YOURSAY | ‘Where’s the money now? Umno, please…

To vindicate himself, Najib must produce the paper trail On RM2.6b, Najib’s answers beg more questions  Kim Quek: The blunt truth is that such a bizarre sequence of events would have been unimaginable in any democracy…

From Guyana, memorable echoes of Tamil

13-Dec-2015By YB M. Kula Segaran Posted 11 Dec 2015 As a member and Secretary of the Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA), Malaysian Chapter, I had the privilege of attending the recently concluded 37th PGA meeting…

YOURSAY | ‘Not one of us believe you,…

If more than one donor for the RM2.6b, how many are there?   DPM confirms RM2.6b came from 'donors'  SusahKes: See if I get this right, now that there is more than one 'donor'. Now try…

YOURSAY | ‘Perhaps Najib and Umno have a…

‘Let blood flow’, that’s why they need NSC   Shahrizat: Come back Dr M, or DAP will control Malays  Ferdtan: Wanita Umno chief Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, using the Chinese-dominant DAP as a strawman to divert attention…

YOURSAY | ‘If it is for Umno, why…

PM’s explanation on RM2.6b ‘donation’ - what a disgrace!   RM2.6b – donor wanted it in my account, says Najib  Odin Tajué: PM Najib Abdul Razak, you dare to spew out your puerile dissembling only in…

YOURSAY | ‘Even if it is a donation,…

MACC, what did Najib tell you about SRC’s RM42m?   MACC quizzes Najib over SRC, RM2.6b donation  Not Convinced: Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), what did Najib tell you about the SRC International money? RM42 million was…


 -K. Siladass, December 7, 2015. The advice by the Sultan of Johore that there is nothing wrong for Muslims to greet and share the joys of non-Muslims festivals is timely. Racial and religious polarisation had…

YOURSAY | ‘It’s very unfair for the speaker…

Pandikar, what parliamentary reforms this year?   Resign if parliamentary reforms happen, DAP MPs told  CHKS: This is one of the stupidest statements from Dewan Rakyat speaker Pandikar Amin Mulia. You promised reforms, so it's tantamount…

YOURSAY | ‘This is simply a matter of…

Lack of logic in nurse’s short-sleeves complaint     I was fired for wearing long-sleeved uniform, claims nurse  Gerard Lourdesamy: The constitution does not prescribe any sort of dress code, Islamic or otherwise. Neither does the…

YOURSAY | ‘Isn’t using public funds to buy…

‘PM, you can buy people but not their soul’   Take care of us, we'll take care of you, PM tells village chiefs  Anon888: BN cheated at the 2013 general election through gerrymandering, a contest which…

YOURSAY | ‘Trust has been broken. Our leader…

The five questions Najib must also answer   Analysts: Tough for Najib to explain RM2.6b issue tomorrow  Odin Tajué: Of course, PM Najib Razak won't make any serious attempts at answering the questions on the money…

YOURSAY | ‘This looks like a loss of…

1MDB’s Edra sale - the math doesn’t add up   Dr M: Exactly how is 1MDB debt reduced by Edra sale?  Anonymous_1421806811: Although I am not a keen admirer of former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad, I…

YOURSAY | ‘Affordable housing is not only a…

Endless 'challenges' to Malay dignity   Azalina: Malay dignity challenged by unaffordable homes  CQ Muar: Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Azalina Othman Said: what Malay dignity are you talking about when dignity should be earned,…

Minister will defend his decision in respect of…

-M. Kulasekaran, Member of Parliament, November 25, 2015.   When debating the financial estimates for Tourism Minister I raised the following 3 issues of public importance: The Minister Nazri in response to issues raised as…

YOURSAY | ‘Contrary to what Rais says, English…

Sarawak CM gives Rais Yatim an English lesson S'wak asked to reconsider English official language decision Turvy: Arguing a language policy to foster nationhood is what messed this country's education system to what it is today.…

Sri Lankan mission tries to block rights forum…

-P. Ramasamy, November 21, 2015. On July 23, 2013, a documentary on Sri Lanka ethnic massacre of Tamils called ‘No Fire Zone’ by British director Callum Macrae was abruptly stopped and cancelled by the Malaysian…