YOURSAY l ‘Saravanan should lead by example and follow his own advice.’

MIC’s ‘grand betrayal’ in Indira’s conversion battle


MIC to critics: Help out or shut up in child conversion case

  Aries46: MIC central working committee member M Saravanan is out of line. MIC colluded with Umno for syariah law to supersede constitutional law for non-Muslims that has since impinged on sacred Hindu civil law marriages.

He now slams the critics with foul language and pretends to shade crocodile tears for Indira Gandhi to cover up MIC’s grand betrayal of the Indian community.

Many Malaysians, and DAP in particular, were at the forefront in campaigning for justice for Indira since 2009, except for MIC which has kept silent for fear of its Umno masters.

Article 121 was amended with MIC’s connivance in 1988 that led to unilateral conversions, break-up of Indian families, body snatching and other atrocities.

Saravanan, if he is man enough, must respond constructively to Indira’s lawyer and Ipoh Barat MP M Kula Segaran’s expose, as every ounce of Indira’s cry for her abused and discriminated dear ones pulls at the heartstrings of Malaysians.

This cruelty must end and its resolution must take precedence over the perennial Umno-BN bulls**t of cabinet discussions.

FellowMalaysian: Indeed, unilateral conversion issues arose out of MIC’s foolishness in blindly supporting the amendment to Article 121 in the Federal Constitution.

Their president Dr S Subramaniam was entrusted with the duty to find a working solution to resolve the problem but he did nothing over the past two years.

Saravanan should lead by example and follow his own advice. He should take up upon himself the role of getting Parliament to amend Article 121 and render 121(1A) as null and void in the next seating.

Otherwise, he will just prove himself to be just another of BN’s bigoted loud-mouthed good-for-nothings.

Vijay47: Actually, the current shameful cruel state of affairs is more insidious than “MIC being one of the main parties supporting the constitutional amendment to Article 121 of the Federal Constitution”.

In another amendment elevating syariah to a position above civil law (I can’t remember the details), the motion was seconded by MCA’s Ling Liong Sik.

These reflect what a truly evil force Dr Mahathir Mohamad was and what spineless traitors S Samy Vellu and Ling are to religious security for non-Muslims.

To lend an air of universal support for Islamic domination, Mahathir cunningly had his two lapdogs support his proposals in Parliament so that he could then piously say, “Even the non-Muslims support it.”

I would be glad, Mahathir, to hear your comments on the Indira case. Perhaps you are too busy celebrating (the New Year).

6th Generation Immigrant: Saravanan must be trying to fool himself as well as Malaysians, or so he thinks. If the Indira Gandhi issue is not politics, please tell us what it is then?

The Malaysian government is made up of politicians. Judges are appointed by the government, both in the syariah and federal courts. The attorney-general and prosecution are part of the government. The federal constitution was amended by the government.

In Malaysia, everything is about race, religion and the politicisation of these two by the government. Even the civil services, police and armed forces are politicised.

Stop kidding yourself, Saravanan. You cannot fool all Malaysians.

Grey Matter: Saravanan, who is in the cabinet? Who is in government? Have you/MIC ever brought this matter up in cabinet all these years?

You talk about needing the opposition to help pass the law, please remember BN has the majority in Parliament – if it has no desire to pass the law it never see the light of day.

Look how Sosma (Security Offences [Special Measures] Act), Pota (Prevention of Terrorism Act) and sedition laws have been passed in the wee hours of the morning when there is a will.

If you can’t do your job, just shut up.

Kingfisher: The sentiments, emotions and agony of mothers denied fundamental rights in respect to their special relationship with their under-aged children is common to all women/mothers, irrespective of their religious status.

No laws, be it assumed to be divinely approved or man-made, should be enabled to summarily dismiss this special relationship.

The MIC, whose membership includes Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs and Christians, has a responsibility to redress any serious grievances in this regard.

Worldly Wise: Saravanan should lead a campaign to amend the federal constitution to exclude the jurisdiction of the Syariah Court over persons whose religion is disputed and is yet to be determined.

The Syariah Court should only exercise jurisdiction over persons who profess Islam. It should be a court of choice, not of compulsion.

BernieBaby: K Pathmanathan @ Muhammad Ridhuan Abdullah has insulted and made a mockery of Islam. He has used the religion to get custody of his children.

Muslims must ask themselves, do you condone this?



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