Double blow – after GST, rakyat hit by toll hikes
Toll rates rise by up to 100pct on Thursday
Anonymous #19098644: Let all the BN supporters take note of how the rakyat suffer because corruption and leakages have resulted in this rich country of ours being financially hobbled.
The result is an endless series of actions and policies to extract money from the rakyat to pay for what appeared to be ‘daylight robbery’ by politicians.
This is the price all Malaysians pay because a minority of voters (47 percent) put in place this incompetent and degenerate government.
Oh Ya?: Fifty-seven years of blundering, mismanagement, spendthrifts and unnecessary wastage have depleted the country’s coffers.
Our national budgets have been in deficit for more than two decades and debts are elevated, no thanks to ghost projects such as 1MDB.
Instead of cutting back, the ruling elite is doing the reverse. The civil service is getting more bloated, the blundering continues, RM20 billion is used to float the stock market, mega projects are continued, so are the handouts.
The Petronas cow can no longer produce enough milk, the rakyat are next to be milked.
Mushiro: This is a clear indication that the government does not have money and has to squeeze the rakyat. It is also an indication that the GST money is leaking.
The RM42 billion 1MDB scandal is leading the country close to bankruptcy. PM Najib Razak is no more an option.
FellowMalaysian: Why are motorists being told of the massive increase in tolls in 11 major highways in and around Klang Valley only three days before the day of increase?
Why is there a concerted effort by the 11 toll highway concessionaires conniving and conspiring together in a joint effort to subdue and force the public into paying more for using the highways administered by them?
Has Lembaga Lebuhraya Malaysia (LLM) circumvented its duty and obligation to seek feedback from motorists first?
Let’s not allow the Transport Ministry to shrink from its responsibility to road users and I strongly urge opposition parties, concerned NGOs and fellow citizens to rise up and lodge their objection to the unjustified toll increase.
Gunnerrun: Year after year, our income gets smaller, any increment is usually offset by all these increases, Goods and Services Tax (GST), ever rising costs of everything, local and imported products notwithstanding.
Yes, life is good, just that we are not partial to donations, otherwise it will even be better.
Anonymous_1371458513: Like the man says, if he goes down he will make sure everybody goes down with him.
Anonymous_1425871172: Where are the red shirt hooligans? Your ‘maruah’ has been challenged by your party, BN.
Gov’t: Toll rates up so we can use funds on other things
Hplooi: Despite what the government said, Malaysians are one of the most taxed in this region with many forms of taxation hidden and indirect.
Despite income tax, we have to pay private security for our ‘taman’. Despite income tax, health care of reasonable standard is increasingly out of reach of the middle class.
For non-Malay citizens, we have to pay additional for property and education for our offspring.
When the middle class starts to become pauperised then you know the government has failed.
Leong U18: As usual, city folks who contribute the most income tax got punished.
GE14NOW!: The problem with this government is that it has zero credibility. So when they say that they will build more hospitals, the rakyat takes that to mean that it will put more money into its own pockets.
Imagine the greed of this government – even when it has RM2.6 billion in the personal account of the ‘chief fund-raiser’, they want more.
It would seem like all the government wants to do is to emulate its boss – raise funds for itself.
Kalvin Rekhraj: 1MDB should have used the money to buy back all the tolls from concessionaires instead of getting involved in all sorts of bogus deal.
With the toll hikes, the cost of public transport will definitely rise, too. However, its reliability is still sub-standard. And the public have to bear the cost of these increases with their meagre wages.
To top it off, Najib clearly declared that the toll rates will not go up and yet the government dropped this bomb.
Tpn: Just ask the wealthy Arabs for a yearly donation. Why rob the rakyat?
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