YOURSAY ‘What if the person found guilty of corruption is a sex worker? Offer free services?’

Better to give Khir Toyo a broom to sweep prison


‘Replacing jail time with community service never done before’

yrsaykhirabroom MariKitaUbah: Dr Mohd Khir Toyo was the MB of Selangor. He should have led a clean government. Honesty is what people want to see.

Since he has been convicted, he has to accept it. What is so special about him?

A person charged with a petty crime, for example stealing some food from a shop, will have to face the law. So what’s this ex-MB talking about?

The rakyat want to see justice served so that politicians will learn not to be corrupt and abuse their power.

Commentable: This spineless man held the highest position in the Selangor government for many years and I could clearly remember Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who was the premier then, saying that Khir was the “cleanest” man for the job.

This man, now being a confirmed convict after the dismissal of his final appeal, had fought the charges all the way. He didn’t admit to his mistakes, even when there was ample opportunity during the initial commencement of court proceedings.

He showed no remorse, no guilt. And today he thinks he can bargain he way out of a jail sentence with community service (providing free dental care to the poor three days a week for two years)?

Are there not enough qualified dentists in the government service to look into the needs of the community, especially the poor?

And his lawyer is also trying to offer further restitution – for Khir to pay the actual price of the bungalow he bought. Can someone pay for an item after getting caught stealing it and get away scot free?

Anonymous#007: If the Umno-BN government is serious about fighting graft, the jail term must stay.

On top of that, the fine should be the difference between what he paid for the properties and the market value, plus all the salaries and other monetary benefits he received as MB.

Teoh Beng Hock lost his life for an alleged misappropriation of a miserable RM2,000 by his boss. His wife lost a husband; his child a father. His family has lost a son and brother.

Many more have been sentenced to jail for much less than the amount involved in Khir’s case.

Otak-Otak: The rakyat will not accept such a ridiculous ‘deal’. In other countries like China, the sentence is death, no less.

Never set a precedent just because he is a politician or else all those in jail will be entitled to the same bargain. This case should be used as a deterrent instead.

The Analyser: Will he be tending the teeth of only the Malay poor, or the poor of all races? Who will pay for the infrastructure? I’m sure half the nation will be needing free dental care.

Will he need a completely new dental surgery with all the latest gadgets and a highly qualified support staff? And who will inherit the infrastructure once his term is up?

It’s better to give him a broom and the task of sweeping the gutters.

BBT: Indeed, another laughable suggestion. Who is to keep track of the schedule? Who is to judge the quality of the work done? This means spending additional taxpayers’ money and resources.

He may later argue that he is doing a favour to society, and perhaps ask for a medal in return? No thanks.

Stig: Here’s a better suggestion. Khir can provide free dental services seven days a week to his fellow inmates in whichever prison he ends up in, in exchange for maybe a better mattress or pillow.

GE14NOW!: Tell you what, please allow everyone to steal from the country and then we can all do some community service.

For RM2.6 billion, I am sure that there will be a whole line of takers. This is stupidity that beggars belief.

Malaysian 53: I cannot imagine that Khir’s lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah can even make such a stupid request but considering the kind of judgments being meted out, there is no harm trying.

I hope this Federal Court bench will not bring the judiciary down so low and set such an unthinkable example for future generations to laugh about.

Anonymous_3f6d: Three days a week? Working hours from 1pm to 3pm? What a joke. The rules of law cannot be negotiated. You commit crime, you serve the time.

Jesse: What if the person found guilty of corruption is a sex worker? Offer free services? Khir should be sentenced accordingly, like everyone else.

Being a corrupt MB is no laughing matter, as he is supposed to lead, not take money for himself.

N1: Perhaps many Malaysians will need the service from this corrupt Umno ex-leader because they are laughing until their teeth fall out.



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