And now China, too, has insulted the Malays
Chinese ambassador visits Petaling Street on eve of rally
StrainingGnats, SwallowCamels: When racial insults like “Cina babi” – meaning “Chinese are pigs” – are publicly hurled, it is quite impossible to separate “Chinese Malaysians are pigs” from “All Chinese are pigs.”
Is it possible that when “Cina babi” was publicly spewed with such anger and hate, and seemingly had the tacit support from the ruling coalition, BN, the envoy from China took a serious exception to that careless and callous insult, and perceived that the odious insult was not only directed at Chinese Malaysians in particular, although it was, but to all Chinese as well?
Understandably, we are not dealing with international relationships when the red shirts with crude audacity mounted a racist rally. Yet, the threats are now perceived to be threatening a most important international partnership.
Trueglitter: Considering the ongoing racial slurs and vehement threats levelled at Chinese Malaysians by the red shirts, it is opportune that Chinese ambassador Huang Hui Kang has emerged to express China’s concerns.
It is indeed a sobering message and stern warning for especially those individuals or parties who are hell-bent in playing the racial card with the nefarious intent of demonising the Chinese in hope of making them “whipping boys” to deflect domestic and international attention from the obvious corruption and scandals involving embattled PM Najib Razak.
It is appropriate to reiterate the ambassador’s call for peaceful coexistence in international relationship which apparently also serves as an unambiguous reminder for those troublemakers to abstain from further harassing the Chinese minority here or the big stick will be wielded by ‘big brother’ China.
Anonymous 350791436750385: “But with regard to the infringement on China’s national interests, violations of legal rights and interests of Chinese citizens and businesses which may damage the friendly relationship between China and the host country, we will not sit by idly,”
I think this is the ambassador warning to the troublemakers that if Chinese nationals, who are indistinguishable from Chinese Malaysians, are injured or their interest compromised because of unreasonable racist attacks, he or China reserves the right to take action.
Turvy: Soon there will be protests from groups howling about foreign interference in local politics and what not.
They would have been right if the Petaling Street rally was a peaceful demonstration against high prices or low quality of goods sold there, even if that was not justifiable in a system that has very precise remedies against such allegations.
But what is being threatened is possible violence against a section of the citizens because of their ethnic origins. No official voice has so far been raised about these threats nor any attempt made to allay public fears.
In these circumstances, it is not only justifiable but it is the duty of all people to speak up. Perhaps more ambassadors should state their position.
Eyespye: Expect Umno politicians from the fringes to insist that Huang doesn’t understand Malaysian politics.
As an aside, how many mainland Chinese believe the way Chinese Malaysians are treated by Umno has a direct correlation to how aggrieved families of Chinese tourists killed in MH370 were treated? Something to think about.
Bystander: It’s indeed heartening for the Chinese ambassador to Malaysia to visit Petaling Street on the eve of the threatened riot by red shirts leader Jamal Md Yunos, and issued a strongly-worded statement.
Thank you, your excellency Huang. Let those bigots know that the world is watching.
Anak JB: Indeed, this is Chinese diplomacy at its best. A sort of tacit reminder to the Malaysian authorities not to instigate racialism and go after the minority Chinese population here without the whole world looking at them, including ‘big brother’ China.
7888888: Oh dear, the Chinese ambassador has ‘hina’ (insulted) the ‘maruah’ (dignity) of Umno Malays.
Meow: China will overtake the United States as the largest economy as early as 2019 or latest by 2021. With a GDP of 18 trillion dollars, Malaysia will have to depend on China’s investment and access to its market.
It’s time for Malaysians to work together towards a common future instead of being divided based on race. ‘Ketuanan’ mentality is not going to help anyone but will sink this country.
2 Tim 1:7: I am happy that China is becoming more proactive. As the leading power in Asia – and incidentally it is in no way inferior to the US – China has the responsibility and certainly the means to aid the beleaguered communities of the Chinese diaspora.
Negarawan: “We do not want to see such a good situation destroyed by any people with ulterior motives,” said Huang.
This is a clear message from the Chinese government to Najib and his rogue government not to spin the real issues into a racial campaign targeted specifically against the Chinese minority in this country.
As the 1MDB grand corruption, the economic mismanagement and the racist agenda of Najib become clearer to more foreign governments and countries, not only the citizens of Malaysia but also the international community are getting increasingly concerned with the deteriorating situation in Malaysia.
The United Nations is the best platform for the international community to voice their displeasure and protest against Najib for his blatant attempts to cover up his grand corruption by subjugating the institutions of the country and abusing the law.
Syabas to ambassador Huang for his courage in voicing out the truth and his wish for a harmonious Malaysia.
SelangorKu: While Najib admonished the US for its treatment of the Muslim teenager with his homemade clock which was mistaken by the school for a bomb, in Bolehland, it takes the Chinese ambassador to assure Chinese traders to continue doing their business in Chinatown.
Mushiro: I believe most have got the message, Mr Ambassador. Now we can go back to our main concern, which are 1MDB’s RM42 billion scandal and the RM2.6 billion ‘donation’.
Choysuk: The point is, will Umno listen?
Another slap in the face from a foreign country
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