YOURSAY | ‘Malaysians ‘pandai sabar’, that’s what got us into this mess in the first place.’

Najib shows contempt for Parliament with 3-min answer


Anti-climax as DPM wraps up RM2.6b explanation in 3 mins

  Kangkung: RM2.6 billion has been deposited into PM Najib Abdul Razak’s personal bank accounts and the deputy prime minister (DPM) gave a three-minute reply to explain the matter?

This only happens in Bolehland.

Justine Gow: For Najib not to turn up to answer the RM2.6 billion question is really a form of answer. It only confirms what the general public has suspected all along.

If the question can be satisfactorily answered, I am sure it would have been answered a long time ago – he would not have to do all that he had done so far to evade answering it.

LKT: Parliament has become an inconvenient legal nuisance to Emperor Najib. He was physically presence in Parliament yesterday yet he could not be bothered to be in Dewan Rakyat.

If he could, Najib would get Parliament to vote to disband itself and pass a law to forever allow Najib to rule by decree. This is the extend of how powerless Parliament is today.

Sa Tombs: Henceforth we must follow leadership by example. If a bank officer asks me to sign a form to show where my funds originated from, I have a beautiful and pat answer:

“Since my PM, and confirmed by the DPM, don’t have to disclose the source, I too can say that it is from an anonymous donor.”

How could the attorney-general give advice on this matter when he was handpicked by Najib to be the AG? The whole parliamentary system has been turned into a mockery.

Mushiro: They passed the buck of the RM42 billion and the RM2.6 billion ‘donation’ fiasco first to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), then the cabinet, then Bank Negara, then the Public Accounts Committee (PAC), then the 1MDB special task force, then the police, then Parliament and now back to the PAC again.

This will go on and on. It must be someone very important that they are protecting.

Saya Pun Nak Cari Makan: If a CEO of a company was found to have RM100 million in his bank account, and was accused of squandering the company’s coffers, if he were innocent, he would clear himself instantly by baring all the transactions involved.

He would show how he got the money, perhaps won the lottery, and provide a photocopy of the cheque.

On the other hand, if he is guilty of stealing the company’s money, he would try to run away from queries about the source of the money.

So which CEO is Najib? Your answer is as good as mine.

Bumiputhran: Don’t whinge, fellow Malaysians. Now we know how the Myanmar people suffered under their oppressive regime.

P Dev Anand Pillai: This is the kind of treatment and respect the supreme leader of the country gives to the so-called august House of Parliament of the country.

What a disgrace! And the Malays say that their dignity has been challenged?

They should learn from British PM David Cameron and see how he answers questions from the members of the House of Commons.

The Analyser: Why are Malaysians so hung up on this RM2.6 billion fiasco. Surely it’s clear to the most simple minded that you will never, and I mean never, get to hear the truth about this alleged con job.

So why do you persist with this topic? Are you trying to save face? Are you trying to distract attention from the abysmal performance of your chosen opposition (whichever one you are rooting for this week). Or is there some other motivation?

You can’t tell me that you are concerned about the nation. If that is the case, then I suggest your concern is 58 years too late. Meanwhile, you could be addressing your attention to the failings of the opposition.

For starters, none of them have a clearly defined philosophy nor specific policies. That means that voters cannot make rational decisions and are forced into making voting decisions on personalities (shudder), race (gasp), or religion (bursts into tears).

Mojo Jojo: Since the RM2.6 billion entered Najib’s personal bank account, this money is technically his, which makes this fiasco the PM’s personal matter.

So why is Ahmad Zahid Hamidi defending Najib for what is clearly a personal affair? As the Malay saying goes, “Siapa makan cili, dia rasa pedas.”

Seeing that Najib has a mouth, two ears and a brain, personally addressing his detractors in Parliament shouldn’t be too difficult. Unless, of course, this suspicious ‘donation’ is anything but.

J Chong: Najib will do the same when quizzed by the MACC. No questions allowed. Just record the three-minute answer.

MACC will then happily announce that they have quizzed the PM and found nothing wrong.

Shindig: And the silent majority still wants to wait till GE14? Malaysians ‘pandai sabar’, that’s what got us into this mess in the first place.

Hope: RM866.666 million per minute? That’s 2.6 billion in three minutes.

Why is it so difficult for Najib to answer? Just tell us where the money came from and where it has gone. What is so difficult about that?



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