YOURSAY ‘More jails should be built to serve as their retirement homes.’

If BN loses, no one can protect Umnoputras


Dr M: Dad pedalled bike, rich son peddles lies

yrsayumnoloses Sirach: PM Najib Razak has to come clean on 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB). To be called a liar is probably the worst insult a leader would suffer. And that it was levelled at him by a predecessor must really sting.

He has to respond. If he doesn’t, then it will only confirm what former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad, and most Malaysians, believe about 1MDB – that it is a time-bomb waiting to blow up.

All the talk about “gold mine” convinces no one. Just give us the facts and let the rakyat be the judge. That’s not asking too much, is it?

Oh Ya?: The old fox is very clear why he wants to topple Najib – BN will lose GE14 and there is no protection for him and the Umnoputras. From what?

From all the treason, corruption and abuses of power and human rights committed by them over the last 57 years, including this 1MDB masterpiece?

This old fox accused Najib of leading a rich lifestyle. Didn’t he come back from Mecca in a private jet?

Not only Najib deserves to be toppled, the entire ruling regime must be toppled and more jails should be built to serve as their retirement homes.

WDA: Mahathir said, “If Najib is allowed to lead, he will lose (in the elections) and nobody will be able to provide us with protection. So it is better that he leaves before he loses.”

This is what it is all about. He is not doing this so that his son can become PM. It is much bigger than that. It is for his and his family’s survival. It is because of the real fear of being prosecuted and thrown in jail.

This is why the former premier has to take up this fight at his age and almost on his own because he knows no one else could bring Najib down.

This statement from Mahathir also triggers a few questions. Who is this “us” he is referring to? Since he is trying to cajole support and instil the same fear, it must be many others in BN.

Why would they even need protection if everything was above board during BN’s past and current administration?

The other question is how and who is providing this protection, especially when the attorney-general (AG), Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), police and the judiciary are supposed to be independent?

Odin Tajué: The Sungai Besi land was purchased for RM1.6 billion, while the Tun Razak Exchange (TRX) land was acquired for RM194.1 million and thus making a total of RM1.794 billion.

This total sum has now expanded to RM42 billion. I see something very, very wrong here. But then again, it may be me.

You see, I’m afraid I have not even studied basic economics in school as I was a science student, and nor have I studied basic bookkeeping.

The explanation for the loss is so simple, but it is only now that Najib has offered it.

Wsoi: Where is the money? Don’t tell us about the land. The land belongs to the country, but you sold it to 1MDB cheap so that they can sell 40 times the price to pay their debts.

Again, where is the money that 1MDB had borrowed? If government sells land in Kuala Lumpur to me at RM500 per square foot, I too can be a billionaire.

Onyourtoes: Najib, you are indeed lying as what Mahathir has said. How dare you say RM42 billion are not missing.

The 70 acres TRX and 500 acres Bandar Malaysia plots of land were given to 1MDB for almost nothing.

In fact, I have long suspected they used the land given by the government as collateral to borrow massively and the money was either squandered or stolen.

Headhunter: “Najib continued to defend the debt-laden 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), describing it as a ‘goldmine’.”

True, we believe that. Someone has indeed found a gold mine. And he’s sharing it with characters like tycoon Jho Low.

Vijay47: Najib, you said you would invest in the 1MDB goldmine if you were rich. But you are indeed rich.

Isn’t that what you told us earlier in justification of your, and especially your wife’s opulent lifestyles, something about a family legacy?

In your wife’s case, she of course has the added comfort of a lifetime’s savings. Perhaps your busy schedule made you forget that you are a wealthy man. Ahhh, the perils of premiership.

Vking: At the public speech in Ipoh on Saturday, Mahathir said Pandikar Amin Mulia has resigned from the position as Dewan Rakyat speaker.

Now, Mahathir has misled the rakyat because Pandikar gave a written media statement and denied it. Mahathir should feel ashamed for telling a lie just to tarnish Najib’s reputation.
Saphire: Najib, did 1MDB use all the RM42 billion for the two projects – Bandar Malaysia and TRX?

Mahathir just wanted to know where the remainder of the money has gone after deducting the purchases of the land and power stations.

Kangkung: Mahathir, I have two words for you – ‘padan muka’ (serves you right). This is the monster you helped create and you are now trying to get rid of it.

Your shenanigans will benefit Pakatan. I hope your once protégé will charge you with sedition.


The man of wealth and pride,
Takes up a space that many poor supplied;
Space for his lake, his park’s extended bounds,
Space for his horses, equipage and hounds.

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