YOURSAY | ‘Najib has been doing a great job in destroying the nation’s image.’

Najib’s greatest enemy is the one in PM’s seat


‘Enemies within and without’ trying to destroy nation’s image

yrsaynajib'senemy Hopeful123: The prime minister, in the first instance, must have resorted to legal recourse to rebut all the allegations that were levelled at him. This will prove that he is honest, sincere and that he means business.

But he failed miserably to do that, and this has brought shame and humiliation, not only to himself but to the nation and Malaysians. He threatened to sue this guy, that guy and everyone else, but nothing materialised.

We all have to face the consequences of our actions, be they good or bad. So, Mr PM, please stop blaming others and come clean on your actions.

Odin Tajué: Even without you naming names, we know who the enemies within and the enemies without are.

The enemies within are those who embezzle and misappropriate public funds by the hundreds of million and tens of billions, flee to other countries to avoid being interrogated, cause foreigners to laugh derisively because of their stupid legal letters, and chicken out of several public fora because they have a lot to hide.

The enemies without are some Arabs who abet in the embezzlement and misappropriation of public funds, and swig champagne and smoke Havana cigars aboard yachts and in glitzy nightclubs.

M&M: From the way he spoke, PM Najib Razak has shown his ironed determination to lead this government until the 14th general election.

If all methods fail to oust him now, it’s better to wait for GE14 when BN and Pakatan Harapan will have their showdown.

Fernz: Najib has been doing a great job in destroying the nation’s image. The enemies within, at this point in time, is the Najib administration.

The issues are covering up wrongdoings, sweeping them under the carpet and Najib going after those who get too close to him in their investigations.

GE14NOW!: The number one enemy within is the man who sits in the PM’s chair.

This is the most scandalous and tainted PM the country has ever had and he still dares to talk about enemies within and without. What a hypocrite you are.

I would turn my back on you should our paths cross as there is not one scintilla of respect left in me for you.

Oxymoronictendencies: Indeed, it would seem the main enemy “within” is Najib himself. It is his reported corruption and alleged embezzlement of public funds that tarnish our national image.

And it is the payments he has made to his colleagues in Umno as reported by former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad, that keep him safe.

And unlike former opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, they cannot charge Mahathir with sodomy; and they have yet to work out what to charge him with, without also bringing Umno down.

Meantime, he remains above the reach of the law. However, his undoing will be his greed. Whether greed for money or greed for power, or perhaps both.

Allah is watching and no one is exempted from and above the judgement of Allah.

Enjoy your final days, Najib, for they are surely numbered and few remain before you are removed from your turret to the cell next to Anwar in Sungai Buloh.

A wise man knows when to quit while he is ahead. An arrogant man refuses to recognise reality before it is too late. And it is much too late now.

CQ Muar: This ‘acclaimed and celebrated’ actor sure knows how to keep his audience in awe.

Najib will reach out to anything to render them spellbound with promises and lies, just like the way he did during election campaigns in the past.

With a majority of those who had benefited from his monetary rewards that Najib had allegedly stolen from the rakyat, he is able to control them like a swarm of domesticated bees.

As ‘cash is king’, Najib has no problem distributing to wherever he needed support most; even those who were against him were bought over.

Thus, such is the skill and scheme of this Umno leader who will fight to the end, regardless of the obstacles.

Like Saddam Hussein, Najib will obstinately defy all odds. But he may yet meet the same fate as Saddam’s.

Love God N Do Gd: Najib, nobody can destroy you. You destroyed yourself. I’m sure you know what you have done.

Today with the Internet, you can hide nothing. Everything will be exposed, not only to Malaysia, but to the whole world, within a split of a second.

Good or bad, the whole world is watching you.



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