YOURSAY | ‘It’s very unfair for the speaker to ask the two DAP MPs to resign.’

Pandikar, what parliamentary reforms this year?


Resign if parliamentary reforms happen, DAP MPs told

  CHKS: This is one of the stupidest statements from Dewan Rakyat speaker Pandikar Amin Mulia. You promised reforms, so it’s tantamount that you fulfil what you’ve promised.

What the two DAP MPs – Tanjung MP Ng Wei Aik and Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng – are doing is to remind you on what you’ve promised.

Asking the two MPs to resign should parliamentary reforms be fulfilled is just ridiculous because, in the first place, it’s your responsibility to fulfil your pledge.

That’s the mark of a leader, a parliamentary speaker too, which is obviously absent in you.

Vijay47: I am not too sure, Pandikar, but was Parliament somehow bequeathed to you by your father? Maybe by your grandfather?

When uneducated illiterates suffering chronic delusions of grandeur or divinity are elevated to positions beyond their wildest dreams, this is exactly what we earn, people acting as though Parliament is their personal fiefdom.

As a speaker, you are supposed to practise some minimum degree of impartiality. Yet we now see that you are dispensing with even that pretence, no doubt to your great pride.

You conveniently overlook the fact that neither of the MPs made any offer of resigning, It was you, in your typical Umno tough guy act, who promised to resign. So who is dishonourable?

Shindig: So opposition MPs should resign if the speaker decides to honour his own words and do the job he is actually paid to do, regardless of the state of his private toilet facilities?

What sick twisted logic is this?

Justine Gow: Well, he can introduce changes to the Parliament but they can hardly be regarded as reforms, in the positive sense, if they are just meant to change rules in favour of MPs from the ruling parties.

True reforms should be to bring about a fairer system that will enable all MPs, irrespective of their political parties, to carry out their duties and responsibilities without hindrance.

His very act of not giving the two MPs the opportunity to speak shows that he is not capable of introducing real reforms.

Anonymous 122461436161429: Pandikar, please understand this. It is the job of the people’s representatives in Parliament to raise issues, one of them being parliamentary reforms which are sorely needed.

It is your job to deliver the reforms. If you do, well done, because it means that the two DAP MPs did their job and you did yours.

They don’t have to resign nor be punished. One of the reforms should be that if a speaker behaves like you, he should be immediately removed.

Ipoh Pp: Indeed, it’s very unfair for the speaker to ask these two MPs to resign. They were only carrying out their job.

Secondly, we the people elected them to be MPs not you, Pandikar. Your job is to be impartial and be fair in Parliament, of which you have not been.

However, it looks like the reforms have started with a new toilet in the speaker’s office.

Az: Please do your job first, without putting any condition. You clearly do not have the guts reform the Malaysian Parliament to that which is fitting of a true democracy.

It is your duty as a speaker to ensure that Parliament functions in a democratic manner, so there is no logical reason why these MPs should resign for asking you to carry out your duties.

Clearwater: Pandikar is a dishonourable person and unbecoming of the post he holds. His partisan leaning towards the ruling government is all too obvious and shameless.

Unable to handle valid criticism, he is the one who should resign.

Versey: Pandikar, do you know how ludicrous your call for the elected MPs to resign if parliamentary reforms do take place? Don’t you know that these MPs didn’t enter Parliament via the back door but were elected by the people?

By the way, do you know that you, as the House speaker, are not supposed to be an instrument of the government but the guardian of the rights of all MPs, regardless of which party they belong to.

You’re duty bound to apply impartially all the rules that regulate the Parliament and to uphold its integrity. You’re supposed to act as a referee, to speak for the Parliament, not for the government, to enable the Parliament to hold the government to account on substantive topics.

As a speaker, you’ve much to learn from John Bercow, the speaker of the United Kingdom Parliament. Bercow not only give frank warnings to Tory MPs, including government ministers, he even cut off PM David Cameron’s mid-answer during question time.

Onyourtoes: Pandikar, you are just a Third World tribal leader who will find every opportunity to abuse the power.

Who was talking about reforms for next year? The DAP MPs were talking about reforms supposed to take place this year.

By the way, what reforms are you going to carry out next year? Even a nincompoop will not believe that any real reform will ever come from you.

Gunnerrun: When we were young, we aspired to do good and be good.

When you reflect what you are today, do you think you have done right by your family, what you have promised to be and lastly, to the Almighty?

Pandikar, you are nothing but a despicable person who is only pandering to the dark forces.



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