YOURSAY | ‘Isn’t using public funds to buy electoral support an act of corruption?’

‘PM, you can buy people but not their soul’


Take care of us, we’ll take care of you, PM tells village chiefs

  Anon888: BN cheated at the 2013 general election through gerrymandering, a contest which they won with 47 percent of the votes thus forming what is known as a minority government.

Now they unashamedly ask the village chiefs to take care of the government when it is the government’s duty to be taking care of all the citizens irrespective of race, religion, or whether they are staying in the rural or urban areas.

Using our tax money to “buy” the village residents’ votes during election is deemed as corruption.

Not Confused: I think we’ve heard this before, haven’t we?

“You help me, and I’ll help you”, followed by sprinkling of ringgit notes like confetti over voters and promises about projects that never saw the light of day. What utter tripe!

Kim Quek: The ‘Cash is King’ PM has just announced two goodies, much to cheers and applause of the 5,000 village chiefs present.

These goodies are the extension of their mandatory retirement age from 65 to 69, and the allocation of RM10 million to them.

True to his ‘you help me, I help you’ philosophy, the PM urged the village chiefs to help returning the government to power in elections, so that the government can continue to deliver the goodies to them.

Isn’t using public funds to buy electoral support for political parties an act of corruption, bribery and abuse of power?

“No,” said the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC). It had defended Najib for doing that in past elections because “such spending improves the people’s welfare”.

With such open bribery by the nation’s highest leader endorsed by the country’s graft buster, is it any wonder that corruption has become second nature to this regime?

Odin Tajué: Congratulations to all 5,000 village chiefs. Now you will become even more well-off, thanks to the Great Leader, who cares so very much for the welfare of the people.

Now don’t forget to vote for him at the GE14. You will be sure to get a 5kg pack of rice, a tin of condensed milk, a 1kg pack of 1Malaysia sugar, and a packet of instant coffee powder from Indonesia.

Anonymous 109681439536914: Najib, does what you told the villagers make sense to you? You are the head of the Umno Baru-BN government and therefore it is your responsibility to take care of the villagers and all Malaysians.

But the villagers and our people do not have to take care you.

Wong Fei Hoong: Najib, you can buy people with money but not their soul. However, some people sell their soul because of money, such as MCA, MIC and Gerakan.

Shindig: The Umno terror regime lacks forward planning, but guess what, China does.

State-owned China General Nuclear Corporation only takes minority bite of country’s power asset now, you think they’ll stop there? Were they subtle in Sri Lanka?

China knows Malaysian MPs can be easily seduced by money, and they have plenty of that. So all they needed was to get their foot in the door, and Mr 1Malaysia will roll out red carpet.

Buttman: This is utterly beyond redemption. Najib’s recent drastic actions against all decency and the rule of law have made him and his wife ineligible for leniency or mercy when their downfall comes – which it inevitably will.

These denizens of Kg Tempurung must be born blind or extremely myopic.

Pahatian: A government is elected to take care of the nation and of course its rakyat and not the other way round. This shows the type of leaders we have and how gullible are the kampung chiefs.

Saya Pun Nak Cari Makan: The only way you can win votes is to dangle ringgit in front of the people.

Sadly, the people who respond to your baits are simple and innocent kampung Malays. You are indeed a master in exploiting these folks for your own benefits.

Nasib Rosak: This is nothing but blatant bribery. But, of course, the MACC will not see it as bribery.

Look at who the so-called chief commissioner of the MACC is. He is the spineless one, I’d say, especially for someone who recently had to undergo a “spine surgery”.

Justine Gow: “You scratch my back, I scratch yours” – this seems to be the only speech line the 2.6 bintang man is good at delivering.

Ask for a Q&A (question and answer) session on 1MDB or corruption, and he would find last-minute excuses to be out of town or the venue of the session would suddenly become unsafe for the PM to go to.

7888888: So the RM2.6 billion Arab donor took care of you. So what did you give him in return?



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