YOURSAY | ‘RM10m corruption cases are nothing compared to Najib’s multi-billion case.’

Good job, MACC, but why is the elephant still in the room?


Huge sums of money found stashed in ceiling of PWD director’s house

yrsaygoodmaccyoursay-EnglishCQ Muar: Only three individuals raided? Why, this is just the tip of the iceberg given countless other government officials indulging in corruption. How about those ministers and their cronies?

Honestly, we’re not impressed at all by this small number of arrests when the whole government machinery under the leadership of PM Najib Razak is noted for such misdeeds.

This is in consideration that currently corruption is the no 1 crime. Let’s hope many other Datuk Sris, Tan Sris and Datuks will likewise be raided.

Apart from sentencing them, do ensure their titles are being stripped off by their respective sultans for the embarrassment and shame.

Just one other reminder, let there be no double standards. Please ensure those top echelon ministers are also considered for similar actions.

This include the Umno president, his deputy, vice-presidents and their subordinates in the ruling party. The rakyat are watching.

Anonymous #05023297: The money was donations from suppliers who wanted to ensure that the workers and families of Public Works Department (PWD) are well taken care of. Nothing wrong in that.

The suppliers even provided letters to this Datuk to proof that no favours was asked nor expected in return. It’s all very ‘halal’ and they are willing to swear on the Quran as well.

Anonymous 122461436161429: It’s silly to hide money in the ceiling. The crooks should have instead bought bags, jewellery, artwork, overseas properties, made deals with casinos on settling gambling losses, invested in Hollywood movies and travelled with many suitcases on private jets. They could have stolen more that way.

Don’t forget all the tax free havens and setting up shell companies. Also have a few friends in high places, in banks and on the board of companies.

SpecialBrew: Well done to all the good men and women at the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

Corruption is an insidious plague that has a wide range of corrosive effects on our societies. It undermines democracy and the rule of law, leads to violations of human rights, distorts markets, erodes the quality of life and allows organised crime, terrorism and other threats to human security to flourish.

The worst affected from corruption is the common rakyat. It is nothing wrong to start from in-between before moving up to the top of the food chain.

Legit: Yes, good job, MACC. There are many other such crooks in the country and you should relentlessly go after them.

We all know you will not catch the biggest thief of all, someone called MO1. It’s okay, other governments will get him. He can run but he cannot hide.

Disgusted: Still no Umnoputra raided. Most of the time they are the ones who take the money and share it with civil servants to get things done.

As usual, ‘ikan bilis’ (small fries) are caught whilst sharks still swim around. How about investigating ministers, deputy ministers, MBs and even state excos?

Oh, I forgot, they are untouchable because they support MO1. Only opposition MPs excos and MBs are to be investigated. If nothing is found on them, then create something.

Anonymous 29051438068738: This is an old diversionary tactic to get the country talking about something else other than MO1. A brief respite, then what?

Anonymous_1372117168: When is all this going to stop? Corruption is so rampant in this country, starting from the chief executive of the government to the lowly clerks in the government departments.

And unless something is done, we will reach a ‘failed state’ situation. God help Malaysia.

Dont Just Talk: Again we quote the Chinese proverb – “When the top is crooked, the bottom can never be straight.”

Anyway, it is good to see that MACC is finally cracking the whip on corrupt officials and hopefully, it will nab those untouchables, too.

Anonymous #88188: Hello, RM10 million corruption cases are nothing compared to Najib’s multi-billion case.

Ahmet Al Tarabulshit: Yes, how come the elephant is still in the room?

AJ: We all know that corruption is rampant and woven into the fabric of civil servants. If not all, most fall into this category.

That’s why the people believe that this (fighting the scourge) will work only by grabbing the head and not the tail.

MACC arrests gov’t officers with Datuk Seri, Datuk titles for graft

Mushiro: Is this to give an impression that their new chief (Dzulkifli Ahmad) is a no-nonsense man. Until they raid a real big fish, the public will be sceptical about this ‘sandiwara’ (show).

Slumdog: This will be the script. As the accused will no doubt be Umno cronies, they will be arrested, investigated and Malaysia’s ever vigilant, independent and trustworthy attorney-general (AG) will, after a lengthy and detailed study of the investigation papers, decide that no charges will be laid because the money was in fact “donations” from very grateful members of the public for doing a sterling job.

Anonymous #05023297: Indeed, if they arrest every government official for graft and money laundering, there will be nobody left in Putrajaya except the gardener.

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