YOURSAY | ‘How can this be criminal defamation when the report is true?’

Probe ‘who stole what’, not ‘who leaked what’



Police, MCMC raid Malaysiakini, seize computer

yrsayprobewhostolewhat Ferdtan: There is no rule of law in Malaysia, but ruled by law. There is no differentiation/distinction between ruling political parties and the government in power.

When one criticises Umno or PM, it is considered as insulting the country.

Instead of letting the aggrieved parties hurt by actions (malicious or otherwise) of another through civil suits, the police injudiciously assisted the powers-that-be by instituting criminal charges using obscure ‘catch-all’ laws.

Malaysiakini is being investigated for criminal defamation for its report on a deputy public prosecutor (DPP) being transferred out of Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission’s (MACC) special operation division.

How can this be criminal defamation when the fact (the transfer) is true, at least from the response of the de facto law minister?

Even if the news turned out to be wrong, it is still not criminal in nature. Why the harsh action? All the attorney-general (AG) has to do is to deny it – which he did.

That should be the end of the matter… unless the truth hurts.

Roger 5201: This is pure intimidation by people who are more concerned about “who leaked what?” rather than “who stole what?”

Rubystar_4037: Malaysiakini just goes up another few notches in journalism and in reporting ‘worthwhile’ news.

Umno is now really flying blind and hits out at whoever is hurting its image, which has been badly dented over the past 20 years.

Three cheers to Malaysiakini editor-in-chief Steven Gan and his staff.

Vijay47: I cannot understand why government enforcement agencies seem to view fellow Malaysians, and especially news portals, as enemies of state.

Would they prefer that bodies like Malaysiakini keep quiet and turn the other way when all manner of illegal activities are being blatantly perpetrated by the very people we have placed our trust on?

Worse, they seem to be giving protection to the wrong people. Are they not concerned that the country appears to be rapidly heading in the wrong direction?

During moments such as these, the only comfort we can draw is that the wheel of karma is rapidly turning.

Gan, your comments on the raid are short and to the point. More importantly, they reaffirm that Malaysiakini tells it like it is though some may not like it.

Mushiro: They have failed to intimidate Malaysiakini. They have failed to intimidate some officers in MACC, AG’s Chambers, Bank Negara and many more.

The more they flex their muscles, the more people fight back. The end is near for them.

AG’s Chambers complaint led to Malaysiakini, Star raids

Odin Tajué: The raid on Malaysiakini and the confiscation of a computer are totally unnecessary.

Capturing a screenshot of the page containing the supposedly offensive report is sufficient. The AG’s Chambers ought to be intelligent enough to be cognisant of that fact.

The action must have been executed merely to impart to the uninformed sections of the public the idea that Malaysiakini has committed a very grievous offence against the AG’s Chambers.

That Malaysiakini’s particular report has been deemed to constitute criminal defamation further supports this contention of mine. A charge of civil defamation is sufficient.

The action must be nothing more than vindictiveness, a revenge for the negative image of the AG’s Chambers that this particular Malaysiakini’s report, and any previous ones, have been assumed by the supposedly injured party to have portrayed.

The involvement of the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) was also completely unnecessary. Doubtless, its inclusion in the raiding party was meant to reinforce the supposed gravity of the offence.

We note the very fast response of the authorities in this clear oppression of Malaysiakini.

Negarawan: “It was found the articles contained defamatory elements and a police report was lodged on the issue as there was ill-intention and it damaged the good name of the Attorney-General’s Chambers,” says the case brief.

It was the AG himself who shot himself in the foot, not anyone else. He stated that the DPP of MACC was not transferred out, but this was confirmed by the de facto law minister in her statement made later.

Malaysiakini and The Star were reporting the truth and there was no malicious intent on their part. The raids by the police and MCMC are without any legal basis and could be unlawful.

Buttman: We thought nobody could be worse than former AG Abdul Gani Patail. We were totally wrong. Mohamed Apandi Ali beats Gani hands down as a nasty piece of work.

What this country desperately needs is an AG we can genuinely respect and trust – somebody like Ambiga Sreenevasan or Sivarasa Rasiah.



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