo their yearly paid vacation overseas, and what about you? Still flying round the world like there is no tomorrow?

Because of your follies, subsidies were withdrawn, GST imposed, toll rates increased. Don’t use the falling oil price as an excuse. Singapore, with zero oil reserve, has its currency riding at par with Australian dollar, and still no sign of running out of steam.

Roguekiller: There is no need to blame external factors; just own up to your incapability in managing a country with plentiful natural resources.

Yes, just look across the border – Singapore – which has practically no resources, yet its economy is sound.

Aren’t you ashamed of yourself? Stop blaming everything else. If you can’t do your job effectively, then leave.

Anonymous 122461436161429: There is no doubt that there are external factors affecting our economy.

But Malaysia would have weathered it and overcome this better, without the gaping hole called 1MDB where billions of ringgit are owed and billions have to be found to plug the hole.

If the government cannot pay its debts (and in this case multiplied 10-fold by the 1MDB debt), the simple answer is it has to go on an austerity drive.

Jets have to be sold, contracts put on hold, no more handouts, salary cuts to be implemented, retrenchment to take place, etc.

Nothing of this sort is being done, with spending and wastage being the same.



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