Lim Kit Siang’s “urination” provoked May 13 riots?

-Lim Kit Siang, August 5, 2012.

Malaysians should  do a Sherlock Holmes to find out the “who, when and what“ about the origin of the canard of “urination” at the flagpole of the Selangor Mentri Besar’s house provoking May 13 riots in 1969
Yesterday, I categorically denied the preposterous claim which had appeared previously on the official Facebook page of the May 13 movie, Tanda Putra, that I had urinated on the flagpole in front of the then Selangor Mentri Besar’s residence during the May 13 riots in 1969.
The facebook had carried a photo portraying me being manhandled, with the caption:
“Lim Kit Siang telah kencing di bawah tiang bendera Selangor yang terpacak di rumah menteri besar Selangor ketika itu, Harun Idris, (Lim Kit Siang had urinated at the foot of the flagpole bearing the Selangor flag at the then Selangor MB’s Harun Idris’ house)”
The photo was posted in the album in the Facebook  titled ‘Peristiwa-peristiwa yang dimuatkan di dalam filem ini’ (Events depicted in this movie).

Although the photo and caption have since been removed from the movie’s official page, Malaysiakini had captured a screenshot of the earlier posting.

I noted two very pertinent postings from the 69 comments since Malaysiakini reported my denial, viz:
RealSoldier witness513 its simply absurd to accuse LKS performing such despicable act because the flagpole is not freely accessable to the public as it is located within the compound of the MB’s house which is fenced and manned by a jaga. BY accident I was at the MB’s on that fateful day from 3.00am to 5.30am on 514 following rescue operations by the security forces.
FREE The picture of LKS being grabbed and manhandled by officers was taken at the Kota Kinabalu old airport terminal. Those officers in white-shirt uniforms were immigration officers when Harris Salleh ordered the deportation of LKS from Sabah. This writer was inside a plane and saw from the window LKS being put put in a wheelchair and wheeled to the plane for deportation back to KL.
What RealSoldier posted made eminent sense, as in 1969 I never knew where was the official residence of the Selangor Mentri Besar, let alone that it has a flagpole “located within the compound of the MB’s house which is fenced and manned by a jaga”.
This posting exposes the downright lie and dangerous falsehood that I or anyone could have urinated at the foot of the flagpole at the then Selangor Mentri Besar’s house – when it was within a confined  and guarded compound.
The second posting is an eye-witness account of the origin of the photograph shown on the Tanda Putra official facebook.
The photograph was not taken in 1969 but 15 years later at the Kota Kinabalu Airport old terminal on August 26, 1984.
I had flown into Kota Kinabalu that morning en route to Sandakan in response to a challenge by the then Sabah Chief Minister, Datuk Harris Salleh to repeat my speech in Parliament on July 23, 1984 outside Parliament without the benefit of parliamentary privilege on Harris’ abuses of powers as Sabah Chief Minister in particular with regard to Labuan being carved out of Sabah and made a Federal Territory.
I had challenged Harris to name the place and date for me to repeat my parliamentary speech, and when Harris named the Dewan Masyarakat Sandakan on August 26 at 10 am, I immediately accepted them  and flew into Kota Kinabalu with  the then DAP Deputy National Chairman and MP for Jelutong Karpal Singh enroute to Sandakan for the occasion.
But at the Kota Kinabalu Airport, I was denied entry on the directive of the Sabah Chief Minister who had challenged me to repeat my parliamentary speech against him in Sandakan later the same morning!
I was told to take the same flight out to return to Kuala Lumpur. In the two-and-a-half-hour standoff with the immigration authorities, I made it very clear that denying me entry into Sabah was  a gross abuse of Sabah immigration autonomy powers and  I was not prepared to leave my own country on my own free. I told them that they  will have to bodily carry up the plane. Finally, they put me in a wheelchair and bodily carried up the flight steps  to the waiting plane.
That was the 1984 Kota Kinabalu photograph which Tanda Putra official facebook had used as one of the May 13, 1969 photographs!
The two postings are the real stuff of people’s history, unalloyed and unadulterated by lies and falsehoods.
Let us have more real people’s history on what actually happened.
“RealSolder” has debunked not only the lie that I had urinated at the flagpole of the  Selangor Mentri Besar’s house, but that anyone else could have done it as the flagpole is within the confined and guarded  compound of the Mentri Besar’s house.
But how did the canard of the “urination” at the Selangor Mentri Besar’s house, provoking the May 13 riots, originate?
Since the Tanda Putra official facebook entry, I had asked around whether anyone had ever heard of any “urination” incident at the flagpole of the  Selangor Mentri Besar’s house provoking May 13 riots, and nobody has ever heard of it before.
Neither the White Paper  issued by the National Operations Council on 9th October 1969 entitled “The May 13 Tragedy” nor Tunku Abdul Rahman’s book “May 13 – Before & After”  made any  reference to any such urination incident at the Selangor Mentri Besar’s residence.
This has become the Urine-Gate or Pee-Gate of Malaysia.
Malaysians should  do a Sherlock Holmes to find out the “who, when and what“ about the origin the canard of “urination” at the flagpole of the Selangor Mentri Besar’s house provoking May 13 riots in 1969 – for if there is no truth whatsoever, it should put to rest once and for all.
When did anyone first heard of such a canard?  Or is it a very recent vintage – just for Tanda Putra?
It is indeed sad and tragic when all efforts should be made on the occasion of the approaching 55th Merdeka Day/49th Malaysia Day to emphasise the unity in diversity of the Malaysian nation, there seems to be anti-national elements out to create racial distrust and dissension and undermine national harmony by spreading the most  vicious lies and falsehoods about the history of the nation.
If the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s 1Malaysia slogan and policy is to have any meaning at all, I call on all Malaysians to prove that they are Malaysians in heart and soul on the occasion of the 55th Merdeka Day/49th Malaysia Day!