The Universal Society of Hinduism has expressed unhappiness over the destruction of an ancient temple in Bujang Valley, Kedah.
In a statement, the US-based society’s president Rajan Zed said it was shocking and saddening to learn about the damage.
“These Hindu temple ruins, besides being dear to Hindus, were a highly important heritage for Malaysians and the world,” he added.
Rajan (right) urged Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak to launch a thorough investigation into this damage and allocate additional funding to conserve the area.
He also asked the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (Unesco) to declare Lembah Bujang a World Heritage Site and help fund its preservation efforts.
“It needs to be urgently protected and some serious efforts and strong political will are needed in this direction by the Malaysian government,” he added.
Rajan said efforts must be made to reconstruct the damaged structure and the developer responsible should provide most of the funding.
He argued that such callous treatment to ancient monuments should not be acceptable in Malaysia and the world.
“This should serve as a wake-up call for Malaysia and the world to take care of heritage sites and Malaysia should declare all Lembah Bujang archaeological sites as national heritage sites,” he said.
Rajan also wondered why it took so long for this damage to come to light.
“Chalking out some proactive policies for preservation of these valuable monuments might help in the future.
“According to reports, there were many temple ruins in the Bujang Valley which were still undocumented and damage caused to some during the recent development might have thus gone unnoticed,” he said.
“Malaysians should be proud of their legacy in the Bujang Valley and should preserve for future generations what their ancestors left for them,” he added.
Rajan stressed that any further irresponsible and needless damage to the sites must be prevented with swift action.
அம்னோ காரனுங்குளுக்கு தெரிவதெல்லாம் பணம் பணம் பணம். பணத்தை வாங்கிக் கொண்டு நாட்டேயே விற்க துணிந்து செயல் படுகிறான்.
புஜாங் பள்ளத்தாக்கில் நடந்த இந்த கோரம், ஆட்சியில் உள்ள அம்நோவால் செய்யப்பட்டது என அனைவரும் அறிந்த ஒன்று.
The narrow minded malays do not want to know hindu history of malaysia.
they only want to propogate, malays were the first to civilise and islam is first religion to emerge.
the world body should not allow such callous action.
Sad to see how is….m damaged thinking abilities of malays! why can’t a sensible race accept the fact that the same God has created everyone and everything here for a reason?
அண்மயில் நான் சரவாக் போயிறேந்தேன் . அக்குள்ள muzium நான் பார்த்த உண்மை . புஜாங் இந்தியர் சரித்திரம் இடத்திலுள்ள பல கல் வேட்டுக்கள் , விநாயகர் சிலைகள் , மண் பண்டங்கள் எல்லாம் அங்கு உள்ளன . இது உண்மை.
இந்தோனேசியாவுக்கு போனால் தெரியும்.இந்துக்களின் கலாசாரம்/சமயம் எவ்வளவு ஆதிக்கம் இன்றும் . இருந்தும் அங்கும் முஸ்லிம் தீவிரவாதிகளின் அநியாயம் நாளுக்குநாள் அதிகமாகிக்கொண்டே போகின்றது.இவன்களின் அநியாயம் 78ல் இருந்து ஆரம்பமாகியது ஈரானில் இருந்து.இந்தோனேசியர்கள் பெயர் இன்றும் இந்துக்களின் பெயர்களே.
the government of the day is run by UMNO , a party supported by MIC and MCA which has no self respect ! These two race BASED PARTIES have been side
lined by UMNO by its affirmative actions. Every five years these two parties go on
a wild goose chase to get support and put its master UMNO in power and later கெட் raped ! On a different note , UMNO has been cheating all the while and eating the national cake alone . Just look at the Banks, Insurance companies and Government linked entities who is heading them ….what about the public varsities … not a single Indian or chinese ….. it is not qualification but blatant KULIT FICATION ! The UMNO government has been fooling all the while and they
cannot admit the Indian Civilization has been here before they ever set their foot in this country ! when this pirates or lanun came to this country !( Home Minister speech today in UMNO assembly ) if they claim they came from pulauan sumatra or asia ocenia these part have historical proof that Hinduism and Buddism influence triving till today ! So sheer jealousy or inferior complexity is mind bogging them to deny the truth …. they fail to concur that their language is enliven by Tamil and Sanskrit ! Mind you they were animist and were hindus …otherwise why they still practice ritual that hindus perform at weddings and burial ……Even addressing the Agong ….Seri Paduka ( where is there source ) and long live the king….. Deergha Aayul ! just ask a malay prof to get the word from kamus dewan …. to side the origin ! he has to go to a tamil disctionary of the 5 century ! So can the Mandors from MIC ….. have some self respect and lead the indians in the country by not selling themselves whole sale !