YOURSAY | ‘Maybe he is just a stooge. Was it Jho Low? Or someone even more powerful?’

If Najib is being criminalised, who then is real culprit?

Yrsaynajibcriminalised Hplooi: PPP president M Kayveas, if as you say PM Najib Razak is being unfairly tarred (ostensibly due to incompetent managers in 1MDB), then allowed the investigation to quickly proceed and submit himself to the judgment of an unbiased court.

But unfortunately no reasonable explanation was offered, and worse, the investigation was deliberately obstructed.

So Kayveas, if Najib is really as innocent as you say and Najib is just an incompetent fool, the rakyat may forgive him.

But an incompetent fool caught lying, not once but numerous times and a strong possibility that he may be a thief to boot is just too much for a reasonable citizen to bear, no matter how forgiving.

Odin Tajué: So Najib has been made a scapegoat.

That means the real culprits are such powerful people that they have been able to stymie the investigation processes and got those involved in the probes transferred immediately or given the sack, and got those who criticised the grand scam or filed reports on such things as the money laundering involved arrested and incarcerated indefinitely.

One surmises that Kayveas was trying very hard to ingratiate himself with Najib in the hope to be roped into the PM’s Department as a minister – a position he is doubtless unable to achieve were he to subject himself to the people’s vote.

Abdul Kadir Jasin: Kayveas could very well be saying the right thing. Najib was pushed into 1MDB by hidden hands. Maybe he knew nothing about the goings-on in 1MDB.

Maybe he is just a rubber stamp, a stooge. Was it Jho Low that installed him at 1MDB? Or was there an even more powerful force than Jho Low?

Kayveas could very well the person we should be listening too if we want to see into the future. His party (PPP) is the shining example of what BN parties are heading to – existing in names only. In fact, many of the BN parties in the peninsula are already like the PPP.

I wonder how many Malaysians still remember the PPP’s heyday under the Seenivasagam brothers.

Apa Nama: Kayveas, actually right-thinking Malaysians are being make as scapegoats.

They were arrested, transferred from one government department to another and later transferred back, and threatened with sedition, etc.

Kay Phor Chee: There is a group of irresponsible people trying to criminalise 1MDB and our leader.

1MDB is actually right on track now and its rationalisation plan is working. As for the RM2.6 billion issue, it has been clarified by Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (that it was a donation).

Grey Matter: The question is how 1MBD’s RM42 billion was spent and why it cannot be accounted for it?

Secondly, this RM42 billion debt would by now exceeded RM50 billion. Thirdly, the so-called RM52 billion assets is actually a revaluation of land where it was bought from the government way below market and later revalued upwards.

If the investments are so good, why is 1MDB facing problems servicing its debts.

Under the law, receiving donations from a third party is gratification, thus is it corruption. Furthermore, this money was received in Najib’s personal account where his deputy in the party was unaware of such a political donation.

In addition, it’s not a donation of RM1 million but rather RM2.6 billion received from a foreign party. This could be money from Israel or even 1MDB money transferred through some convoluted transfer scheme.

Haveagreatday: Kayveas, yes, I am also collecting funds for a worthwhile course and I receive donations in my personal account. But if challenged, I can account for every cent.

Najib can’t account for the RM2.6 billion in his personal account and it is for this reason and in the eyes of the thinking rakyat, he’s an immoral leader.

Citizen No.26: Kayveas, it is alright if you raise RM42 billion loan with RM52 billion collateral when you can account for all the details in the expenditure of the RM42 billion.

It is alright to receive a humungous donation provided you declare and account for it. If you do not declare and cannot account for it, then something must be seriously wrong.

If you actively block and disrupt the all related investigations into the matter, then it is totally wrong.

Odysseus: If I don’t steal or rob and I pay tax every year, when will I get my RM2.6 billion donation? Perhaps, make me prime minister.

Justtruthseeker: Heard of Romania? The PM there resigned over night club fire. Recall South Korea? The company CEO resigned over a capsized ferry.

I wonder what does integrity means in this country.



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