YOURSAY | ‘By the way, it is high time to use your RM2.6b to help all Malaysians.’

PM, revise Budget by slashing PMO, Jakim allocations



PM: Budget 2016 to be revised due to economic downturn

  Dont Just Talk: Budget 2016 is like a small piece of cloth that’s trying to cover both ends of the body. When you cover the top, the bottom is exposed; and when you try to cover the bottom, the top is exposed.

Although the global economy is caused by weak consumer demands and lower prices of oil and gas, Malaysia is no exception. The matter is made worse by our depreciated ringgit against the US dollar – which is RM4.4 to US$1 – resulting in higher costs of imported goods.

And with the newly-introduced six percent goods and services tax (GST), this has resulted in a double whammy for poor Malaysians.

The government should just do away or reduce the six percent GST, better manage the Malaysian economy, lead by example in reducing corruption and lastly, take the annual Auditor-General’s Report seriously.

Ah-hah!!!: Will Najib Razak firstly, and without hesitation, slash the eye-popping RM8.5 billion allocation in Budget 2016 for his own Prime Minister’s Department which – while other key segments like education, women’s health and welfare suffered drastic cuts – had been hiked up by RM1.1 billion as compared to 2015?

Moreover, how about the RM1 billion allocated to the Islamic Development Department (Jakim), which has already been questioned by notable figures?

Otherwise, will the PM not look like a hypocrite and have folks angrily hurling his “spend prudently” tweet back in his face?

Anonymous 2385871451362514: Be grateful. The future and welfare of all Malaysians is the top priority of the leadership in this country.

The Analyser: ‘Anonymous 2385871451362514’, are you talking about the government concept of slashing the budget for health and education, then handing back a pittance to fool the religiously devout?

Also, are you practicing to be Najib’s script writer?

Maybe now they will scrap the ridiculous notion of a high-speed rail line to Singapore. Then again, of course they won’t because there are big bucks to be made through such mega projects.

Instead, they will make cuts to ‘unimportant’ items such as education, health, and anything else that will make life more miserable for the voters.

CQ Muar: Is Budget 2016 to be revised to help the rakyat or to benefit the government?

The people are struggling and are up to their necks in having to cope with the high cost of living. Therefore, Najib should not aggravate the burden further.

Najib, shouldn’t you be advising your ministers to curtail unnecessary expenses and lavish spending? And more importantly, the need for them to adjust and reduce their bloated salaries and perks?

As prime minister, you should lead by example with such inevitable moves. After all, this is in consideration of the RM2.6 billion that’s safely tucked away in your bank account.

JomUbahUbah: By the way, it is high time to use your RM2.6 billion to help all Malaysians.

Legit: Expect more subsidy cuts and more price increases. After all, according Deputy International Trade and Industry Minister Ahmad Maslan, the rakyat are not supposed to complain about price increases.

And expect DPM Ahmad Zahid Hamidi to say, “If you don’t like it, just migrate.” I can’t wait to kick these bums out and banish them to the Sahara.

Vijay47: How things can change in the blink of an eye. On Dec 30, 2015, the deputy finance minister said, “No revision to the 2016 Budget”. Ten days later, the finance minister said the opposite. Great teamwork.

Speaking Sense: The economic downturn and oil price slump “unexpected”? Has this PM-cum-finance minister just come from Mars? No wonder, the country is in such deep trouble.

This is what happens when you spent all your time trying to hide your 1MDB scandal.

Mosquitobrain: Najib, you’ve missed out another important contributing factor: massive corruption in your administration.

Retnam: Now bumiputera university students are going hungry. Soon all Malaysians will have no food on the table – that is when Umno will be decimated by the people.



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