YOURSAY l ‘Why billions of ringgit ending in the PM’s account is considered halal?’

Perhaps halal and non-halal income tax next?

Ministry mulls guidelines on halal, non-halal trolleys

 yrsaynonhalaltax Existential Turd: There are so many ways this separation of halal and non-halal supermarket trolleys is wrong and not practical.

First, when the government is bemoaning the people is not united, they actively promote segregation of Muslim and non-Muslim. Not just food, but supermarkets, restaurants, banks, schools, places of worship, public transportation, hospitals…

Very soon, the Muslim community will be entirely cut off from the rest of Malaysia. They are prime targets for terrorist recruitment. They harbour irrational notion of other ethnic groups and see them as enemy of ummah, or at best, filthy.

Secondly, if they are serious about implementing halal policy, currency will have to be segregated, taxes will have to be segregated, blood banks will have to be segregated, medicine will have to be segregated, water will have to be segregated, air will have to be segregated.

Where will it end? When unscrupulous dogmatic people are in power, this is a surest sign Malaysia is on the path of downfall.

Joe Lee: “But if the self-compliance cannot be implemented at one point, then the government has no other option but to set the guidelines to ensure Muslim consumers are more comfortable and confident to make their purchase,” said Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Ministry secretary-general Alias Ahmad.

And how come serious corruption like billions of ringgit ending in the PM’s account is considered halal?

And why do these people have no qualms about receiving non-halal tax ringgits from non-halal people?

Doc: The country is heading for economic collapse with inflation sky rocketing and the Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Ministry is thinking of coming up with guidelines for halal and non-halal trolley segregation.

This Umno-BN government is too stupid to figure out what constitutes a matter of national importance these days.

Anonymous 109681439536914: Did anybody encounter any problems without separate trolleys – halal and non-halal.

If this nonsense is implemented, as someone has suggested, have separate outlets for halal and non-halal consumers – across the board, all over the country. The line has to be drawn sometime, somewhere, right?

Anonymous #19098644: Is this the start of a religious segregation? Maybe they should have one kind of colour for ringgit notes for Muslims and another for non-Muslims because the non-Muslim notes might not be halal and has been touched by the pork seller.

They also should have separate taxes because non-Muslim income might be derived from non-halal sources and thus cannot be used by Muslims.

Shamu99: And what about halal taxi too since non-halal items are also carried by taxies? My god, this is crazy. Please focus on basic needs of the people.

Just a Malaysian: We must have separate cups for halal and non-halal people, too. Separate blood banks for halal and non-halal blood.

Separate organ donors, separate eating utensils in all fast food chain. Separate spa and sauna in case the kafir sweats lard. Separate swimming pools as well.

TehTarik: I suggest that all supermarkets follow the example of TMC Bangsar where the pork and alcohol sections are located in separate shoplots with separate entrances. This will help to preserve the purity and sanctity of Muslim customers.

Then we should also have different colour trolleys for Hindus (no beef) and another one for vegetarians. It is only fair that everyone’s sensitivity is catered for. I hope that NSK Supermarket would be fair to all religious denominations.

Maybe it should be mandatory that only cashless payment methods like credit cards be allowed for non-halal transactions. This would include pork sales outlets and restaurants, and bars and restaurants that sell alcohol.

This will ensure that the purity and sanctity of circulating currency is maintained and prevents inadvertent contamination. We could be the first in the world to introduce such a novel idea.

The golden age of Malaysia is will begin once syariah and hudud are in place. People will lead pious lives. Crime and corruption will be a thing of the past. No need for window grills or alarm systems.

No more drunk driving. Gold shops can openly display their ornaments without the need for security as is seen in Saudi Arabia. Sexual crimes will fall. Adultery will become uncommon.

Income inequality will fall as zakat will be compulsory.

Negarawan: How will this halal trolley segregation help Muslims to be more pleasing to God?

It is far better for them to spend their efforts in building bridges with people of other faiths, rather than building walls.



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