YOURSAY | ‘It seems his job is to…

Apandi acts more like 1MDB lawyer than AG   Bank Negara mustn't make 1MDB its whipping boy, says AG  Negarawan: The question is not about Bank Negara not requesting for certain information, but rather it is…

YOURSAY | ‘What do you mean Sarawak Report…

Arul and 1MDB still speaking with forked tongue  1MDB boss confirms S'wak Report docs authentic, denies lying   Aries46: What does 1MDB CEO Arul Kanda mean by “[...] I can confirm that, in this particular case, it…

YOURSAY | ‘If TPPA is inked, it’s Umno…

Why ask DAP to defend Malay rights when Perkasa has Umno? Will DAP defend bumi rights in TPPA, asks Perkasa chief Swipenter: Umno is the government. It is the Umno government which did all the negotiations…

YOURSAY | ‘It looks like the lady has…

Now the main event - Bank Negara vs AG’s Chambers   BNM revokes approvals for 1MDB's RM7.5b fund transfers  Abdul Kadir Jasin: Bravo Bank Negara. 1MDB isn't God. It can defy PM Najib Razak's instruction for…

YOURSAY | ‘Anybody wants to take a bet?…

Now that Ling has spoken, will Najib sue?   I'll see you in court, Ling tells Najib  FellowMalaysian: The content of former MCA chief Ling Liong Sik's press statement has made Malaysians proud of him in…

YOURSAY | ‘Is it because Ling is Chinese?…

In taking legal action, PM goes after weak ‘Ling’   Najib threatens to sue ex-MCA chief Ling  CQ Muar: PM Najib Razak, you'd just revealed yourself as coward. You instructed your lawyer, Hafarizam Harun, to sue…

YOURSAY | ‘If you did or said something…

Arab godfather okay, but not Chinese godfather   Zam: Chinese won't support BN, so no need to say 'sorry'  David Dass: Deputy Minister Tajuddin Abdul Rahman is angry at the idea that China will look out…

YOURSAY | ‘The minorities in this country are…

Tajuddin, we often ‘fantasise’ the end of BN gov’t     Tajuddin 'slap' remark earns 'flying kick' response  Appum: Thank you, Deputy Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister Tajuddin Abdul Rahman for waking up my senses. Previously…

YOURSAY | ‘WSJ should just tell Najib to…

Why should WSJ show its cards before the trial? PM wants to know if WSJ will block lawsuit with Speech Act  Lukesky: Why on earth would The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) want to divulge its legal strategy to…

YOURSAY | ‘I’m not a Chinese but I…

'Perkasa, don't tell us that we are lucky'     Chinese Malaysians 'the luckiest', Perkasa tells envoy  Telestai!: Whether Chinese Malaysians are "lucky" or not depends on one's definition of lucky. Chinese Malaysians are "lucky" because…

YOURSAY | ‘Where, when and how did Chinese…

For Umno, calling all Chinese 'Cina babi' not rude? 'Rude Chinese' causing issues, Umno Youth tells envoy  Gerard Lourdesamy: This is Umno racism gone mad. What provocation or disrespect from the Chinese Malaysians? Just because Bersih…

YOURSAY | ‘Never before has a nation been…

Sorry Dr M, only Umno’s removal can save the nation     Mahathir: Only Najib's removal can save the economy  GE14NOW!: I disagree with former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad on this. The mere removal of PM…

YOURSAY l ‘The race card is their trump…

If not race, what else would Umno talk about?     No race rhetoric at Umno AGM please, says MCA  Appum: What is an Umno general assembly without the usual racial rhetoric? This year's topic will…

YOURSAY ‘What if the person found guilty of…

Better to give Khir Toyo a broom to sweep prison   'Replacing jail time with community service never done before'  MariKitaUbah: Dr Mohd Khir Toyo was the MB of Selangor. He should have led a clean…

PAS is in the past, new hope with…

-Dr. S. Ramakrishnan, September 24, 2015. Parti Amanah Negara, DAP and PKR have officially announced the formation of their new coalition Pakatan Harapan on 22/9/2015 with much hope and promise in view of the fast…