YOURSAY | ‘Basically the minister is asking the country to go backwards.’

If Rahman Dahlan can’t do his job, he can ‘balik kampung’, too

YOUR SAY | ‘Basically the minister is asking the country to go backwards.’ 

yrsaygobackyoursay-EnglishLamborghini: Housing, Local Government and Urban Wellbeing Minister Abdul Rahman Dahlan comes across as a minister with a big mouth but small brains.

And for someone who hails from Sabah, he should know that Sabah is the poorest state in the country and the big majority of the poorest of the poor are in the kampung.

Is he telling the poor rakyat to go back to the poverty they come from so that he will have less problems and people to take care of in the urban areas?

This is the problem with young upstart ministers like him who think they are smart but when they open their mouths they talk nonsense and show their naivety and stupidity.

As a fellow Sabahan, you bring shame to us, Abdul Rahman. Maybe you are the one that should ‘balik kampung’ to Kota Belud and ‘tanam jagung’ (grow maize) for a few years and do some quiet reflection.

Justine Gow: The mentality here is basically, “Don’t bother me, don’t make my job difficult. Just get out of the city. Balik kampung.”

Migration to the rural area is, of course, an option to solve the congestion in the cities, but it cannot be done by merely ordering or telling people to do that.

The government has to encourage people by offering incentives and support.

Baiyuensheng: What the minister should say is that the rural economy needs to be improved and the government is looking at ways of doing it, such that rural folks do not need to come to the city to earn a living.

China is doing this as well to stem the tide into the cities. They are encouraging villages to produce their goods for exports. Transportation connecting rural areas have also benefitted this transition to rural economy.

In Budget 2016, do you see any such reforms? No. Only handouts.

Roar For Truth: It’s time to send this minister back to his ‘kampung’ in GE14. Why should Malaysians be stopped from progressing because of his incompetence as the urban minister?

Anonymous #66797900: What an arrogant man. This is typical of the rich in Sabah who never worked for wealth which has been acquired through political patronage, exploitation of the natives and illegal immigrants, forced and illegal acquisition of native lands and receiving kickbacks from rich Chinese timber tycoons to whom licences have been issued to exploit natural resources under state protection.

How would he know how the urban poor live in Peninsular Malaysia? To him, they are all well-off as in Sabah the poor do not have a roof over their heads, schools have no classrooms, both in so-called urban areas and deep interior they have no piped water, electricity, roads, health care, etc.

The rich, like Abdul Rahman and his family live in mansions, enjoy the best and are known to enjoy exclusive night life and entertainment.

This is the same arrogant attitude displayed by other Sabahans, such as Parliament speaker Pandikar Amin Mulia and Communications and Multimedia Minister Salleh Said Keruak.

GE14NOW!: To the one who said “when you speak use your brains”, all I can say is that this particular minister has demonstrated, time and again, and beyond all shadow of a doubt, that he does not have one.

He has something in his head that keeps him alive, but then ask him anything that requires sense and some level of critical thinking and he falls apart.

This is the sort of people you will get when you support a PM who only wants loyalty but not intelligence.

That would have been fine if that so-called PM can make all the decisions needed for the running of the country by himself. But he cannot and thus he needs all these ‘macais’ (underlings).

But these minions are useless beyond belief and so the country is in for nothing but trouble. Well, at least Abdul Rahman is mildly entertaining. The PM is plain revolting.

Yap CS: Basically this minister is asking the country to go backwards; to regress to a more primitive state.

The minister does not know how to solve the problems in the urban areas so his way to deal with it is to move these problems somewhere else so that he need not deal with them at all.

All BN ministers are like this without exception. That is why this government has to go. Vote them out.

Anonymous #33227154: Why don’t he ask us to go and live in caves or up the trees like our ancestors did?

No wonder our country cannot progress with low-class ministers like this. He should just resign and crawl back to the hole he came from.

Mojo Jojo: I hope Abdul Rahman says more things of this sort, that way we can tell our children that if you don’t go to school and get a decent education, you will end up as a politician and say things that dimwits will say.

On second thought, maybe that isn’t such a good idea. We don’t want to encourage children to all drop out of school and become ministers.



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