An immoral question in a moral subject!

-Dr. S. Ramakrishan, November 22, 215.   The SPM moral paper, as in the past has caused yet another controversy this year by insinuating, through examination questions, to students that they should not oppose the government…

From Jeyakumar: An Open Letter to ASEAN Heads…

Dr. Jeyakumar Devaraj, Member of Parliament, November 20, 2015. Your Excellencies, the Honourable Heads of Government of ASEAN Nations, welcome to Malaysia. We in the Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) wish you have a pleasant and…

YOURSAY | ‘But it actually means ‘my hands…

So 'let’s cari makan' now means 'let’s get lunch'     I meant looking for lunch by 'cari makan', says PAC chief  Kim Quek: In the context Public Accounts Committee (PAC) chief Hasan Arifin uttered the…

YOURSAY | ‘The main task of the new…

We all know why Apandi was tabbed as AG     G25 brands AG 'arrogant and crude' for belittling group  Kingfisher: It would seem that the attorney-general (AG) was rather brash with his pointed remark that…

YOURSAY | ‘It is the moronic Malaysian male…

When it comes to sex, PKR-Umno-PAS all in same bed   PKR MP: 'Sexy attire' of athletes may lead to illicit sex  RM2.6billion Duit Haram: Mohamad Imran Abdul Hamid (PKR-Lumut), you must have a very uncontrollable…

YOURSAY | ‘Pity that our PM can’t even…

For some, Bangladeshi workers mean easy money   Zahid causes stir in Dhaka by putting off workers’ MoU   Turvy: The above picture says everything. Our threatening ministers, our attitude to foreign workers, the obsequious civil servants…

YOURSAY | ‘We should think carefully if a…

Halal trolleys? Next, halal banknotes and coins? Shoppers roll right along with halal, non-halal trolleys  SteveOh: Why not? Next on the list - halal and non-halal notes and coins, halal and non-halal public toilets, halal and…

YOURSAY | ‘Maybe he is just a stooge.…

If Najib is being criminalised, who then is real culprit?  Kayveas says Najib made scapegoat for 1MDB fiasco  Hplooi: PPP president M Kayveas, if as you say PM Najib Razak is being unfairly tarred (ostensibly due…

Caste among Indians in Malaysia?

P. Ramasamy, November 11, 2015. COMMENT: Is Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak a newcomer to Malaysian politics? Having been in the political arena for years, he seems quite oblivious to the happenings in the Indian…

YOURSAY | ‘He who screams the loudest and…

PM not only fears losing power, but what comes after   'Najib's fear of losing power causing despair for M'sia's future'  Anonymous_1421806811: It surprises me how right-minded people can support a leader who is seen by…

YOURSAY | ‘It is wrong for Raja Arif…

    Will BTN call both PM and DPM ‘pendatang’, too? Nothing wrong with word 'pendatang', says BTN chief  Quigonbond: National Civics Bureau (BTN) director Raja Arif Raja Ali probably needs schooling in both public sensitivities…

YOURSAY | ‘Basically the minister is asking the…

If Rahman Dahlan can’t do his job, he can ‘balik kampung’, too  Minister’s ‘go back to kampung’ notion draws contempt   YOUR SAY | ‘Basically the minister is asking the country to go backwards.’  Lamborghini: Housing, Local Government and…

YOURSAY | ‘How can this be criminal defamation…

Probe 'who stole what', not 'who leaked what'     Police, MCMC raid Malaysiakini, seize computer  Ferdtan: There is no rule of law in Malaysia, but ruled by law. There is no differentiation/distinction between ruling political…

YOURSAY | ‘I didn’t know you must be…

So Obama's golfing buddy Najib not 'well-known' in US     Suing WSJ in US not likely, as Najib 'not well-known there'  SRMan: "Najib is not well-known in the US", appears to be a humble statement…

YOURSAY | ‘Najib has been trapped by Mahathir.…

PM, don’t use ‘summary judgment’ card against Ling Najib sues ex-MCA president for defamation  Anonymous_4031c: Finally, the PM has done the right thing to clear his name. Watching the legal manoeuvres will be interesting - expect…

Secession – an overt action of a state…

-K.Siladass, 10 October, 2015. COMMENT The word secession is derived from the Latin word secessio. It denotes, inter-alia, an action of seceding or formally withdrawing from an alliance, a federation. Secession is different from partition, which…

YOURSAY | ‘Najib has been doing a great…

Najib’s greatest enemy is the one in PM’s seat   'Enemies within and without' trying to destroy nation’s image  Hopeful123: The prime minister, in the first instance, must have resorted to legal recourse to rebut all…