Green marchers confront Special Branch officer

A group of activists participating in the anti-Lynas green walk confronted a Special Branch (SB) officer during their stay in Bentong, Pahang on Tuesday night.

According to campaign spokesperson Wong Chun Yuan, the incident happened when the green walk team members spotted two SB officers recording them at a Catholic school, where the team was staying overnight.

When contacted yesterday, he told Malaysiakini that about 10 members had then surrounded the two police officers, though one of them managed to slip away.

“We had some ‘exchange’ for about 15 minutes, (where) he admitted that he was from the SB but refused to delete the photos,” Wong said.

“We have no problem with the SB taking our photographs during our march, but do not break into the our rest area without our permission.

“Moreover, they were just recording downstairs in a room where our female members were taking a rest.”

Wong added that they did not force the police officer to delete the photos.

However, they warned him that he will not be let off easily if he gets caught again the next time.