YOURSAY | ‘Hishammuddin, how direct do you want the royalty to be?’

Which part of rulers’ message that Umno doesn’t understand?


Don’t put words in rulers’ mouths about Najib, fumes cousin

Vijay47: One need not be a soothsayer or Bomoh Dua Kelapa to have seen this coming. Where it relates to denial, twisting of facts, or transfer of blame, nobody can match the excellence Umno has achieved.

Apart from a newly unearthed concern for the protection and preservation of Malay dignity, one virtue that Umno has been always trumpeting about is the defence of the rulers, a compassion that manifests itself more when convenient, as former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad can testify to.

Thus we have Defence Minister Hishammuddin Hussein now holding that the sultans’ admonition was not towards Najib and his cohorts per se but a general observation on the nation’s financial status of which 1MDB is part.

Yet had the royal sentiments been perceived to be in respect of the opposition, these same Umno patriots would have trumpeted that any failure to fully and immediately comply would have been treason.

Soon Umno would recover from this sudden regal slap, a fate originally intended for the Chinese minority, and the spin doctors would ply their trade.

GE14NOW!: There is a difference between putting words in the mouths of the rulers and reading the meaning behind what they have to say.

That is why there are analysts and experts who are able to decipher the messages sent by such an august body as the Council of Rulers.

You, on the other hand, are guilty of trying to defend the indefensible and to cover up the ‘sins’ of a leader that we no longer have confidence in.

One would have thought that you, Hishammuddin, would have the critical thinking abilities to see through all of this. Or have you also become loyal and unthinking?

Az: Hishammuddin, how direct do you want the royalty to be? The statement is very clear and a slap on the face for the Umno leadership on how the whole issue of 1MDB and the racial problems has been dealt with.

If you can’t get it, then please don’t aspire to be PM.

Commentable: Sorry to say this, Hishammuddin, but there are usually not too many words coming from the Malay rulers to begin with.

And if the words that did come from them were not direct enough, then I suppose you would have preferred them to say “tangkap you know who” so as not to leave any ambiguity?

RM2.6billion Duit Haram: If a manager of a company is told by the CEO to hurry up in resolving an issue, it is an indication that the latter is not happy with the former’s performance.

In this case, the rulers are telling Najib to do likewise and it merely means they are not happy with Najib’s performance.

Yes, this is another first for Najib, since when have our rulers tell any of the PMs to speed up in doing their job? If Najib still could not get the message, he must be real stupid.

Kingfisher: Hishamuddin may be one of the very few, or the only one perhaps, whose content analysis of the rulers decree is skewed in the manner of what appears to be his illogical reasoning.

It may, on the other hand, be obvious to the majority of Malaysians that the decree is explicit in its disapproval of the conduct of the government under the leadership of the present PM.

And an unprecedented one at that for never has a rebuke of this nature been addressed at the executive since the nation gained independence.

National circumstances in many aspects of national polity must be dire indeed for their majesties to pronounce their concern and advice in the manner that has been articulated.

Hishamuddin, despite his claim to senior and longstanding political leadership in Umno and in government, might have misconstrued the traditional civility in their majesties regal manner of articulation as lacking a combative bluntness.

The message was clear enough even if it lacked a combative tone.

Anonymous 29051438068738: Hishammuddin, listen up. The rulers could have easily said: “We have full confidence in the prime minister as he resolves all issues related to 1MDB.”

But they chose not to do so. We therefore take their statement as a royal slap on the most slap-worthy PM the country has ever known.

CQ Muar: Hishammuddin, how dare you question the decree made by the rulers? Stop defending the scandalous controversies surrounding your cousin, Najib.

Are you implying the majority in this nation have made irresponsible slanders? If Najib is unjustly accused, he should speak up right from the start.

1MDB was Najib’s baby, therefore he is answerable and be transparent over the RM42 billion debt and the RM2.6 billion ending up in his personal accounts.

Hishammuddin, are you prepared to stand as guarantor over those missing billions? If not, then MYOB (mind your own business). You shouldn’t defend Najib because he’s your cousin – nobody is above the law, remember?

For questioning the rulers, Hisham ought to be hauled up for sedition.

ACR: This is lame, Hishammuddin. The statement from the rulers must be made objectively with professionalism and decorum. That is what the rulers did.

They also want the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) and the four investigative agencies to continue their investigation on 1MDB. But who scuttled PAC and the special task force?

n1: It’s sad that Hisham did not learn the meaning of integrity from his father and grandfather. Instead of defending what is right, he is defending his allegedly corrupt relative.



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