Like it or not Indians, Chinese ‘pendatang’: Perkasa

Like it or not, the Chinese and Indians of the country were pendatang to then Federation of Malaya, said Perkasa.

The Malay rights group’s information chief, Hassan Basri Muhammad, was reponding to MIC president Dr S Subramaniam who, in his speech at the party’s annual general assembly on Nov 6, had asked that the government ban the use of the word pendatang.

“(In asking this), it shows how shallow he (Subramaniam) is and that he is only trying to change the history of the pendatang,” Hassan said in a statement today.

Hassan reminded that history would always remain as history.

“This is why we are taught to learn from history,” he said.

Subramaniam had called on the government to outlaw the use of the word pendatang as it is something very hurtful to the Indians and Chinese.

Hassan believes that the issue cropped up because there are those from the Chinese and Indian community who were supposedly trying to champion their race and religion.

“That’s why they question the things which have been stated in the country’s (federal) constitution. Their rudeness is clearly hurting the feelings of the Malays.”

Hassan said this contrasted with how the Malays had never questioned their rights.

Malay feelings hurt

For example, Hassan said the Malays never questioned the Indians when they celebrate Thaipusam, where roads leading to Batu Caves have to be closed.

Likewise, the Chinese were never questioned when they celebrate Chap Goh Mei, where they would burn joss sticks which would cause air pollution.

“If we were to state such things further, there are just so many that hurt the feelings of the Malays. But the Malays are known to be very patient,” he said.

Hassan also said the pendatang issue would not have surfaced if all races and followers of religions protect their own rights and do not question the rights of others.

“There is nothing wrong with the term pendatang.

“We suggest that this matter be stressed in vernacular schools so that these children will not grow up with hatred like that individual named Alvin Tan who continues to insult Islam and the Malays,” he said.

