YOURSAY ‘Your daughter is proof of how well you have brought her up.’

Bravo Prof, for standing by your daughter

Anguish over ‘burn and rape’ daughter threats

yrsaytajuddin Vijay47: Prof Dr Mohamad Tajuddin Mohamad Rasdi, your very last line would wrench the heart of any parent: “I write these words as the father of Aisyah.”

Your daughter, a wisp of a girl, was merely expressing an opinion, a view that did not coincide with that of radicals who simply do not understand the tenets of any religion, let alone their own Islam.

Ironically, their savage response to an alternate view merely demonstrates that your daughter was absolutely correct in the stand she holds.

She would be equally proud of you, Professor, in that you stood firmly by her and did not come out with an apologetic explanation that she is “only a naive girl”, a position many would have taken.

To a large degree, the baying hounds find courage because of people like the prime minister and the attorney-general, who lack the integrity to act against extremists.

For all you know, the inspector-general of police (IGP) may yet charge Aisyah in his famous zeal to protect the “sanctity of Islam”. With people like these, how can Malaysia not have fanatics?

Anticommunalist: Dear Prof, you have made your religion proud by coming out against such radical racist filth that Malaysia has been brewing.

Your daughter is proof of how well you have brought her up. This is what has been lacking in Malaysia – for real Muslims to bravely come out of the closet and defend their religion’s true principles of truth, peace and compassion against all the radicalism injected by hired mercenaries who have an ulterior motive to inflict fear and terror on ordinary peace-loving Malaysians.

We need more people like you and your daughter, Prof. Do not be disheartened. You have made us all proud. God bless you and your family.

P Dev Anand Pillai: Very well put, Prof. These are questions which the current leadership should be putting forth and ensure that we don’t sway from how we first came together as a nation of many races and cultures – a melting pot of Asia.

We must not give up. Yes, many have gone astray and have become fanatical in thinking just by listening to some selfish pursuits of certain forces.

We have to, as a people of this nation, come together again to put a stop to this and save our young. Bravo, Prof.

Abasir: The reaction to the video in the form of death and rape threats, obviously by staunch adherents of the religion of peace, is typical and follows a pattern of behaviour we have seen all over the world.

Ever since Dr Mahathir Mohamad declared Malaysia an ‘Islamic state’ in his bid to out-PAS PAS, the nation has been sliding down a slippery slope with institutionalised intolerance as the cornerstone of state policy.

This latest hudud twist by PAS is simply another milestone as the country continues to hurtle towards its inevitable ‘failed state’ status, and join the revered company of Pakistan, Bangladesh, Somalia, Afghanistan, Mali, Nigeria, Sudan, etc.

Basically: So much for peace and forgiveness, which the holier-than-thou are always spouting about.

All Aisyah did was voice a really good point, and it wasn’t even about religion, but about greedy, corrupt politicians abusing religion for their own ends. And about PAS.

I suppose the violent reactions are either coming from the ‘spiritual’ leaders of PAS like Abdul Hadi Awang and gang, or the lapdogs of Umno who are now treating PAS as one of their kind.

Aisyah told it like it is. She is a saint compared to all these PAS/Umno politicians.

What?MeWorry?: Aisyah, I’m sure your dear anguished father would have censored the video had you shown it to him before you went on your ’15 seconds of fame’.

Jiminy Qrikert: ‘What?MeWorry?’, to kill innocent people in the name of Allah, bad upbringing? To rape and maim in the name of Allah? Bad upbringing?

To stone one’s daughter to death as honour killing, bad upbringing? To wreak terror, havoc, destruction, death, loss of limbs in a grand scheme to establish a caliphate, bad upbringing?

Some Muslims have a problem with bringing up their children, don’t they?

Supercession: The perverse, loathsome convert, Ridhuan Tee Abdullah, would probably gloat at the catastrophe currently brewing.

But fear not, Prof, for you are not alone in facing the hijacking of Malaysia by the delusional thugs in religious garb. For we will fight them every step of the way.

Isana: Malaysia is ablaze caused by the game politicians play. With the two stabilising personalities gone, one jailed and the other passed on, another two weak and demented personality are now working in cohort to cement their stay in power.

Both are using a controversial outdated religious edict to rile up their supporters and smokescreen their acute weakness in leadership.

Indeed, political survival makes the strangest bedfellow – a thief and a mad mullah.

M’sia no longer safe place to raise our children
Tajuddin, we know the answers to your questions

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