YOURSAY ‘Azmin, that was simply bold of you to question IGP’s professionalism.’

On ‘faceless cowards’ and Umno’s ‘barua’


Azmin to IGP: Are you Umno’s ‘barua’?

yrsaysayfaceless Vijay47: Choice as they are, I would not use the succinct words Selangor MB Azmin Ali relied on to describe or at least query our inspector-general of police (IGP) on.

But that is only because I do not have the spunk to stick my neck out of the chicken coop. The IGP appears to have completely renounced any adhesion to professionalism or even the basic expectations of the office he so proudly but regrettably holds.

On the contrary, not only is he blatantly deviating further and further from impartiality, honour and decency, he is doing so with an arrogance which unfortunately yet correctly reveals that he is answerable to none.

Single-handedly, this man is living evidence why when the government changes, we should have the equivalent of South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

By all means, let us find the truth, let us forge unity and forgive the many, but let us always remember that there are some who must never be forgiven and whose heads must roll.

Mr IGP, indeed you are the keeper, but not just your brother’s.

Tholu: Wow Azmin! That was simply bold of you to question the IGP’s professionalism. Many of us too, similarly wonder whether the IGP’s acts are independent and neutral as they should be.

Judging from his recent actions on dissidents and detractors of the present government, we should be excused for wondering whether he could be acting on instructions from certain top politicians who fear the opposition’s growing support and are finding means to stave them off by incarcerating them in prison.

Monty: Great going, Azmin, and no need to apologise for anything. This IGP should be ashamed for the way our MPs and prominent and highly regarded citizens working to improve the lives of our citizens are being treated. Like criminals.

Yet the IGP’s brother after leading a demonstration of a unruly mob in a situation that could lead to a serious public disorder situation was merely questioned for three hours and then left smiling. Shame on you, IGP.

And let me say how proud I am of Azmin. He has courage and spirit and with leaders like him, the opposition could see their way to Putrajaya.

But they need our support and we must not just talk but be courageous to take this Umno government and their henchmen like the IGP and AG (attorney-general) on.

Pisasu 7: ‘Barua’ is not a very nice compliment. Nobody has called me that directly. When a MB says that, something is seriously wrong. It’s a challenge for the IGP to send 10 cops to detain Azmin.

Saphire: IGP, are you Umno’s ‘barua’? Shame on you if you are.

Cantabrigian: I’m not a fan of this kind of politics, either from BN or Pakatan Rakyat. Instead of highlighting local issues that can be solved or sorted out in Permatang Pauh or Rompin, both BN and Pakatan ended up ‘slandering’ each other on party issues, race issues and federal issues.

I’m not saying that these are not important, but this is a by-election and not the general election.

I don’t trust BN will fulfill any of their promises but I don’t see how Permatang Pauh or Rompin will benefit from voting for Pakatan if Azmin, Lim Guan Eng and Mohamad ‘Mat’ Sabu are just playing on rhetoric more or less the same like Umno-BN.

You won’t see this kind of public relations strategy in mature democracies; unfortunately Malaysia is still stuck with the ‘kampung’ style of campaign.

The Analyser: It would appear that a large number of contributors here are deeply impressed by Azmin “taking on” Umno’s lackey.

I wonder how impressed they would be if PKR could outline how it can diplomatically get rid of the IGP and revamp the whole of the police force.

I would be delighted to hear where they would expect to find enough replacements who are hardworking, ethical and free of corruption.

Ren Ai: The IGP post is not an easy one. Generally he will answer to the government of the day. In the Malaysian political system, the IGP is forced to be a lackey by the sheer scheme of things, as he does not call the shots.

I would rather YB Azmin not insult him, but instead strive to understand the peculiarities of a system that YB has to change once in power.

Multi Racial: The only way for the government servants to be impartial and professional is for Malaysians to elect a two-party system.

Vote Pakatan (PKR, DAP and only moderate PAS or ex-PAS) to power. Once BN become opposition, they will be forced to reform, and old and corrupted leaders will be removed.

New ministers will only appoint credible, trusted and professional government servants to top jobs. Then you see true change in Malaysia.

Anonymous_40f4: EC is also Umno’s barua. They fix the polling on a weekday to make it difficult for outstation voters, many of whom are Pakatan supporters, to come back and vote.

This EC trick worked in Telok Intan where DAP lost narrowly.

Martin Gilbert: Bravo! It makes me feel good to know that there are still leaders with balls of steel.

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