Tokwonder why he never defend his perkosa members which are majority pendatang mamak?
5 minutes ago | Report
Worldly WiseAt the time of independence there were more non Malays than Malays in Malaya. It was then agreed that all citizens would be equal. Breaching an agreement is not Malay custom nor like Malays. Perkasa is not made up of true Malays. They are extremists who mistakenly and wrongly feel insecure. They are bringing the whole country down with their expressions of insecurity. If enterprising Chinese and hardworking Indians are sidelined the whole country will lose in the long run. Human resources must be properly and impartially managed and exploited for the country’s benefit. All will then benefit. Mostly Malays. This is because they are now in the majority. If the country does well the majority will benefit.
10 minutes ago | Report
Anonymous 2336601439051901Without pendatang there is no Malaysia . No pendatang who finance Malaysia . No pendatang today Malaysia is jungle with wild animal. Animal is the is the Putera Puteri in other word is binatang . So the pendatang Chinese , Indian and Malay come to Malaysia to settle here and ignore the land belong to binatang
17 minutes ago | Report
Anonymous_1421406986Idiots like this Hassan do not realize that it hurts the feelings of non-Malays,who in turn naturally feel distrustful of the Malays.So why must an idiot like Hassan keep harping on the word like Pendatang. I have always strongly felt the original Malays of this country will not resort to using such a word. It must definitely come from the Pendatang Indonesia Malay.I believe that half the politicians in Malaysia are Malay Pendatangs. They have taken over the Malay businesses. Many are in government services.They are merely the first generation of alien Malays,cordially invited into the country by a former PM,who wanted to build on the voting numbers.A check with the National Registration Department will reveal how many Malay Pendatangs have secured Malaysian citizenship over the last 30years.
44 minutes ago | Report
Worried SickHassan Basri Muhammad is a moron by any yardstick. His knowledge of History is so minimal that when he opens his mouth, out comes vomit! People like this man are not patriotic to the country as they sow discord and disharmony among the people. Any historian worth his salt would tell you that all of us are the descendants of migrants who came here from various parts of the world. We made this our home. We must not let anyone tear away our unity and trample upon our patriotism to our country and to our King. I do hope that people like Professor Khoo Kay Kim would make this clear to some mutants among us.
an hour ago | Report
Anonymous_3f49Where do the Orang Asli come from ? The rest of us are all Perdatangs the Malays included. So stop kidding yourself.
an hour ago | Report
exrangerPendatang or bangsat is not an issue, only u buggers talk about all these. The general MAlaysians don’t talk about all this n we live so peacefully. The prob r the politicians n all this stupid NGO. Ten real issue is mana tu 2.6?
an hour ago | Report
KatushaOnly the orang asal or the aborigines are the true bumiputeras, the others, sad to say, are all pendatangs if we want to split hairs according to history.
an hour ago | Report
alfyBlame MIC and the MCA for not fighting for bumi rights for the chinese and Indians. If the chinese and indians are pendatangs, so are the Malays. If you want to challenge history, SO BE IT. Nowadays everything in our history is a LIE!. Kick BN out first and then set the record straight.
2 hours ago | Report
SRManLast year the federal government had admitted to financially aiding right-wing NGO Perkasa as confirmed by Minister in the PM department, Shahidan Kassim. Does Perkasa know that the Malaysian Chinese and Indians contribute more than 80 percent of the country’s annual income tax? In other words for every RM100,000 Perkasa takes from the government, at least RM80,000 are from the ‘pendatang’ Chinese and Indians. By calling these saviors names although knowing that many were born in this country, Perkasa is instead repaying their generosity with ingratitude. Don’t you have any ‘maruah’ (dignity), Perkasa?
2 hours ago | Report
Anonymous 2336601439051901The word pendatang is not bad word is whether want to accept it or not . Chinese , Indian , Malay are all pendatang . History show that they are pendatang. Why Malay refuse to accept they are pendatang? They accept they are bangsat . Bangsat is worse than pendatang . Referring to the Thaipusam and chap Goh meh the Malay from perkasa forget to say that Thaipusam and chap Goh meh only been celebrate once a year but the Malay prayer making noice 5times daily everyday the Chinese and Indian have no complaint too on TOP of that when come to fraiday prayer almost all road closed to masjid been block to become car park. Whether you accept it or not you Malay are pendatang too
2 hours ago | Report
CaripasalLike it or not,Malays are pendatang,too! History clearly revealed the origin of the Malays,unless the so-called historian prefer to write their own version of Sejarah Hari Ini.
3 hours ago | Report
lokaikaiOOI si hassanm sejarah mana tg kau baca? balik indo la!
3 hours ago | Report
MatiLohAsk him where his ancestors come from? Mayb he don’t even have one!
3 hours ago | Report
Hearty MalaysianAnother animal in Perkasa barking the wrong tree for some bones from its Bugis Master ? Let us face it, there are many so called Malays are also Pendatangs, from Indonesia but we don’t have the heart nor think it is of any use for such childish name calling to incite racial slurs. We must reject the antics of Perkasa to get attention by inciting racial slurs.
