YOURSAY | ‘Never before has a nation been so shamed by its prime minister.’

Sorry Dr M, only Umno’s removal can save the nation



Mahathir: Only Najib’s removal can save the economy

yrsaysorrym GE14NOW!: I disagree with former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad on this. The mere removal of PM Najib Razak is not good enough. The man has to be investigated and the full weight of the law must be brought to bear on him.

And even then, that will not do. The only way to save the country is the full removal of Umno and BN.

MVA: We can all call for the PM’s removal but the system does not allow it unless Umno MPs wish for it.

Let it be a lesson for us and we must tell our lawmakers to make it easier to remove a PM when suspected of wrongdoing at least for the duration of the investigation.

And perhaps now is the time to press for a limit in the tenure of the PM and all ministers to two terms maximum.

Clever Voter: Mahathir should also be blamed for leaving behind poor institutional governance where check and controls were removed from agencies that safeguard the country’s integrity.

But instead the quality of the civil service declined and its size bloated to assure political loyalty to BN. Najib helped himself with the opportunities given to him as PM. Indeed, this rotten culture started before Najib era.

Mahathir built the hardware of the country but he compromised the software. He should have expected it but allowed racial sentiments to go unchecked to a point where racism becomes institutionalised.

If Najib goes, the culture must go with him. The patronage system must be dismantled, impartial judiciary brought back, opportunities be provided to all and help for those who truly need it.

Plus money earned must be well spent and used to create future wealth. Is this too hard to ask for? Perhaps it is.

Meranti Kepong: Wake up, fellow Malaysians. Collectively we must not allow Najib and his cohorts (Umno, red shirts and ‘silat’ bullies) to continue scaring other Malaysians.

Most Malaysians just want to work for an honest living and live in harmony with all, including those jackasses in Umno. Rise up and defend our peace and harmony.

Unafraid: Mahathir is absolutely right. Never before has a nation been so shamed by its prime minister.

Malaysians love their country but we are embarrassed by our PM. He has truly brought shame to our country so much so that we cannot hold our heads up high.

What a sad state of affairs to see our nation haemorrhaging before our eyes and good men stand by and do nothing. How much more can we take this nonsense before the country collapses?

Salleh: Mahathir is the racist, not Najib

Iiiizzzziiii: It takes one racist to recognise another. Najib may not have played the race card initially, but in the end he decided to join the bandwagon.

So, if that did not qualify him as a racist, then what is the definition of a racist? Najib always has a choice and there is no excuse whatsoever to make a disclaimer like ‘I did not start this first but somebody else did’.

It is in trying times that a great leader will truly lead and set a lasting legacy for all to follow. Najib’s behaviour has clearly demonstrated he is no great leader, or much of a leader.

He has clearly come across as a schemer to safeguard his own interests. So, who is the real villain?

Real Truth: Yes, Mahathir is a racist but he would not stoop so low as to create a racial disharmony.

Najib has created an atmosphere of animosity among the races by unleashing his supporters to create trouble as a diversion to his 1MDB fiasco, the RM2.6 billion allegedly in his pocket and the falling ringgit via a vis major currencies, and when all our institutions such as Bank Negara, the Attorney-General’s Chambers and Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) have lost their independence and are powerless to save Malaysia.

Kookie: We all know that Mahathir is ardent racist. That is old news. But since Mahathir, more racists have emerged to protect the corrupt and scandalous leadership of the country, which is by the way, Malay.

So what it is, is that the Umno Malays are trying to defend their race by protecting the very people who are giving the Malay race a bad name and making them slaves and lackeys to their corrupt leaders.

Smer: This is more spin from Communications and Multimedia Minister Salleh Said Keruak.

Southeast Asian Studies deputy director Ooi Kee Beng was saying Najib couldn’t object to the Sept 16 rally without being seen as weak by his party. This implies that Umno itself is racist.

Anyway if Najib really wanted to object to the rally, he could have done so if he had the guts or the conscience, which I’m betting he doesn’t.

After all, not only did he not object, he went on to call it a “show of support for him”.



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