YOURSAY ‘Few investments pay hard cash unless it is ‘Ah Long’ business.’

What business can generate RM2m in cash?


‘If unemployed can make money, so can Rosmah’

Rosmah's account Pemerhati: Deputy Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry Minister Tajuddin Abdul Rahman said, “There are many old nyonya (ladies), housewives, old folk, who sit in the house doing nothing but invest here and there. They buy houses and shares, and gain income from these investments.”

Tajuddin forgot to add that there is also with him now a full minister called Khairy Jamaluddin, who according to DAP leader Lim Kit Siang was at one time the richest unemployed person.

He now specialises in apple polishing the husband of the woman whom Tajuddin is now trying to apple polish. Tajuddin is probably hoping that the woman will get impressed and recommend to her husband that he be made a full minister soon.

Grey Matter: The deputy minister is not very smart. To earn an income of RM2 million, you must have RM40 million in investment somewhere. How did she earn that kind of money?

She should advise Zahra how to make this kind of money instead of living in poverty. In actual fact she must have a course for all Malay women how to earn this kind of money, of course with the exception of Wanita and Puteri Umno who are experts themselves.

“With all her international connections” as mentioned by the deputy minister, he is insinuating Rosmah has abused her power and connection for self-interest. Wouldn’t that be illegal for a sitting prime minister’s wife?

Can LHDN (Inland Revenue Board) tell us the amount of taxes Rosmah has paid? Can Bank Negara let the public know if Rosmah was queried for the source of funds and show proof of that?

Is there one set of rules for Umno warlords and another set for the others?

Anonymous 706151436780066: Tajuddin, instead of giving us a spiel about Rosmah’s right to earn money, why don’t you just show us that the RM2 million was legally and morally earned.

If she has an investment dividend of RM2 million, please tell us what is the size of the investment and how she accumulated that sum?

At a modest dividend rate of 5 percent, she must have investments of about RM40 million. Where did she get the RM40 million from?

Pahatian: Why were big sums of money deposited in her account within a short period of time? What type of investments pay such good earnings? And is that her only bank account? If there is nothing to hide, why can’t she declare her assets?

Clearwater: Get Rosmah to run a class on generating cash in the millions for non-working wives. I’ll sign up my wife for the class, so will thousands of others since it sounds so simple and easy. Maybe money falls like manna from the sky for Rosmah and her students.

Justine Gow: Yes, the money falls from the sky on her lap on one fine day when she is thinking of ways to help the poor people on this earth.

Yesterday, it was inheritance. Today, it is investment. Tomorrow, it would be a gift from the people of a certain country which has benefitted from some programmes under her leadership.

Anyone can say anything in her defence. What does she has to say herself about the money in her account? Even if it is true that she is deriving such a huge income from investing in a company, there are other questions.

Does she pay income tax for the income derived? Are there conflicts of interest involved as we must remember that she is no ordinary housewife but FLOM (her self-proclaimed title for the wife of the PM)?

Does her investment influence the PM to act in biased way in favour of the company at the expense of other companies?

Smer: Deputy minister, can you stop being stupid? We are not concerned with what it could have been, but what is.

Also, income from investments and trading doesn’t come in cold, hard cash, deposited by an individual.

Brokerage firms use cheques or TT/wire transfers, unless they are unscrupulous or have something to hide. Please at least think logically before opening your mouth, or else you might find yourself eating your shoe.

Anonymous_3e79: Indeed, there is no investment that pays hard cash unless Rosmah is in the ‘Ah Long’ business.

Swipenter: What a fallacy and myth this deputy minister is spouting? How many retail investors make money in the stock market unless you are privy to information? How many can afford (not speculate) to invest in property?

Ask gamblers how often they make money? Ask four-digit punters how often they strike? Nine out of 10 are losers. As the saying goes, there is a fool born every minute.

Tajudin, show Shahrul Anwar Abdul Aziz of the infamous Low Yat Plaza rampage the ropes “how the unemployed can make money”. Then there is no need for him to allegedly steal a RM800 handphone and nearly cause a riot.

He can then sit at home and make money. I and many others would be dying to attend your talk on “how the unemployed can make money”. Just let us know when.

Rosmah needs RM20m for ‘funds’ to yield RM2m

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