3 hours ago | Report
Anonymous_1371463676Boot BN out in the next GE! BN government allowed all these to happened!
3 hours ago | Report
Anonymous #01428088A country of bangsat and pendatang!
3 hours ago | Report
Anonymous_1395464675These are the idiots who love to see the country goes into mess…they have nothing in their head other than the cow shit…
3 hours ago | Report
n1Hasan should see a psychiatric since he is so easily hurt. He is obviously suffering from severe depression due to his bounded rationality.
3 hours ago | Report
Anonymous #70881335Pendatang better than Bangsat.
4 hours ago | Report
1Malay-sia-sia.Melayu juga PENDATANG la…..BODOH !!!!
4 hours ago | Report
davisThose who came from China and India are pendatang. Those who came from Indonesia are not pendatang. Why? Is it because Malaysia was/is part of Indonesia? Can someone enlighten me?
4 hours ago | Report
Ade007A true PENDATANG calling others PENDATANG. The Malay Dilemma…
4 hours ago | Report
gunnerrunPendatang better than pantat-tang like you…pariahs of the society…every dang thing is already taken away…the nons are stripped naked of every living or dead thing. even as the PM was saying, do not abuse APs given to you but not a single one to the nons…what else do you want…now you even want to hijack history..
4 hours ago | Report
anonyxyzPerkasa cannot make use of the MCA MIC Gerakan pendatangs because the community do not trust these traitors and sycophants..the day will come when the malays can see out this type of pretentious sensitive hot air to realise it is all a plot by Umno and this group of Perkasa bandits to smoke them
4 hours ago | Report
Labis GuyThank God that all my children are away from this country and hence do not have to be humiliated and be called pendatang. How can this country prosper with such narrow minded people around chasing away brains and also foreign investment.
4 hours ago | Report
OtakechikYou pendatang should not waste time telling them how many centuries your ancestors were here before. Idiots will never listen and nothing will change until n unless you are in control. So better work hard and make sure you become the king maker.
5 hours ago | Report
KawakYes, the first generation Chinese and Indians, who came to Malaya were pendatangs. Likewise, all Indonesians and Indian Muslims who came to Malaya were also pendatangs. Why must pick Chinese and Indians as pendatangs. There are plenty of Umno leaders who parents were pendatangs. Hassan Basri please check your family tree to see your also anak pendatang. Bahlol!
5 hours ago | Report
5 hours ago | Report
Ipoh Lancibai hassan, hang tuah also pendatang cina, why dumno govt made him disappear from history text book? your balls went up to your mini brain??
5 hours ago | Report
ipoh ppMy grandparents came here in the 1850s and settled down to a hard & difficult life. They worked hard to put food on the table and educate my parents.In the 1950s -70s my parents did the same. My wife and me grew up in a kampung among the Malays and never once did they refer to us as ‘pendatangs’. We worked in the govt and today our children have left these shores for greener pastures as they felt slighted that their own ‘motherland’ wants them no more and calls them names. The pain that my wife and me feel is great as our own country calls us ‘pendatangs’. Now my own children have flown off and see no reason to call this land their home. A PENDATANG
5 hours ago | Report
Anonymous_1431347091?? What has celebration of Thaipusam or Chap Go Mei have to do with the pendatang issue? I cannot fathom the logic of Hassan.
5 hours ago | Report
Mark AnthonyBoth PM and DPM are pendatang as they originate from Indonesia. A former PM originated from Kerala, India. Encik Hassan, unless you are an Orang Asli you are also a pendatang.
5 hours ago | Report
Anonymous #30460183Pendatangs are successful Malaysians, they are hardworking, intelligent, farsighted, broad minded, successful, stay in upmarket residencial houses, built own business empires, educated successful children working overseas, all without the help of the government . Pendatangs should be proud despite the marginisation all these years. The so-called non pendatangs should ashamed of themselves still waiting for handouts from the government after 58 years. Waiting to become rich from donations. Non pendatangs, it’s time to wake up.
5 hours ago | Report
Odin TajuéPART 1: I am sure Malaya gained its independence from Britain in 1957. This is 2015. That means 58 years has passed. (Yes, it should be ‘has’ and not ‘have’.) Fifty-eight long years, and these people are still talking about pendatang and insulting the non-Malays with the term. They are really very small people. That ‘small’ is idiomatic and has nothing to do with size.
6 hours ago | Report
Odin TajuéPART 2: They sweat the small stuff always. They clearly have insufficient intelligence to address and apply themselves to things that are significant, important. Does anyone wonder, then, why Malaysia is lagging far behind countries like South Korea and Taiwan, which were behind Malaysia even as fairly recent as 1970?
6 hours ago | Report
Odin TajuéPART 3: If my information is correct, in or about 1970, the Malaysian ringgit and the Singapore dollar were either on par or the difference was just a few cents that practically all shops in Singapore did not bother and would simply accept the ringgit as equivalent to their dollar. Now it is S$1 equals RM3
