YOURSAY | ‘It’d be helpful if AG’s aide could confirm if the text messages were accurate.’

A deliberate attempt to deny a second autopsy of Morais?



AG’s aide denies scuttling Kevin Morais second autopsy


Wg321: What is the harm in conducting a second autopsy if the majority of the members of Morais family wanted it?

What is the motive of the special officer to the attorney-general (AG), Mabel Muttiah, in interfering in the majority decision of the Morais family?

Kevin Morais’ remains had been held at the morgue for 70 days. Surely there is plenty of time to conduct a second autopsy.

This appeared to be a deliberate attempt to deny a second autopsy in order to perhaps cover up a crime. Charles Morais has the right to sue her.

Commentable: Mabel Muttiah, you claim the report (in the Sarawak Report) is a pack of lies and a manipulation of facts for an ulterior motive.

But two things crossed my mind reading this article and the comments that followed. If there is supposedly no smoke without fire, why the report had to single you out, of all the many people in the AG’s office?

And if there is no smoke without fire, why must there be a pack of cybertroopers coming out from the worm hole for your sake and in your defence?

These are the same people (you’d recognise them by the way they write) who would relentlessly defend 1MDB and the PM in every article that raised incriminating allegations against them.

You’d say it’s all lies but people do see ‘not so innocent’ smoke coming from a pile of innocent looking rubbish.

Odin Tajué: Mabel Muttiah, your charge that the Sarawak Report’s exposé on your text communication with certain members of the Morais family was a pack of lies gains no traction with many, if not most, of us who have been following its reports apropos the few sensational issues that have come to light since the beginning of this year.

The simple fact that no action – none whatsoever – that conforms with that which a party defamed by the publication of blatant misrepresentation of actual events, utterances or action would take has been instituted against the Sarawak Report proves beyond any reasonable doubt that its exposés have been made based on incontrovertible pieces of information.

We have heard nothing more than bare denials and accusation of the Sarawak Report having published doctored or falsified information.

Kevin Morais’ remains had been held at the morgue for 70 days. That is some two months and two weeks.

Considering that the length of the period is inordinately long but nothing had happened, it is reasonable for one to surmise the reluctance of the appropriate authority to approve the conducting of a second autopsy on the remains.

Further, it is reasonable for one to surmise that a delay tactic was effected to force Charles Morais to give up his quest for a second autopsy to be conducted and to return to the United States to see to his business.

However, Charles Morais persevered, although his hotel charges alone would have come up to many a pretty penny.

What would one desirous of concealing incriminating evidence that the remains might have held do under the circumstances? Simple.

One would work through a member of the Morais family who is the most vulnerable, or one who has a lot to hide, or one most susceptible to accepting illicit gratification.

2-ELLs: It would be helpful if Mabel Muttiah could confirm if the quoted text messages in the Sarawak Report were accurate. After that, it is a matter of interpretation.

Tan Kim Keong: Mabel must sue Sarawak Report to uphold her integrity if the text messages in the report were not from her or doctored.

Don’t just deny and called the report a pack of lies and a manipulation of facts for an ulterior motive. Otherwise, her integrity is indeed questionable.

Poor treatment by ‘hidden hands’ riles vape group

Hplooi: So the BN government will lose a million (Malay) votes because of this? ‘Semua jadi isu kaum pulak.’

(Putting the issue of ‘bangsa’ aside), I would agree with the vape group on questioning why the sudden and uncompromising crackdown by the authorities on vape.

Normally on grounds of humanitarian and natural justice, sufficient notice is always given before imposing any new ban.

But for new bumiputera entrepreneurs, I would suggest that vape is not a good business to enter into. The reason is that such an explosive growth industry is due to its addictive nature.

Of course, we can always point to the alcohol and cigarette industry and why authorities are not clamping down on them. Both industries have centuries old history and authorities all over the world are instituting measures to limit its growth.

But to give vape a carte blanche on strength of the aforesaid (cigarettes, etc) would be not what most civilised nations have basically settled on.

Now alcohol would be more nuanced (hick, errr, I have to disclose that I am an alcohol aficionado – but not a substance-abuser…

Anon1: “As Muslims, it is compulsory for us to follow (the edicts). But not this way,” said Malaysian E-Vaporizers and Tobacco Alternative Association (Mevta) vice-president Ikhbal Zakaria.

What is he saying? To follow or not to follow?

Cks: Cigarettes with their irrefutable health risks, far larger than vape, could be tolerated simply because it has a century-old history behind it?

That is not logical. Opium has a century-old history, too.

The way they systematically come down hard on the vape community suggests there could be a strong motivation and with an unknown agenda. Public health concerns are only an excuse.

NuckinFuts: Big Tobacco has the most to lose from vaping.



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