YOURSAY | ‘Even if it is a donation, it is still a case of criminal breach of trust.’

MACC, what did Najib tell you about SRC’s RM42m?


MACC quizzes Najib over SRC, RM2.6b donation

  Not Convinced: Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), what did Najib tell you about the SRC International money?

RM42 million was allegedly deposited into the PM’s private bank account from December 2014 to February this year.

Since you have been investigating this matter, you will know that SRC is an energy company under the Finance Ministry. It transferred RM50 million to two companies – Gandingan Mentari and Ishan Perdana – where RM42 million of it found its way into Najib’s AmPrivate bank account.

Did Najib tell you what the money was for? Don’t tell me this is another donation.

Even if it is a donation, it is still a case of criminal breach of trust (CBT). Don’t forget, Najib is the finance minister. This is akin to a CEO transferring money belonging to the company into his private bank account.

But I think you know that already. After all, the so-called charge sheet, which the attorney-general (AG) said is fake, focused on nailing Najib on the SRC money (and not on the other RM2.6 billion ‘donation’).

And since Najib is completely silence on the SRC money, perhaps you can do him a favour like what you did in declaring that the RM2.6 billion was a donation. Explain to us exactly what the SRC money was for.

Mushiro: The DPM spent three minutes to answer in Parliament the nagging question on the RM2.6 billion ‘donation’. Najib spent two and a half hours being “grilled” by MACC on the ‘donation’ and the SRC money.

And Najib is the same person who claimed that MACC had cleared him of the ‘donation’. Is this a drama to satisfy Najib, to please the citizens or to get the truth?

Odin Tajué: You will be disappointed to know the truth, folks. The RM2.6 billion was indeed a donation and not stolen money.

The donor was Al-Addin, who had rubbed his magic lamp and ordered the genie to produce the lolly to give to Najib – because he felt very sad seeing Najib having crooked teeth, and wanted him to get braces fixed, and balding head, and wanted him to go to Svenson’s for a hair transplant operation.

The RM42 million from SRC was a token of appreciation of the extremely hard work that Najib had put in to secure the RM3.8 billion loan from KWAP (Retirement Fund Inc).

As you can see, folks, there was no hanky-panky going on. All the RM2.642 billion transferred into Najib’s personal bank accounts was completely legitimate. Sorry, one more time again, double twice to disappoint you all.

Pemerhati: Najib has many layers of protection. The principled MACC officers have been suddenly removed. The remaining officers are scared and worried about their rice bowl. They will do whatever Najib wants them to do.

If in the unlikely event MACC finds the guts to act and says that Najib should be prosecuted, then Najib’s lackey, AG Mohamed Apandi Ali, will say that Najib has no case to answer.

If miraculously Apandi decides to be truthful and goes on to charge Najib then the courts will turn the law upside down, as they did in the Perak constitutional crisis case, and decide that Najib is not guilty.

Anonymous_40f4: MACC had already investigated the issue six months ago and the AG’s office has allegedly prepared a charge sheet against Najib, who then sacked the AG and got the police to arrest the DPPs and the MACC officers involved.

The police also grabbed their computers and laptops. This new questioning by MACC is all but a sandiwara to cover up the alleged stealing of public funds and to save the alleged thief.

We have seen it umpteen times before, they will cook up a ridiculous excuse to justify the ‘donation’.

Jesse: Are they asking the tough questions? Do they have the guts to do so? The fact that they are in the PM’s office rather than at MACC’s speak for itself. It is probably a whitewash.

CQ Muar: MACC, don’t waste your time and our time. Everybody here in this country and the rest of the world already have an idea what the outcome is going to be.

The quizzing session is nothing but a superficial show, where the scripts had been laid out by those ‘directors’ in a mastery act.

The eventual verdict will be: no case, lack of evidence, files closed.

Anonymous 122461436161429: Yes, we are certainly not waiting for the outcome as it will be the expected one.

The explanation will be approximately three minutes long. It was a donation. It was used for political funding. The opposition did the same thing.

There was nothing wrong and hence no further action needed.

Nes: After quizzing the PM, the officer has to refer to his boss, then his boss has to refer to his boss, then this boss had to refer to the MACC boss, who then has to refer to the PM.

Got it?



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