6 hours ago | Report
Odin TajuéPART 4: Malaya has so many rivers, and yet it has water supply problems. It has many, many other shortcomings — all because you have ‘small’ people such as these and including that chief of the BTN. I am glad where I come from, we have no ‘immigrant’ problem. END
6 hours ago | Report
Good menDon’t give this moron too much of your attention, he is just trying to distract from 1MDB and rm2.6b.
6 hours ago | Report
ksnLike this Hasan said, history will remain history, the true history. True says Malays are also pendatang. I rest my case as this issue has been discussed many times. Is Perkasa saying that the Chinese and Indians celebrate their respective religious and New Year because of the generosity of the Malays? How absurd. Learn history, the truth and grow up.
6 hours ago | Report
Anonymous$&@?Katak Ali so are you and your dear leaders from UMNO.
6 hours ago | Report
OtakechikPerdatang or not, both Indians and Chinese are here to stay. What can you Perkasa do about it? Pendatang should not get upset .What difference does it make even they don’t call you pendatang. Even they now call you bumis so what’s? You still have to work n study hard to make it in life. The name does not make you lesser.
6 hours ago | Report
Grey matterEveryone is this country are pendatangs except for the orang asli. Even they originated from Africa. If Perkasa is serious about not changing history please rewrite out history books to the correct original version instead of creating Malay and Islamic history in this country. Our history is before 16th century and here you will see the participation of the other races.
6 hours ago | Report
Sound MindI feel proud to be called ‘Pendatang’ since the land I stay temporarily belongs to God. If I claim this is my land and chase others out then God will place me in the ‘land of Hell’ after death. God will definitely value me more for realising that I don’t own any land on the earth. I rather be wise.
6 hours ago | Report
nobrainPM is a Bugis and DPM is a Javanese. Their ancestors came from Indonesia. So are they not pendatang?
6 hours ago | Report
why tell me?@not confused. Its NORMAL TO WEAK AND USELESS “TRUTH HURTS”. Fail or refuse to accept that the GLORIOUS Meleyoo life depends solely on NONS TAXES
6 hours ago | Report
why tell me?Haasan, Who was Paremeswara? A malay Sultan? Who was the Hang Brothers (Tuah, Jebat, Lekir, Lekiu, Kasturi)? Melayoo ka? Why is it the Malays have a penchant to claim ownership for what ever belongs to other races? BTW, YOU ANAK HARAM PENDATANG FROM BROKEN, DESPERATE, POVERTY STRICKEN INDONESIA where they prostitute their sibling for a meal till today.
6 hours ago | Report
LuluHassan which kampong in Indonesia are your ancestors from? Majority of Malays are pendatang from Indonesia, Middle East or India.
6 hours ago | Report
PerakianHassan is Pendatang from where?
6 hours ago | Report
CQ MUARUpon reflection, this fact will remain unchallenged. The vape industry in this country is initiated by young entrepreneurial Malay youths. According to Ismail Sabri Yaacob, this will be internationally recognised! Long live Malaysia’s Vape products, comes in different flavour for your inhaling pleasure!
7 hours ago | Report
Not ConfusedCan someone please explain to me how the objection by the Chinese and Indian being called Pendatang is in any way an insult to the Malays? How exactly is it hurtful? On the contrary, constantly telling the other races that they are “merely” immigrants and only here by the courtesy of the Malays is more hurtful and insulting! The Chinese and Indians were not only here long before the formation of Malaysia and even pre-dates the immigration of Muslims from Indinesia centuries ago! They have also been fully involved in the development of Malaysia, hand in hand with the Malays. That is the true history, not the fairytale spun in the schools here now!
7 hours ago | Report
Anonymous_1371858267Those from Indonesia are not pendatangs. They are Bumiputras just like the Mamaks.
7 hours ago | Report
Eaglethought Najib’s and zahid’s ancestors come from Indonesia. DrM’s from India. Hishamuddin side from arab. What about u Hassan ? Where do yr ancestors come from?
7 hours ago | Report
TurvyPerkasa, will never be accused of being the intellectual movement of our times or of being the keepers of history. These roles have to go to people of better calibre. But,Let’s get away from this talk about pendatang. Nothing will change history, nor deny the individual’s claim to the land he created. Yes, the superior rights of those who created the nation. Instead teach history by identifying those who steal from the nation and those who help create it. That’s not a racial thing or a matter of arrival on virgin land. That’s about who robs the land and who in mob force defend the thieves who rob the nation. If tomorrow, a man arrives, with a solution to some part of this nation’s problems and applies for citizenship, what matters that he arrived later than us, who plunged this nation into the terrible state it is in?Without him, the nation will perish. Think about that and you will put your mind at rest about De Sequeira and all others.
7 hours ago | Report
View PointAiya dont take to heart with all such statements as this will never change our position as Malaysians. This is all done out of jealousy and nothing more than that. They can call me whatever they want but i just SIMPLY DON”T CARE
