YOURSAY | ‘Did he file a police report or did he just spend the money?’

Did Najib lodge report on RM42m found in bank account?

Rafizi: Najib luckiest PM with another RM42m deposit

  Anonymous #44199885: It does not matter whether PM Najib Razak said or did not say whether he knew the source of funds.

The point is he knew RM42 million was deposited into his accounts. If he knows the source, why doesn’t he just declare it now and be done with it. If it is legal, then there is no issue.

On the other hand, assuming he did not know the source, what action did he take to discover the source or failing that, did he lodge a police report of an attempt to implicate him in some fraudulent or illegal scheme.

He cannot just say he did not know the source or that he did not know it came from so-and-so intermediaries.

And if indeed he does not know the source, he should have handed the money over to the police or the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) for investigation as he is a public official and should be on the guard against any scheme or action attempting to implicate him in corruption, money-laundering or fraud.

Did he do this or did he just spend the money?

Odin Tajué: Do excuse me. I am lost. I may be wrong, but from reading the last report on this subject, my understanding is that Najib did not say that he did not know where the RM42 million had come from but that he did not know that the money had come through Gandingan Mentari and Ihsan Perdana, the two subsidiaries of 1MDB subsidiary SRC International.

I perceive that he has avoided stating the source of the money. So, I think it is incorrect to say that Najib has claimed to not know where the money had come from. I stand corrected, of course.

Anon1: The PM is in a fiduciary position and must account for monies spent and received. He has admitted that large sums of monies were deposited into his personal bank account.

The excuse about an Arab donor is primary school talk, and by refusing to reveal details of the donation, this can only point to one conclusion.

Further, every institution of government tasked with upholding the law has failed the nation by keeping mum about this issue.

It is indeed a failure of democracy when the head of government abuses his position and picks only those who will help him hide his misdeeds to head departments entrusted to check and prosecute such abuse.

The system of judicial and police appointments should be changed if we are ever to have an accountable and responsible government.

Swipenter: Chinese New Year is just round the corner. Can I give my private bank account number here and see whether any donor would be kind enough to bank in some ang pow money to help me out during the festivities? No questions ask.

The donor’s identity would be kept a top secret or you can just bank into my account anonymously using cash.

And I will declare all monies received as donation and not as commission to Income Tax Department (LHDN).

Saya Pun Nak Cari Makan: Najib has set a new precedent for government officials to follow. Apparently according to him, if money is deposited into his account without his knowledge, it is legal and no one can accuse him of corruption.

If this holds true, any government official can do just that. Whenever a huge sum of money is found in the official’s account, just claim that he does not know the source and the money is thus deemed legal.

Fateh: With so much money in his personal accounts, which the rakyat can never in their life dream of, will he be just a bit generous and fork out a fraction of what he has received in deposits, for the scholarships of those smart and needy, for the future of this country and at the same time do some good deeds for himself?

Sirul in video: Some tried to use me to oust someone

Gerard Lourdesamy: Convicted murderer Sirul Azhar Umar should first explain who is paying for his high profile and very expensive team of defence lawyers who are all apparently connected to Umno.

Even during the trial at the High Court there was a concerted effort by the prosecution and defence to sidestep the issue of motive and to keep Najib’s name out of the proceedings.

The pivotal question that has not been answered in this case is who ordered the killing of Altantuya Shaariibuu or did both accused act on their own?

The Australians should reject the asylum request and repatriate Sirul to Malaysia on condition that his sentence is commuted to life imprisonment.

Bumiputhran: The Australian government is not actually granting protection to a convicted murderer. The protection is only because Canberra is against the death sentence.

The Australian government cannot set aside the conviction made by another sovereign state like Malaysia. The conviction will stand unless there is a successful judicial review.

In the event Sirul is given the pardon by the Agong, who has rejected a pardon from former opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim for a much lesser offence, he would be sent back to Malaysia as he would not be hanged.

Anonymous_3e86: Sirul, you are a convicted killer. Just because Australia doesn’t recognise the death penalty doesn’t mean it will grant you asylum.

Do you really think Australia will grant asylum to a convicted killer? It is obvious Sirul is being conned by his lawyers into believing that he can apply for asylum. It is also obvious that he is being paid to keep quiet.



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