YOURSAY ‘Selfish politicians are using civil servants to hang on to power.’

To save one man, every civil servant dispensable


MACC No 2: Return my men, take me insteadyrsaytosaveoneman Pemerhati: We have seen this type of scenario before with the judiciary.

When Dr Mahathir Mohamad did not like the fact that some honest and principled judges like Salleh Abas gave and would continue to give honest judgments against his crooked interests and activities, he sacked some of them and took control of the judiciary by putting unprincipled lackeys and kangaroos in top positions.

Now we saw that Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) too has honest and principled officers like special operations division director Bahri Mohamad Zin whom Najib fears would reveal the truth about his activities.

So he removed them from MACC and will now get the commission to do something similar to what the kangaroo judges have been doing.

WDA: There are indeed some good men and women at MACC. I have to admit my earlier perception of them was wrong.

I am proud of them for having the courage to persevere although the dark cloud of evil is hovering over them. May they overcome and be victorious.

Ranjit Singh Sadhu Singh: MACC deputy director Mohd Shukri Abdull, I am proud of you for upholding the commission’s integrity, accountability and responsibility.

More importantly, you have the courage and moral fibre to do what is right. Leadership boils down to credibility and you have clearly demonstrated it loud and clear.

All judicious thinking Malaysians are with you. There is still hope for our beloved country with leaders like you.

Negarawan: Mohd Shukri and all at MACC, in times like this, action always speaks louder than words. Do what is right for the rakyat and country, and trust that Allah will protect the righteous.

The first thing you could do is to make a public statement on the veracity of the MACC report that stated the RM2.6 billion ‘donation’was not linked to 1MDB.

Who wrote this report, and under whose instructions? Why it was not signed? If MACC is sincere, it should make a public statement about this.

Sembahyang hajat itself will not help, if you yourself do not do what is right in the eyes of Allah.

Apa Nama: Mohd Shukri, it is no point crying over spilt milk. The dirty politics in Putrajaya’s corridor of power has reached new heights.

We will not know what will happen next. Maybe this week, we will get another surprise.

The indirect message being sent from Putrajaya is that all these so-called investigations should clear Najib’s name. Najib needs to keep his job by hook or by crook.

Caripasal: MACC should realise by now that are helping the traitors of the country all these years.

Is it so important to save a corrupt Malay party to the extent of bringing down the entire nation?

Falling oil price and corruption will soon see the ringgit plunge to RM5 to US$1. It appears that only bankruptcy can rebuild this country.

Headhunter: To all the senior civil servants who had been lackeys of the government, it’s time you reflect on your past behaviour.

As you can see from what is happening to MACC officers, you are all dispensable when it comes to the crunch.

Selfish politicians are using you to hang on to power and when you fail or are seen as a threat because you knew too much, you will be disposed of like soiled diapers and the rakyat will not be on your side.

Mantra888: MACC, whilst I strongly support you in challenging the allegedly corrupt people in Putrajaya, I also want to remind that Teoh Beng Hock’s family has not seen justice done till now.

His aged parents, in particular, are still struggling to sleep every night because of this injustice done to their innocent son.

Where were you at that time? Still want to promote the rogue officers?

This hungry ghost festival will bring about more chaos – at least in your institution. Tell your rogue officers to confess quickly before real retribution strikes.

Onyourtoes: What happened to the MACC commissioner Abu Kassim Mohamed? Back ache? How bad? Was he avoiding responsibility?

Come on MACC, show some real tenacity here.  Don’t ever give in now.

Tailek: Rule of law and code of decency have gone out the window. Now it’s ‘do whatever is necessary’ to ensure political survival, no matter how despicable.

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