7 hours ago | Report
Gaji ButaFine with me. I don’t want to be put in same basket as certain backward people. In fact when I travel abroad I always tell people my ethnic origin rather than say I am Malaysian. Saves me from explaining where the country is located.
7 hours ago | Report
Anonymous_1371563774Hassan’s motto: ignorance is a bliss! Jus like ostrich…a binatang!
7 hours ago | Report
CQ MUARVijay47, agreed. In no time Perak will go into history as a tin-mining town laboured and developed by Ahmad bin Abu, and not by Chu Chin Chau! All credits will enter into history with Malays as pioneers.
7 hours ago | Report
Vijay47The truth uttered by Hassan that Indians and Chinese in Malaysia are pendatang cannot be denied, being akin to what issues from the mouth of babes, though my usage of “Babe” in respect of Hassan may not be too apt unless I were referring to the 1995 movie about farmyard animals. “History must remain history”. Wow! How sagely, how profound! But Joginder Singh Jessy must be turning rapidly in his grave seeing how the history he meticulously researched and recorded for posterity suffered mutilation never dreamed of. So tell me, Hassan, whatever happened to Parameswara, Yap Ah Loy, and Melaka’s Hang ‘Em High Brothers? And the ruins of ancient civilisations in Johore and Kedah that should have been treasured as vestiges of a nation’s proud heritage? While History proves that Malays are as much pendatang as anyone else, the Indians and Chinese would hardly find such relationship flattering. No doubt in time we will learn that Genting Highlands was actually developed by one Ahmad bin Abu.
7 hours ago | Report
EmperorBut Malays are also pendatang la. Some from Jawa,bugis,siam and so in. So what logic are you talking. Dont believe, go do DNA test.
7 hours ago | Report
DONEPerkasa is back in action after tagged along with PAS. Thanks PAS and Hadi to revived Perkasa
7 hours ago | Report
NB UOY KCUFYou also pendatang lah…… but from no brain land
7 hours ago | Report
DexIgnore these IDIOTS!!!
7 hours ago | Report
WhoKilledAltantuya?When there is a market for such ridiculous beings crawling around the news, Malaysia will continue to deteriorate. Like it or not.
7 hours ago | Report
CQ MUARI am tired responding to those low-down skunks who keep labelling the Chinese and Indians of this country as ‘pendatang’. Despite the fact they’d been told not to do so by Najib and others availed to nothing. Shanandoah, you are absolutely right. Malays are not origins of then Malaya; only the Sakai and few other tribes who were the true bumiputras (sons of the soil). Apart from such truths, where do Malays originally hail from…e.g. parents and forefathers way before Malaya was known? Even PM Najib had admitted he had Bugis warriors’ blood in him. As for all others… it’s history – and those were facts! In this context, all schools should not be taught such distorted historical lies – except the truth! What a shame those illiterates keep harping on the issue. As closure, may I reiterate that Malays, Chinese, Indians and others (except Sakai) are ALL pendatang – not question about that!
7 hours ago | Report
TommyIt’s no secret that actual history has been distorted/amended or hidden to avoid the truth from coming out….. which resulted bigots such as Perkasa to come out with their own version of history….One good example is the candi in Kedah…. over 1000 years of historical monuments bulldozed just to cover the truth ?…. and this soh chai Perkasa asking us to learn history???? …..Lol
7 hours ago | Report
Well Thats FantasticThey sound more like children teasing and arguing in primary school than leaders or politicians.
7 hours ago | Report
Anonymous_1382244186we are just defending ourselves from your provocative statement labeling us as pendatang, you are the one that insult us. Remember you started all these things first, Alvin Tan just a small fry but you as so called Malays leader insult us collectively. Be condemned!!
7 hours ago | Report
CinaputraOoh poor poor Hassan. His feelings are hurt.
8 hours ago | Report
Anonymous #45522856this hasan is bugis or java or minangkabau,which part of indon you come from pendatang hasan!
8 hours ago | Report
Responsible malaysianWhy pay so much attention to just a few idiots among millions of malaysians? Others will think that we malaysians are all idiots if we keep responding to those idiots.
8 hours ago | Report
5295Di Malaya, Sama sama pendatang, except orang Asli & Sabah & Sarawak indeginous people.
8 hours ago | Report
Patriot1So Javanese or Bugis is not Pendatang? They originated from Indonesia. Indonesia and Malaysia are totally different countries so how is the justification to be a local or a Pedatang??
8 hours ago | Report
SeniorDid he read history in school?….or was his history book different from mine?
8 hours ago | Report
Anonymous_1430213195Like it or not, the Malays are pendatang as well. All of us are pendatang. Our origin is from GARDEN OF EDEN. No one can claim Malaysia is theirs, as it’s belongs to God. Malays are patience, no they are not, they always demo fast if anyone criticises them. Recent case, very fast demo, for Low Yat case, bersih case. We the non Malays, did not even demo when they call us pendatang, cina babi, or the recent Salib case. He talks about THAIPUSAM and Chinese celebrations, then we can also say we are more patience because, every single day we need to hear the azan, we need to go through heavy traffic every Friday. Mind you these are not yearly event but daily and weekly. So, think before you talk, Perkasa because people will hate you when you talk c….
