YOURSAY ‘The minister, with nothing intelligent to say nor contribute, is nothing but a politician…’

Why waste money on law minister?


As minister, Nancy is answerable, says don

nancy Anonymous #19098644: The issue is what the official stand of the BN government on the threat to burn the Malay Bible is, not the parrot remarks of the ‘postman minister’. Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Nancy Shukri is just one of the many disgraceful ministers from the BN.

B H Yap: Let Nancy come into the open to declare that the attorney-general (AG) has more authority than her and that the AG can override her and give her directions if she has the guts to do it.

Kangkong Mahal: Like all Umno and BN, it’s shoot first with their big mouths. When they get cornered, they pass the buck to someone else. They just have no guts to stand up and defend what they had said.

Speaking Sense: Apologise and resign, or be sacked – these are the only options open for Nancy Shukri.

Labis Guy: Nancy, Nancy, why don’t you own up the mistake and apologise instead of getting bombardment left and right? To Err is human and to forgive is divine.

YUNoAnon: Nancy is merely stating BN’s official stance. Whatever bullcrap Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak tells the people and the world are all for votes and money. His real, official stance is that of support for the Sedition Act.

People should know that by now. Otherwise, why say one thing but do another? So many of them can’t be wrong while the country’s leader stands alone in his opinion.

2 Tim 1:7: The quote of the second president of the United States, John Adams  (1735–1826): “A government of laws, and not of men, refers to a principle of governance in which all persons, institutions and entities, public and private, including the state itself, are accountable to laws that are publicly promulgated, equally enforced and independently adjudicated, and which are consistent with international human rights norms and standards.” (As stated by Lord Thomas Henry Bingham)

Thomas Bingham was revered as a judge of supreme intellect and lucidity, as well as for being exceptionally fair and “for consistently upholding human rights and the rule of law against the worst excesses of legislative and government action”. (The Telegraph, Sept1 2, 2010)

Kingfisher: The common sense is one cannot have one’s cake and eat it too. Ministerial collective responsibility aside, there are two other important considerations that have a bearing when anyone assumes elected office.

Namely the common/popular will of the electorate/constituency, and personal ethical values. Both of these need not be in conflict in the normal exercise of democratic functions. Nancy may now stand discredited on a number of counts for compromising her own personal moral values and those of her constituents.

Hajile Leumas: Nancy has lost her credibility as the de facto law minister and has proven to the public that she doesn’t have substance. What a great disappointment! Therefore the right thing for her to do is to step down and resign immediately.

Anon1: Why do we need a law minister in the first place and waste resources? Isn’t the attorney general who is part of the executive body of the government good enough? At least the AG is learned and has years of court experience.

Whereas the minister, who has nothing intelligent to say nor contribute to society, is nothing but a politician tasked to do the ‘najat tampi’ (or tai chi) for her master, so as to continue her tenure as one of the many prodigal ministers in the PM’S Department, given as a so-called reward to East Malaysians.

Fateh: This country has all these cari makan ministers, drawing big fat salaries, who are self-serving and talk irresponsibly without using their brains. It has got to be their angkat kaki (flattery) skills or mere luck to have been appointed to their positions. No wonder this country is in a big mess.

Senior: I am cynical, what collective? It is all about the hot air now generated, a planned distraction so that the culprit is forgotten.

Imanust Nais Yalam: We must use this opportunity to get the attention of Sabahans and Sarawakians on the racism that is gripping Malaysia. They must know the racists they had voted into office.

Anonymous_3f6d: As expected, Najib’s government will keep mum and hope for this issue to quieten down.

Jiminy Qrikert: It is pointless trying to compel the Umno-BN government to accept collective responsibility, when they have perfected the art of collective deception and diversionary tactics.

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