YOURSAY ‘Everyone now can go around blackmailing and threatening people.’

Case closed! AG douses threat to torch DAP HQ

Torch umno1 Gerard Lourdesamy: It looks like action will only be taken if the threat is to burn down the Umno building.

To test the fairness of the attorney-general’s (AG) prosecutorial discretion which is non-justiciable under the constitution, Pakatan Rakyat should organise a protest in front of the Umno HQ and threaten to torch the building.

If the AG takes no action then he is being fair, but if the protesters are charged then the AG will be proven to be biased and beholden to the interests of the ruling party.

It is time that the courts expand the scope of judicial review to include the AG’s prosecutorial powers to determine whether or not he is acting intra or ultra vires the constitution.

Frankly, in deciding whether or not to prosecute, the AG is exercising a purely administrative jurisdiction albeit housed in Article 145 of the constitution.

Appum: The powers-that-be are just thumbing their noses at mere mortals like us. What we need is people power.

One day we will have that because God is just and fair. So be patient and stay safe. Oh, is this considered seditious too? I wonder.

P Dev Anand Pillai: This shows how the Attorney-General’s Chambers decides on matters relating to thuggism committed by the youths of the current regime in power.

If it had been done by the opposition and by non-Muslims, the decision would have been very different. It is a pity that the judiciary doesn’t see fit to correct this.

Wsoi: Doing another wrong thing to cover the first wrongdoing does not make the first wrongdoing right.

Such an irrational or rather deliberately biased action will be totally rejected by all educated Malaysians regardless of race and religion.

Msian1st: Now we know making threats are legal under the Malaysian law. Everyone now can go around blackmailing and threatening people because this case proves that it is okay.

MA: If like that, then urging that someone be “eliminated” should also okay.

YF: It’s strange when real political gangsters are left to do their vile deeds unchecked while purported ones against the opposition are acted on immediately by the authorities. Why the obvious double standards?

And these are the people PAS wants to make friends with instead of Pakatan? Evil people only befriend evil.

Rupert16: This again confirmed all that we already know – that this corrupted government is conducting selective prosecution to stay in power.

Anonymous_1399517796: If this threat to burn down the DAP headquarters is case closed for Umno Youth, then case should be closed for DAP’s Delima assemblyperson RSN Rayer also for allegedly calling Umno “celaka”.

Kilgore: This seems an unwise decision. Considering it is legal, one would expect countless frustrated citizens to threaten to torch the Attorney-General’s Chambers. That would be wrong. Understandable, but wrong.

The Mask: Now you know why sex blogger Alvin Tan is socheesed off with this Umno regime. But now that he is overseas, Umno people cannot touch him. But we people, left behind, have to swallow all the injustices and selective persecution silently.

The moment you open your mouth, and if the Umno people don’t like what you are saying, they will brand you as seditious. Cursing silently is all we can do and if everyone curses and do it long enough, the curses will work.

Fair&Just: So this is the judicial system of Bohongland. Be forewarned, the world. Take note of it and take pro-active action to avoid being victimised and bullied by such an unscrupulous system.

For those kind-hearted and sincerely humane persons, please help the bullied and victims by highlighting such abuses, gross injustice, oppression and tyranny to the whole world.

Shibboleth: DAP Serdang MP Ong Kian Ming, the vow to burn down the DAP headquarters was not a threat. It was just a friendly advice, a metaphor.

This is Umno English. “To burn” is just talk only… they didn’t carry it out, so there is no actus reus, and as such no offence committed.

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