8 hours ago | Report
obsmy version of the history is the real history, your version of history is not the real version !
8 hours ago | Report
ShanandoahHassan Basri Muhammad you are an idiot and a stupid illiterate. Do you know the history of this country? Cakap mana dating bapa awak. Bapa awak ‘sakai’ ka? Kalau bukan ‘sakai’ awak pun pendatang juga! MIC is right in asking the derogatory term ‘pendatang’ used on Chinese and Indians to make them subservient to the Malays. It’s the Chinese and Indians who are patient to keep the peace in the country. It’s time for everyone in this country to be called Malaysians and nothing else!
8 hours ago | Report
goldeeYes, our fore grandparents were immigrants that is the fact which no one can change, that also include the people from Perkasa. Please do not take Alvin Tan as a comparison for there are also many of “ALvin Tan” in Perkasa who talk nonsense. So don’t make generate assumption that all of us are Alvin Tan. Alvin Tan is a moron and an idiot. We who are born as Citizens of Malaysia are not, repeat are not Pendatang. We are rightful citizens of Malaysia. So its wrong to call us “Pendatang” and we will get offended.
8 hours ago | Report
clever voterNot many in the country are bothered with such stereotyping. Such behaviour is a result of low self esteem and confidence. Many immigrants past, present and future are probably net contributors. You can sit around calling others all sorts or names when what it matters to many are economic opportunities these immigrants have created against all odds and its been proven everywhere. Without their hard work and perseverance we would not get to where we are today. Today’s diversity is tomorrow’s future. Pendatang or not. Market forces will prevail.
8 hours ago | Report
Anonymous_1421406986How many governments and Prime Ministers do we have in this country? Within the last two weeks the PM has confirmed twice that the Chinese and Indians are not Pendatang.Now the Perkasa Information Chief says otherwise.He has in the process offended and belittled the two communities of their Thaipusam and Chap Goh Mei celebrations.Talking for Indians,we have never believed in imposing the Hindu religions on others.A cultured Hindu is a respecter of all religions.This is the first time I am hearing about Hindus trying to champion its religion and race.The majority of Indians and Chinese do not believe in questioning the rights of the Malays.The Police has been holding back for too long on persons playing up on racial and religious issue.This is a sensitive matter.I wonder if people like Hassan Basri are deliberately forcing non-Malays to hate or vote against the Barisan government.It is stupid or planned comments like this that are offending the non-Malays.
8 hours ago | Report
rick teoAnd you Hassan is also a pendatang from Indonesia. And don’t forget, Hang Tuah and Hang Jebat are Chinese from China and they are also pendatang.
8 hours ago | Report
Fair&JustJust wait for God to decide on this very important human issue and whether God is the creator of human. Either the pendatangs continue to be bullied, intimidated, insulted, bashed up until their last remaining kind here or God will just keep all those bigots in their land and rot there as dust is to dust. Straight and simple bec the poor pitiful pendatangs cannot fight back against guns and only hope their ancestor land will come to their aid or God decides.
8 hours ago | Report
drngscAiyo Hassan. You are information chief? No wonder Perkasa is so misled. Do you not know that history is often distorted because they are written by the one in power? So UMNO and people like you have distorted history. What you know is history according to Hassan. Read world history, if you can understand hostory, then you will know the truth. Wake up. Get educated.
8 hours ago | Report
jbsuaraLike it or not…the only indigenous people in this country is the orang asal or orang asli..The rest of the population, including the so called Malays are bogus pretenders!! The country has done damage to the orang asli by destroying their habitat and encroaching on their settlements by development projects!! Such abuses should be curbed by the Authority by granting the orang asli /orang asal more land through gazettement and laws! Pretenders like Perkasa should stopped calling themselves bumiputras or similar names for their claims are as fallacious as the story of Santa Claus!!
8 hours ago | Report
ToucheAiyah melayu pun pendatang but NOT Ibans and Kadazans. OK ?
8 hours ago | Report
RightanThe fact is Malay came over here much earlier, therefore they are pendatang awal.The rest are pendatang kemudian.If you remove the time factor, we are all pendatang lah!Why bicker over this meaningless polemic?to score political point at the expense of national fabric and unity is an irresponsible act!
8 hours ago | Report
FrancoEn. Hassan Basri Muhammad, biarlah kami di panggil pendatang atau perompak, tak kisahlah, Kalaulah encik ingin menekankan pegetahuan sejarah, sejauh manakah ke zaman sejarah yang hendak kita tujui. 50 tahun, 100, tahun, 500 tahun atau bolehkah kita semua menuju ke zaman pada masa tanah kita ini bukannya di duduki oleh tamaddun Islam tetapi tamaddun Hindu. Dalam erti kata lain kesemua yang menduduki tanah ini adalah pendatang. Apatah lagi jika di lihat dari konteks yang lebih besar, kita semua adalah penumpang sahaja yang akan menemui Pencita kita bila-bila masa sahaja. Oleh yang demikian bukankah baiknya jika kita dapat menggkonsi tanah air yang tercinta ini bersama-sama dan meraikan bersama perbedaan yang ada pada kita. Kedatangan kita ini bukannya pilihan kami tetapi pilihan dari yang maha esa yang telah menentukan yang kita dilahirkan di bumi bertuah ini seperti anda juga. Jadi biarlah kita besama-sama raikan bersama-sama penentuan and penemuan yang di pilih oleh tuhan.
