YOURSAY | ‘If it is for Umno, why is the donation not reflected in its accounts?’

PM’s explanation on RM2.6b ‘donation’ – what a disgrace!


RM2.6b – donor wanted it in my account, says Najib

  Odin Tajué: PM Najib Abdul Razak, you dare to spew out your puerile dissembling only in the presence of those who are clearly complicit in the obvious covering up of the actual sources of the dubious massive funds found in your personal bank accounts, or have been coached to ask you questions that would elicit answers that imply or project your false innocence, or those who would believe whatever you say however illogical, inane, incredulous it may be, or those who are just plain stupid.

But you have turned tail like the RM1-chicken you are when you would have to face those who wanted to know the truth, who could easily tell truths from falsehood, who have normal and abnormal – abnormal as in above normal, that is, outstanding – depth of knowledge and level of intellect.

For example, you chickened out of the Nothing2Hide forum, and were nowhere to be seen at the last parliamentary sitting when you were supposed to explain the scandalous issue.

Before, it was “donor”. Now we hear of “donors”. This further renders the claim that the colossal sum of money had been donated is nothing more than pure fabrication.

And you suggested that a bank account opened under someone’s name is not the person’s personal account?

I have never worked for a bank nor have received any accounting training, but this sounds to me like pure poppycock, a statement made by someone completely unable to tell a lie that is at least plausible because his brains are too clogged up with numerous lies stored in them.

Res Ipsa: Mr PM, if your conscience is really clear as you had professed, then please answer some simple questions.

It is now settled that the RM2.6 billion was a political donation from an Arab donor or donors. Who are these people and what was their intent in giving such a colossal donation? Are there any strings attached?

Was the money intended only for Umno or for BN as a whole? How much of the said donation was used for the last general election? What happened to the balance? Why has it not been accounted for in the books of Umno or the other intended beneficiaries in BN?

It has been reported that the balance has been channelled out of the country. Can you confirm this? If in the affirmative, then where is the balance now? Has it gone back to the donor or donors?

These are the type of questions that you would need to answer since they are all within your knowledge. There is no necessity for a 50-minute exclusive interview with TV3 to beat around the bush.

Bluemountains: Najib has not specifically said whether the donation was meant for Umno or for himself.

If it was for Umno, why was the donation not reflected in its accounts? If it was for Umno, where has the rest of the money gone? If it was for Umno, why was deputy president Muhyiddin Yassin in the dark?

Gaji Buta: The account can be ‘affectionately’ called anything – slush fund account, donation account, secret account, emergency account, etc., but in terms of banking, isn’t it still personal account?

Anonymous #21828131: Why didn’t the interviewers focus on the RM2.6 billion and where the rest went after some of it was allegedly used during GE13.

The question on everybody’s mind is what happened to the balance of the RM2.6 billion. The rakyat want to know if the balance went to fund any organisation, or did it go into the purchase of properties?

Or has it been set aside in a private bank for later use to completely demolish PWTC (Putra World Trade Centre) and build a shining new state-of-art PWTC in the very near future?

Former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad has elaborated before that a forensic audit of 1MDB is necessary, but it took so long for the PM to come out with the “donation” reply.

Even Muhyiddin and almost all Umno leaders were unaware of where this money came from and still clueless on how it was disbursed (perhaps with the exception of new DPM Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, who has declared that he had met the donor).

Restless: It’s not a problem at all if you think you are innocent. However, to have the grace and magnanimity of an exemplary PM, the least you should do is take temporary leave pending investigation.

At least allow a fair and unbiased investigation, completely free from your influence. But that’s not what you are doing. Why? Ask yourself.

You can twist all you want. But we look at fundamentals and logic. You can’t even convince anyone (the court of public opinion) based on such low thresholds. Gosh, and you claim you have done no wrong. What a shame.

EmLaw: Yes, shame on you and the BN regime. Shame on the institutions and the people who helm them.

The fact that no single head of these “supposedly independent” institutions has come out to put a stop to this fiasco is proof that Malaysia is a failed state.

Does the PM and the rest of the goons even care to process in their brains what he has said? What a disgrace to Malaysians and Malaysia.

Neo Zypher: The account is in my name but it is not my personal account.

It sure sounds like ‘it looks like me, it sounds like me but it is not me’. Or did I have a vivid imagination?



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