YOURSAY ‘It was not only Khalid who seemed isolated in this crisis.’

PAS - Isolated Aries46: PAS secretary-general Mustafa Ali ought to be ashamed to threaten the two PAS state assembly representatives who have thrown their support behind Pakatan Rakyat to give it the badly needed majority to kick out the megalomaniac MB and his gang of traitors that keep him in power.

As for PAS vice-president Salahuddin Ayub, after having backstabbed the Pakatan coalition at its most venerable time, he has lost all moral authority to try and justify his party’s betrayal with a pack of lies.

PAS has no justification whatsoever to even admonish the two PAS reps Saari Sungib (Hulu Kelang) and Hasnul Baharuddin (Morib) as they are true Muslims who have made a brave stand to honour their commitment to the rakyat that PAS leaders as a whole had deceived.

It is ironical that PAS sees fit to support a power-crazy MB who was kicked out by his own party but resorts to worthless threats when two of their own members support Pakatan thus honouring their election promises to the rakyat.

And this is the moral fiber of the so-called Islamic party that is hounding Malaysians to implement hudud.

Kim Quek: An illegitimate MB has been rampaging like a mad bull in the past few days, sacking excos and kicking out the ruling coalition Pakatan from the state government.

Extraordinary times require extraordinary measures. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail has to be congratulated for the feat of producing the majority of the assembly to debunk Selangor MB Khalid Ibrahim’s phoney claim of majority, thus pulling the rug from under his feet.

With this iron-clad evidence of majority, Khalid should immediately hand in his resignation letter to the Regent of Selangor, in accordance with the state constitution.

As for the two PAS Aduns (state assembly reps), Selangorians have reason to be grateful to them for answering the emergency need of Pakatan in making up the majority, for their patriotic action has helped to halt any further damage Khalid might do in conspiracy with his new political masters.

Hence, the central leadership of PAS, instead of taking punitive action against the two Aduns, should give recognition to the fact that the duo’s action has mitigated PAS’ own failure to fulfil its obligation as a partner to Pakatan at the hour when its cooperation is most desperately needed.

J Ng: In supporting Khalid, PAS is seen to be a willing partner working with its enemy at the expense of PKR and DAP. Khalid’s betrayal is bad. PAS collaboration with him is even worst.

As an Islamic party, it is unbecoming for the party to endorse the sinful acts of Khalid.

Watchtower: This is the 21st century of smart phones and instant response. Issues like this can’t wait for one whole week, it has to be dealt with immediately.

I’m sorry that Hasnul and Saari are caught in this situation, but standing up and doing the right thing can never be wrong. Please hold on fast to your principles and stick to them what comes may.

May more leaders be more like both of you.

Gerard Lourdesamy: PAS is to be blamed because of party president Abdul Hadi Awang’s intransigence and the arrogance of the Syura Council to pre-empt the decision of the central working committee by openly supporting Khalid without even hearing the evidence from PKR  because of their hatred or envy of Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim.

Just like the four PAS Aduns who decided to remain in the exco to serve the interests of the rakyat, these two Aduns are standing firm on Pakatan principles and want to save the rakyat from a Khalid-PAS-Umno government which the voters in Selangor do not want and did not vote for in GE13 but which is being tacitly advocated by the palace that is entirely loyal to Umno.

It was agreed after the Kajang by-election that Wan Azizah would be the Pakatan candidate for MB until Abdul Hadi took a different position after his alleged meetings with Najib and Khalid.

PAS cannot aspire to the MB’s office in contravention of the Pakatan consensus. The majority of PAS members in Selangor are not supporting Abdul Hadi and the Syura Council on this issue.

MfM: Anyone here actually checked the polls for Khalid? The majority of Selangor residents still support him. Only those who are party diehards don’t support him.

PKR and DAP are proving that they don’t respect parliamentary procedures. If you open your eyes and take off the PKR-DAP lenses you have on, and think straight, they are behaving just like BN – circumventing the ethics and norms of politics.

You want Khalid to step down, go call for a vote of no confidence. If you still think you have the support of the people, have a snap state election, let’s see how many DAP and PKR representatives will be left standing.

Anonymous: MfM, please show me the statistics, I am of the view the Selangor residents are angry. Many of my uncles and aunties in Selangor are saying most unkind words about the MB.

The Mask: It’s amazing how some people refuse to see the writing on the wall. According to a survey done, more than 52 percent of people surveyed wanted Khalid out.

A second confirmation is that most Malaysiakini commenters also want Khalid out. So how on earth can someone conclude that the majority of Selangor residents still support Khalid?

As for a vote of no confidence, can you please persuade Khalid to hold a state assembly meeting immediately instead of waiting until November.

Multi Racial: PAS played the game wrongly and is now in the wrong camp, advocating the wrong thing and championing the wrong person. Their two Aduns have the courage to stand up against their own party because they are right.

It is a shame that Salahuddin accused others for rushing them. What does he mean by rushing PAS? This issue began months ago and there is no excuse for PAS leadership to drag their feet on it.

Apa Ini?: Six months later and PAS will still be saying ‘don’t shove it down our throat’? Is this a case of a choir not singing from the same music sheet?

It’s time for PAS to decide which ‘side’ they support, and indeed, which side of history they want to be on.

Jiminy Qrikert: So, so sad, PAS is increasingly becoming two-faced as this MB impasse drags on. They feel they have a right to meddle in PKR’s decision to sack Khalid for reasons already shared with the party leadership.

And now they even have the audacity to meddle in PKR’s choice of a candidate to replace Khalid. What gives them this right to do so when no one meddles in their own party affairs?

Let’s hope these two PAS Aduns stay the course in their support for Wan Azizah.

SSDhaliwal: PAS, give Wan Azizah a chance. She has four years to prove herself. If she fails to perform, we will replace her in GE14 but whatever it is, she has the support of the people for now while Khalid does not.

Fernz: Since the Selangor MB’s post belongs to PKR, PAS and DAP have no business dictating who should be MB. If another woman from PKR was proposed as the MB, PAS is sure to reject her too.

Such a sexist and ‘taqiyya’ party like PAS should be rejected by all women voters. PAS denies it’s against Wan Azizah because of her gender. At the same time, it won’t reveal the reason for its objection. That’s ‘taqiyya’.

Southpaw: Did PAS discuss with PKR and DAP when they selected the inept MB for Kedah? PAS even refused to listen to the advice from its allies and as such lost the state to BN as expected.

So look yourself in the mirror. I believe if PAS couldn’t work with its allies, it should just go it alone or even team up with Umno.

SusahKes: You know what? We thought it was only Khalid that seemed isolated in this crisis, what with him running the state with only four excos.

Now it appears, this crisis has also revealed what the ulamas in PAS are made off, and it seems that PAS is the one that is isolated now. After this shenanigan, voters will not support them; and Umno will never share the cake, unless you sign a ‘I help you, you help me’ pledge.

It looks like the mullahs need to cancel their Klang Valley handphone numbers, and start looking for tenancy in the east coasts where they will reside for the next 30 years.



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