8 hours ago | Report
mickeymouseYes we are pendatang. So how now? Ah jib kor pls answer? Dont hide behind bini
8 hours ago | Report
helloAdmitted, the ancestors of the Malaysian Chinese and Malaysian Indians and other Malaysian races, were “pendatangs” in the countries of then Malaya, And Borneo States. But why call these immigrants’ descendants “pendatangs”? Further, why mix religious practices in this debate of “pendatangs”? Isn’t that confusing the issue? BTN and Perkasa should reflect deeper on these issues before accusing others as “pendatangs”!
8 hours ago | Report
Fair&JustWow, please take note of T K Tan comment here which is very enlightening. Thank You Mr. Tan.
8 hours ago | Report
Hamzah PaimanLooks like whatever good Najib had to the indians are being washed away by Perkasa (Tun M’s gangsters). To teach Perkasa a good lesson Najib should invoke the sedition act and charge them in court. Let them serve time in jail for creating political instability. Kalau tak macam mana BN boleh dapat sokongan India dan Cina.
8 hours ago | Report
Anonymous 2289321434206704Most Malaysians are pendatang.You are either new pendatang or old pendatang. But whatever it is,we are all citizens of Malaysia and as such should treated equally without any preferential treatment to any groups of pendatang except for the orang asli.
8 hours ago | Report
CaripasalWe agreed.But Malays are also pendatang
8 hours ago | Report
AnticonmenThe ‘pendatang’ issue was started by Mahathir. It was an excuse to justify the right to steal from the coffers by him and his band as ‘penyamuns’.
8 hours ago | Report
Wong Fei HoongHello Pendatang Hassan Basri Muhammad, provided you agree that you are an orang asli, you are also a shameless pendatang to this country. Worst still you are a parasitic pendatang living on the hard earned money of the Chinese and Indians. Tak malu kah thick skin pendatang.
8 hours ago | Report
T.K. Tandon’t talk too much. Ask this fellow to write to The Federal Association of Archaeology & Research of Michigan, USA to check who indeed is the “Pendatang” of Malaysia. He will get a shock of his life.
8 hours ago | Report
KangkungUnder Najib, these ultra-racists are getting bolder and they can with impunity make more and more blatantly racist remarks. However, if we were do to the same about these pea-brained umno racists’ race or religion, then they howl like mad dogs foaming in the mouth.
9 hours ago | Report
BambooThis easy way to grab what’s not worked on will not help anyone. Our neighbours are catching up and overtaking us. The way of 20% of population( Chinese) paying taxes for freebies for 60% of population (Malays)is definitely not sustainable. Everyone has to work for their own keep. Arguments about who is pendatang will not move the economy. But then it could be diversion from the big issue of 1MDB and 2.6 billion donation.
9 hours ago | Report
GE14NOW!The original people in the land were not the Malays – they too are pendatangs but they have rewritten history (just like what they have done with Hang Tuah). But these bigots and racists will continue to assert that they are always in the right and that everyone else is wrong. They will always claim that everyone else has hurt their feelings and that they have done no one any wrong (and of course idiots like Ridhuan Tee will agree with them for he feels the need to prove that he is more Malay then them). Why any Chinese or Indian would still want to support this openly racist group and umno which blatantly supports them is beyond me.
9 hours ago | Report
Multi RacialPendatang is a politically created word to divide the people to win votes and Hassan Basri Muhammad should know that. If he wants to talk about who arrived first, than he better study from the true history and not those created by UMNO. Whatever, it is too late to change now as regardless of whether one was Indonesian, Chinese, Indians, Thai and others, as long as you are born here, grown up and educated here, you are a Malaysian and you have no where to call home then Malaysia. People like Hassan is an opportunist and would said things for his personal gain. He don’t care about what is good for this country because if he do care, he wouldn’t want to divide the country like those irresponsible politicians did.
9 hours ago | Report
Anonymous #40538199Like it or not, it was immigrants that built USA into the biggest economy with the mightiest military in the world. It was also the immigrants that made 1SGD >= 3MYR.
9 hours ago | Report
Orang AsalHow about those from Indonesia, Pakistan and India?
9 hours ago | Report
Anonymous 2350381440730531All Malaysian are Pendatang ! Malays came from Indonesian long after the Chinese landed. Unless they are the origin of orang asli, so Malays if you are not Pendatang you are “Sakai” then. You called ‘ciNA baBI’ then Chinese are NABI to you !
9 hours ago | Report
9 hours ago | Report
JomUbahUbahAll are pendatangs except the orang asli. in fact this corrupt and racist PERKASA bugger, Hassan Basri Muhammad is also a pendatang from Indonesia. His racist comments make so many Alvin Tans’ come out to voice their anger at this stupid and brainless bugger.
