YOURSAY | ‘Is it because Ling is Chinese? Or is it because Najib has no balls to take on Dr M’

In taking legal action, PM goes after weak ‘Ling’


Najib threatens to sue ex-MCA chief Ling

ling le CQ Muar: PM Najib Razak, you’d just revealed yourself as coward. You instructed your lawyer, Hafarizam Harun, to sue ex-MCA chief Ling Liong Sik, quoting him as saying: “I agree with Mahathir (that Najib should resign). Because he has taken people’s money and put it in his personal accounts.”

Since what Ling did was to quote Mahathir, hence the original statement was uttered by the latter; why then don’t you have the gall to sue the originator for those allegations instead of going after the one quoting it?

Odin Tajué: Ling, may I suggest that you get your lawyer to send a letter to Najib asking the following:

1) What Najib meant by his reputation having been smeared.

2) How to retract your statement, as it was made orally and you are unable to pull back the relevant words that you have spoken, words uttered orally being intangible.

That is enough for now. Your other option is to simply ignore his lawyer’s letter. You will fight the bogus Bugis warrior in the hills, in the streets, on the beaches, in the kangaroo court, wherever, but you will never capitulate.

Res Ipsa: Hafarizam, there appears to be glaring inconsistencies in your approach to legal action.

Following your SOP (standard operation procedure), you should have issued a letter seeking clarification from Ling to see whether he stands by his comments.

If he answers in the affirmative, then you should be sending a second clarification letter to confirm whether in his defence, he will be taking the position that Mahathir was the principal culprit in uttering those words.

Moot point really, agreed? So why the double standards where The Wall Street Journal are concerned? And wouldn’t you agree that the letter of demand should be directed to Mahathir instead?

Is there some element of racism involved where you get to pick and choose whom you want to go after? Please be forthcoming in your answers, Hafarizam, as your actions have brought disrepute to the honourable legal profession.

Do not just target the weak ‘Ling’ in your intended action, but ensure that parallel action is taken against the principal to see whether the utterance was justified.

RM2.6billion Duit Haram: Indeed, why pick only on Ling when Mahathir has issued more venomous remarks on the same issue against Najib?

Is it because Ling is Chinese? Or is it because Najib has no balls to take on Mahathir?

SWOT Strategist: Noticed that even in legal suits, race profiling is being selectively used to brainwash the ignorant public by insinuating that non-Malays are attacking a Malay regime.

Don’t fall for this devious trap to divert attention on national issues through racial conflicts, exactly like many unwise DAP Chinese leaders failed to strategise to let more Malay leaders to voice out to avoid their party being dismissed as a race-chauvinistic party.

Anon 888: Since the PM is now in the mood to sue so many parties after his sojourn at the UN in New York and Milan in Italy, it is best that he go on official leave to handle his personal matters so that the proper running and administration of the country is not interrupted.

After all, he has a ‘capable’ deputy to run the country in his absence when he and his wife went to attend the 70th UN General Assembly and then flew to Milan on other matters too.

So taking official leave to sue WSJ, Sarawak Report, AlJazeera (for its ‘Murder in Malaysia’ programme), The New York TimesAsia Sentinel and now Ling Liong Sik, will not only be in his own best personal interest (so that he can concentrate on these legal issues) but also in the best interest of the country as the country will then be properly taken care of by the deputy PM in his absence.

Anonymous 122461436161429: Well done, Najib. One more threat and intimidation to cover your wrongdoings.

Ling will produce documents, call Mahathir, WSJ, opposition members, former Langkawi Wanita Umno leader Anina Saadudin, the ex-AG (attorney-general), to name a few, as his witnesses to prove what he said was true and was fair comment.

Najib can try and stifle all of this, so let the judiciary stand up and be counted. And MCA, you can stand and watch because you do that so well.

Hytan: See him in court and demand that he produce the source of his RM2.6 billion. He cannot rely on the statement from Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) that it is a ‘donation’.

Factnot Fiction: Najib, solve the economic woes, tell Malaysians what has happened to 1MDB and where you got the RM2.6 billion, who the donor is, etc. And get on with your job as PM.

Suing people won’t solve any problem.

Evensteven: Najib’s lawyers should write to Ling asking the latter whether he admits liability. If he does then sue, and if not, don’t.



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