YOURSAY ‘Asking people to forgive Najib implies the man has transgressed.’

‘No, Samy Vellu, we cannot forgive Najib’


Samy: Najib feels for the poor

samyfornajib SteveOh: S Samy Vellu would be the last person I would want to speak up for me in my hour of need. I wonder which is worse for PM Najib Razak – to have Dr Mahathir Mohamad monkey on his back or Samy Vellu jacking him up?

Was Samy indulging in doublespeak for which Mahathir is renowned when he says Najib “feels for the poor people” like Mahathir says he “loves” Najib? More likely, he is reminding Najib of his broken promise to Hindraf and the poor Indian community, the cunning man.

That politicians speak with a forked-tongue is an insult to the moral integrity and intelligence of Malaysians.

Najib may always be on tap for a crony like Samy Vellu but ordinary citizens, farmers whose lands have been taken away by heartless Perak MBI, developments without approvals, et al, people who need his ears won’t get past the gates.

Asking people to forgive Najib implies the man has transgressed. Didn’t Samy Vellu know that the man has sworn to God he has done no wrong?

Pemerhati: Samy Vellu, just like a lot of people in the bloated public service, gets paid handsomely and gets a lot of perks for practically doing nothing.

He is saying things to please Najib in the hope that Najib will renew his tenure so that he will continue to earn his ‘gaji buta’ (blind salary) and privileges.

But Samy probably does not realise that by saying the things he is saying, he is actually reminding the people of Najib’s many wrongdoings. When he says that Najib has a heart and feels for the poor, the poor ask why he would then impose a 6% GST (goods and services tax) on them.

When he says that Najib is easy to approach, they think of how only Saiful Bukhari Azlan was able to easily approach him and how Najib lied about his scholarship and used him to send Anwar Ibrahim to jail on trumped-up charges.

Now Samy wants his fellow thieves, Mahathir and Najib, to make up and not reveal their wrongdoings as they all could get into trouble if the opposition comes to power.

Anonymous_1376295437: Of course, Samy will support Najib. He still draws a ministerial salary paid by taxpayers’ money. If he disagrees with Najib, he will be out of job.

Why do we need him to be the special envoy to India? What has he done? This is another example of how Najib spends our money. What a waste.

Ferdtan: Samy Vellu, you are right; Najib ‘feels’ for the poor. That is why they were not excluded when it comes to pay taxes such as GST.

Yes, Najib wanted the poor to be treated equally; that is to pay like any other rich billionaires. He never wants the poor to be out of place in his world, and thus by implementing GST to all, he is giving them the opportunity to be ‘associated’ with the rich.

Thank you, Samy for pointing this out.

Tailek: Samy Vellu, we all feel for the poor. I have no doubt Najib also feels for the poor. But that is not the issue here.

The issue is where all the money in 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) has gone, who ordered the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder, why the need for a new government jet costing half a billion ringgit, etc.

If Najib can properly and satisfactorily explain all this to the rakyat, he can stay as PM for the next three terms.

James TCLow: Samy, have you forgotten through Maika, you had robbed your poor fellow Indians of their hard-earned savings? Who are you to talk about feeling for the poor?

Odin: Samy Vellu, you are as false as your toupee. We know very well you are sucking up to Najib because you are only too well aware of which side of your bread is buttered.

Polish Najib’s boots very hard, and you will continue to be the roving ambassador, or special envoy – or whatever your position is called – to India.

It’s not easy for people like you to forgo publicly-funded first class seats on a plane, five-star hotel accommodation and such, is it?

And, of course, boot polishers and scholarship applicants should have no great difficulty in meeting Najib.

Kingfisher: It’s amusing that this man, who is thought to have a notorious reputation for having failed the Indian community that he claimed to have lead for some two decades, can appeal “to forget wrongdoings…”.

Especially while many others who work hard for their decent lives would pray that those who cheat the common people and the nation while holding national leadership positions should face the brunt of the law for their misdeeds.

Otak-Otak: How to forgive and forget? And continue to let him and his team loot the country further?

It may seem this ex-MIC leader is also worried like the rest of BN leaders who all have a lot of skeletons in their closets, and want everything to remain as it is. However, we the rakyat do not want to see our country to be on the verge of collapse. Change we must.

Onyourtoes: The depravity is beyond me. What crap is this fellow talking about – forgive Najib because he feels for the poor?

Hey, we are not sure we will forgive you, Samy. You think we are stupid, Samy? He feels for the poor?

Have you seen the executive jet, the wedding of the century, and the billions that went missing in 1MDB?

Vijay47: Now that I have thought more about it, I think Sammy Vellu may be right when he says that just by making a phone call, we can meet Najib “straightaway”.

Remember that university drop-out who was able to meet Najib to discuss a scholarship? At Najib’s house, to top it.

Oh dear, Samy Vellu, I agree that Najib has a big heart but I believe his wife’s is bigger.  Much bigger.

Does your statement mean you will not be stuffing birthday cakes into Mahathir’s mouth anymore?

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