YOURSAY ‘This is the last straw. Let PAS team up with its enemy.’

PAS holding back written support for Azizah

Ronald: Perhaps this could be a blessing in disguise for Pakatan – an excellent opportunity to part ways with PAS.

Maybe the journey to Putrajaya may take a little longer; but at least the possibility of PKR and DAP winning more than the existing two states in the next GE14 would be much better.

Let PAS wither in the east coast states. Pakatan can still work with PAS in future, as and when necessary.

Bluemountains: Just forget about the 13 PAS Aduns (state representatives). Thirty-one signed SDs (statutory declarations) is a clear majority to convince the sultan to appoint PKR president Wan Azizah Wan Ismail as MB.

Pakatan must now accept the fact that PAS has voluntarily left the coalition and must exclude PAS in all roles, including the appointment of Selangor excos. In the next GE, Pakatan must challenge PAS in every constituency.

Kim Quek: By “PAS central leadership” (which is withholding its written support for Wan Azizah), I presume it means Abdul Hadi Awang and his conservative faction.

We might as well be honest now, rather than be regretful later. Another round of betrayal at this critical stage may tantamount to handing the sultan the justification to call for a state election, as PAS is seen not supporting Wan Azizah, thus throwing doubt on her majority support.

In that event, Pakatan will be returned to power again, as the electorate is still firmly backing Pakatan, as clearly indicated by theMerdeka Center poll released on Friday. However, that overwhelming support is meant for Pakatan as the ruling coalition, definitely not meant for PAS as the political party.

The second betrayal by PAS (if it comes to pass) will have so infuriated the electorate that on polling day, they will not cast their votes for PAS, while continuing to vote for PKR and DAP.

That would result in PAS suffering a crippling blow, while Pakatan will sail through, but with a much-reduced majority. And this electorate alienation against PAS will not be confined to Selangor, but will extend throughout the nation.

Fair Play: Kim Quek, as Dr Mohamad Mahathir used to say when he defeated Ku Li (Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah) for the post of the then Umno presidency – even a win by one vote is still a win.

No doubt in the likely event of a snap election, PKR and DAP might garner about 31 seats (with the two from PAS-probably standing as PKR/DAP friendly). But the real danger is that it would allow Umno to create havoc.

Therefore, it is very important that all PKR and DAP candidates be vetted 100 percent for their loyalty and commitment to their respective political party.

Personally, I would like to see a snap election and see PAS disintegrated into fragments never to cause trouble again with their brand of politics and betrayal.

JustAMalaysian: By this action, PAS is seen as secretly harbouring hopes that one of its assemblypersons would be appointed MB of Selangor (with tacit approval of the palace).

Asitis: While the Pakatan leadership have always lauded the spirit of consensus among its three component parties, it is this same spirit that is also a weakness when a quick and urgent decision is needed.

Imagine if Pakatan formed the federal government and almost every important decision is delayed when the coalition partners cannot agree and long drawn-out discussion needs to be carry out every time.

How will this affect the ability of the government and the country to respond quickly/decisively to crisis or opportunity? The Pakatan leadership seriously need to look into this.

This is affecting the confidence of the electorate, making them hesitant to put Pakatan in Putrajaya. They may be an effective federal opposition, but will they be a good federal government?

The way the whole Selangor MB crisis was handled by Pakatan really cast doubt on this. Among the three Pakatan parties, it seems only DAP is holding up its end of the bargain. But even DAP has its detractors. The other two really need to take a good look at themselves.

Mosquitobrain: It is heart breaking to read all negative comments about PAS for refusing its 13 Aduns to endorse letter of support for Wan Azizah as the next MB.

What Pakatan need at this crucial moment is consensus and not being held to ransom by PAS. What Pakatan needs now is a solid two-thirds majority and not by simple majority.

This is the last straw. Let PAS team up with its enemy. As they say, no pain no gain. A snap election looks inevitable now.

Ohtedah: If this is true, what game is PAS trying to play? I’m a Malay Muslim but if this is PAS conduct, I will not support PAS again.

Al Red: Well, the drama series ‘Selangor’ continues on. A week or so ago, many thought it was the final episode and Wan Azizah would soon be marching triumphantly to Shah Alam.
There are more hurdles and more may be expected even if and when the MB crown is put on her head.

Ckl0001: PAS, with friends like you, who need enemies? Your conduct, of late, is beginning to make Umno look amateurish in the art of playing dirty politics.

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