9 hours ago | Report
Bad HeadGo back to kampung !
9 hours ago | Report
BambooThe Malays have usurped the rightly place of Orang Asli as the true original occupants of Malaysia. Since 1970 with the implementation of NEP, the whole country is dragged down from progressing for preferential policies for Bumiputras to catch up. Everything is regressed to cater for freebies for Bumiputras at the expense of Non-Bumis. The civil service is taken over almost entirely by Malays. The non -Bumis survived in private sector, yet the Malays have the cheek to ask for more employment but then lack the ability like proficiency in English.
9 hours ago | Report
JLjust because of 1 or 2 bad people so u gonna blamed every chinese..great ways of malay’s ways of teaching and am sure your religion never teach u that ways.
9 hours ago | Report
Anonymous_3e06Perkasa is very poor in history that they do not know what they are talking about. This country is a country of Pendatangs. The Malays the Indians the Chinese the Thai the Burmese and the westerners. We bring out culture our religion our social values. We live in a multi cultural and multi racial environment. Can Perkasa understand this. Malays have their cultural so do the Indians. Can you learn from history to learn to live in harmony. Grow up small brains
9 hours ago | Report
JaguhOnly originals are the orange asli….we are like Australia..all are pendantangs
9 hours ago | Report
WILDBOARBetter for dis guy to face d truth dat there r many pendatangs in umno.if u want to use history then do not pick n choose. D chinese n indians came frm china n india. But many others came frm indonesia.d truth is d truth. D only difference is dat d china n indians r honest n never try to claim native rights.
9 hours ago | Report
Keturunan MalaysiaAnd Hassan Basri Muhammad, this is NOT your grandfather’s land. This land is HOME to all TRULY MALAYSIANS!!!
9 hours ago | Report
Keturunan MalaysiaThe trouble with you and people like you Hassan Basri Muhammad is YOU are HISTORY and should remained history together with the dinosaurs. Like what HADI said when confronted with wanting to form a “UNITY Government with UMNO?!!!”… he (Hadi) said, that is already PAST. Both of you are indeed PAST!
9 hours ago | Report
Joe LeeHassan Basri Muhammad, the pendatang from Ulu Hutan, should be sent back to the jungle where his fellow monkeys inhabit.
9 hours ago | Report
Anonymous_3e79Screw Perkasa… Pendating is used as a derogatory manner in this context as always. All Malaysian MUST be accorded equal rights. Social assistance to the poor must be given irrespective of race. Not doing so will only result in stupid and shameful waste of public money and corruption, like having 1000 would be doctors drop off because they do not have the command of English. I think we all know the truth, the MALAY quota system has completely failed, we have granted previous university places to ill deserving and un-qualified candidates. I don’t blame them (students), I blame the UMNO leaders, that they think such action would lead to a better nation. They have failed this nation. And Perkasa is merely a tool for them to exert fear into the minds to true reforminst. Get rid of Perkasa. Make racism illegal.
9 hours ago | Report
anakrajaHas an go back 550years your great grandparents were pendatang except the orang asli were the true owners of this land. Ada faham, tiada faham keluar Dari Malaysia
9 hours ago | Report
Spirit of MalayaWhat’s wrong with this country? Jokers on the left and clowns on the right!
9 hours ago | Report
Anonymous_3e86Blatant sedition but nothing happens to these BN-friendly NGOs
9 hours ago | Report
Sound MindWhen someone tells you that you are a ‘pendatang’ just accept or ignore. It is said to beliitle or redicule someone. Why should one become emotional about it. The person who says that is ignorant. So just ignore. Opinions remain has opinions to an ignorant.You cannot change them.They have nothing better to do since they dont realise that this land belongs to no one, permanently.It is TOL.
9 hours ago | Report
tikusmatiMacam budak budak sahaja.
9 hours ago | Report
Anonymous_1389801797All members of perkasa,by their own definition, are pendatang too.Their forefather were immigrants encroached into the aborigines’ territory earlier in the last millennium.
9 hours ago | Report
Anonymous_1371537191Hassan you belong to which generation. I believe your grandparent are not born in Malaya.hou dare you call others pendatang.
9 hours ago | Report
Anonymous #70881335For Malaysia to progress , we must be less retropective, and more forward looking. We are all Malaysians now. Stress that fact. Let the Malays keep their special positions in culture and religion , as espoused in Article 153. But, for goodness sake, we got to roll up our sleeves, and work hard and smart, and keep up with our neighbours. Standing still will get us roll over by the rest of the world….in business, in sports and in everything else.
9 hours ago | Report
DramaQueen ^_^Stop it now. We know who the pendatang are. We want unity and harmony.
9 hours ago | Report
SusahKesWhat is even more shallow, is that Subra’s MIC, will continue to support Najib’s UMNO…while Najib’s UMNO continues to tolerate, even bankroll, NGOs such as Perkasa, Red Army etc. This MIC mouse will only squeak, meekly every now & then. After that, it’s back to taking care of their own business
9 hours ago | Report
7888888Another Diversion ?
9 hours ago | Report

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