YOURSAY | ‘First, there was this mysterious donor, then donors, now reps of the donor.’

RM2.6b – here we go round the mulberry bush



RM2.6b – I used ‘plural’ because I met donor’s reps, says DPM

  SRMan: Previously Umno leaders queued up to offer their respective versions on the purpose of the RM2.6 billion so-called donation.

The one that obviously took the cake was the explanation that the funds were to fight IS, the militant group that had not even really existed then, in March 2013, when the ‘donation’ was said to have been made.

Now, the anti-graft body, PM Najib Abdul Razak and DPM Ahmad Zahid Hamidi are contradicting one another over the donor/donors issue.

I can only think that this problem arose because either all three did not rehearse the script properly or they have got a lousy director.

Bluemountains: Najib has said that he prefers loyalty to intelligence. He has probably chosen those who are loyal over those who are smart as part of his team.

So, don’t be surprised if they are unable to differentiate between the donor and his representatives.

Anonymous 273021436761739: What a joke. The donor has to send his representative to meet Zahid after having donated so much money.

If I were the donor, I would personally meet Zahid and later tell the whole world how much I have donated to Malaysia. Hello, we are not kids.

Odin Tajué: Zahid, I know many people who have not even gone to university to study, but yet they are far more intelligent than you. Obviously, your PhD is of zero value and never mind your Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees.

I would take the trouble to explain to you the difference between the so-called donor and his supposed representatives, if there actually was a donation, but I would not for the utterly simple reason that there was no – N-O – donation.

Furthermore, even if I were to offer an explanation, you would not be able to understand it. You cannot even remember to tell just one lie and stick to it.

The money was not a donation; it came indirectly from 1MDB and from one of the four business deals made by 1MDB. Doubtless, many of my fellow readers know what the four deals were.

Hplooi: For commentators, please reprise on the timeline.

1) The pro-Najib camp initially denied (not outrightly but obliquely) the infusion of funds into the PM’s personal account – it’s stupid of Najib to receive such massive funds into his personal account, they said.

2) When this accusation became uncontroverted fact, the tune was turned to “I did not use any fund for personal gains.” Donations have yet to come into the picture.

3) Pressed further, a mysterious donor was cited as claiming Najib’s contribution was to fight against IS.

4) The IS argument was dropped when it was pointed out that at the material time of the fund transfer, the militant group was not yet a major player.

5) It then morphed into an “Arab donor”. The ‘personal bank account’ was still not directly acknowledged.

6) Then the donors and their insistence on transferring the money into to PM’s personal account was cited.

7) Zahid has earlier claimed to have met the representatives of the donor and sighted a US$100 million cheque made payable in Najib’s name.

Now, is it donor or donors?

Old Timer: These Umno top leaders are telling one lie to cover another.

First, there was this mysterious donor, then donors, now representatives of the donor. What’s next? Martians?

First, the donation is because Malaysia was fighting IS and Islamic extremism. Then it is to fight against DAP.

It would have been much simpler just to tell the truth. At the rate the Umno-BN is spinning one lie after another, they are losing all credibility.

And worse still, the other BN components are keeping quiet and thus become accomplices of this game.

Pemerhati: So now it is okay to receive monetary contributions and ‘donations’ from foreign entities? The opposition can follow suit. Individuals can do the same.

If you got caught, just say some kind and rich godfather from Middle East bequeathed the money to you and insisted that it must be banked into your personal account.

After all, the PM has set a precedent.

Appum: Okay, so it’s now one donor but many representatives? Please continue to entertain us.



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