YOURSAY | ‘The highly inexperienced PAC chairperson has revealed his true colours.’

With Hasan ‘cari makan’, expect PAC probe a whitewash


‘Cari makan’, quips PAC’s Hasan on not calling PM

 The Mask: “It is not necessary to call Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak over the 1MDB probe,” said Public Accounts Committee (PAC) chairperson Hasan Arifin.

Hasan, Najib is the chairperson of 1MDB advisory board and if you don’t call him, then what is the purpose of the probe?

Instead of going round and round, why don’t you go direct to the source?

Jbsuara: What? Is he joking? If Hasan equates his job to ‘cari makan’, meaning seeking a means/way of earning money or a living, then we might as well forget about the PAC.

This is because the PAC chairperson may not be serious/sincere in investigating and finding the truth in the 1MDB saga and the donation of RM2.6 billion deposited into the prime minister’s accounts.

He may just be warming the seat until the authorities give him a minister’s position. Then, he will abandon ship and ‘cari makan’ elsewhere.

Bystander: I nearly fell out of my chair when this man who is entrusted to investigate the 1MDB fiasco did not see the need to call up very important and relevant witnesses just to protect his rice bowl.

P Dev Anand Pillai: By uttering these remarks, it goes to show very clearly that the so-called select committees which come under Parliament are all just mere sideshows.

There is nothing which can be done against the supreme omnipotent leader. Every position is beholden to the supreme leader, so what can one expect of this poor new MP except to ‘cari makan’?

Aegan: I don’t think there is any wrong with Hasan’s statement. It depends on how you interpret it.

More important is that PAC does its job to investigate the matter. Don’t let the opposition keep on recycling the same issues over and over.

Negarawan: Right from the outset, it has been clear that the PAC will not be serious in its deliberations and investigations into 1MDB.

Rather, the PAC is set to exonerate those responsible for the massive corruption and failure of 1MDB.

The unprofessional and highly inexperienced Hasan has indeed revealed his true colours.

If there is no need to call Najib, then there is also no need to investigate 1MDB. Just shut down the PAC and spare the rakyat from further waste of taxpayers’ funds and time.

Mosquitobrain: Mr PAC chief, it is your responsibility to call in Najib as part of your 1MDB probe. If not, then you have to really ‘cari makan’ elsewhere.

Do not fool the rakyat. We’re paying your salary.

Anonymous_40f4: Before Hasan was chosen as PAC chief by Najib, he was probably briefed on the dos and don’ts on the investigation into the RM2.6 billion in Najib’s accounts and 1MDB.

He is following instructions. In Bolehland, all investigations by the government against Umno-BN is eyewash.

Anonymous #32557251: Please be serious. This is not something funny. This is the type of very senior officer that will lead us to hell, and yet we pay his salary.

N1: This statement from PAC chairperson reaffirms the need for the premier to go on leave so that he cannot influence the investigation of PAC.

There is a clear conflict of interest when the country is asking for an objective investigation.

Multi Racial: What to expect when we voted third-grade politicians into office? Malaysians are to be blamed.

If they want to do something about it, then make sure in GE14, they don’t allow such low-grade politicians into Parliament and state assemblies.

Nes: Forget about PAC. Forget about Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission. Forget about Bank Negara.

Forget about the police. Forget about the attorney-general. Forget about the inspector-general of police. Forget about the judiciary. Forget about the government.

There you have it. Why are we wasting our time?

DAP wants PAC chief out for ‘cari makan’ remark

Vijay47: In any other country where they practise the noble IGP’s “parliamentary democracy” in the honest manner it should be, the PAC chairperson would have resigned at once whether or not the remark was made in humour.

But in Malaysia, we will soon have the likes of Ku Nan (Umno secretary-general Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor), officials from Yapeim (Malaysian Islamic Economic Development Foundation), and the prime minister himself jumping to Hasan’s defence.

Such a stand would be hardly surprising, when these characters can justify holiday trips to the United States allegedly using funds meant for orphans. Only in Malaysia, folks, only in Malaysia.

Versey: The 1MDB scandal has drawn much international publicity and it involves public trust and confidence in the government.

The chairperson of PAC therefore should give public the perception and confidence that he is neutral, a man of the highest integrity with irreproachable and no nonsense kind of character.

After Hasan made that “cari makan” remark, how could the rakyat trust that he could carry out his duty without fear or favour?

Hence, I absolutely agree with MP Gobind Singh Deo’s call for Hasan to resign as the chairperson of PAC.

Indeed, if Hasan is a noble gentleman, he should take up the responsibility for mistake made, not concocting story to put the blame on the media or anybody else.

Funny 1M: At least, Hasan is honest. Not like the previous PAC chairperson who said he would not resign until he finished his task in the committee.

But when he was appointed as a deputy minister, he left PAC immediately.



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