YOURSAY ‘Obama is not stupid. He is fully aware of what is going on.’

Don’t bank on Obama, best to rely on M’sians


Ex-envoy: Obama drunk on Najib’s Kool-Aid

yrsayobma FellowMalaysian: Through the years, PM Najib Razak has built a suave and amenable disposition which belies his vile, cunning and sly side.

The Armani suits and Salvatore Ferragamo shoes and his cool demeanour have fooled many a country’s world leaders and that includes United States President Barack Obama and Australian PM Tony Abbott.

Both have fallen for his charm and deceit, especially in his claim of speaking for the moderates in the Muslim world.

Leaders of Muslim countries however know better. For they know that beneath that warm smile and immaculately-dressed person lies a shady character who has even got Obama fooled.

Abasir: Former US ambassador to Malaysia John Malott, while I laud your efforts to amplify the sentiments of the majority who voted for substantive change, I must say that you are finding a way out for Obama, who by no means is as naive and gullible as you make him out to be.

Here is a man who survived everything the Republicans threw at him … not once but twice. He is surrounded by a phalanx of advisers and is fed intelligence reports culled by his local station chief from a variety of sources in Malaysia.

He is extremely well-informed about the goings-on here and is intelligent enough to see through the shameless pretender Najib really is.

I therefore put it to you that your president’s reasons for cozying up to this shady character are the same ones that propelled him to Saudi Arabia to meet its new medieval dictator, who looks the other way as men and women in his kingdom are publicly flogged for wanting the same rights as Americans.

Obama, like those before him, is just another self-serving pretender.

Jalmk: Abasir, with due respect I beg to differ with your opinion that Malott was trying to ‘save’ Obama.

My one cent worth is this: Malott has skillfully brought Queen Elizabeth into the picture and exposing Obama’s (pretended) naivety for all to see.

I believe such comparison would put pressure on Obama as the president of the most powerful nation in the world, to do something worthy of his position.

I believe Obama understands what is really happening in Malaysia. Malott knows this as well. I would prefer not to underestimate the president of a superpower.

Could this piece of opinion a tactic by Malott to pressure Obama for ‘A’ grade response?

Doc: Indeed, I don’t think Obama is stupid. He is fully aware of what is going on in Malaysia – Najib’s low IQ, Rosmah Mansor’s extravagant lifestyle, rampant corruption, the worsening economic mess, etc. The National Security Agency (NSA) would have briefed him.

In the end, it’s all about the US policy and the policy is in favour of having a malleable Najib to be PM of Malaysia.

Let’s face it, Obama can play Najib and that is certainly a plus point when Malaysia is in the United Nations Security Council and thus the US can get Najib to vote their way on international security issues.

As for the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) agreement, Najib will say yes to whatever request of his best buddy.
Voice: China’s military is going to move into Southeast Asia. It will largely reduce US influence and dominance in this part of the world.

The US needs the support of Southeast Asian countries to contain Chinese expansion. In short, US’ interest comes first. The role of US as the saviour and protector of world peace is one of the greatest joke in the world.

Indeed, Obama is a disgrace for those who have high hopes for him. We better rely on ourselves.

Vijay47: It is great, heartening and all the rest of it that the “White House is deeply disappointed with the conviction of Anwar Ibrahim and it will continue to raise its displeasure.”

For Malott to now suggest that Obama was taken for a ride by our Armani-decked smooth-talking snake-oil seller is to cop out of reality.

Malott, are you saying that the US government has been suckered into believing anything dished out by Malaysia’s number one con-man?

What were the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and local US Embassy doing, what kinds of reports were they sending back to the boys at the ranch?

And if the reports didn’t jell with what Barnum was saying in his impeccable Queen’s English, whose stories did Obama buy?

The current situation is not something that developed overnight, it was all started 30 years ago by that master Satan who suddenly appears to have now discovered justice, honesty, and truth.

Were the American intelligence services sleeping all along? That’s minus three points for you, Malott.

SusahKes: Malott, does it matter to Najib what Obama thinks of him? No, what matters most to Najib is what Umno thinks of him. Especially Mahathir.

And that’s what’s going to tilt the odds against Najib’s political survival. The battle lines have been drawn, and Mahathir couldn’t care the least what Obama thinks of Najib.

And looking at how this US president has time and again not lived up to his promise of change, I think most Malaysians too don’t bother too much these days on what Obama thinks.

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